Senpai Vs Kouhai! Klaus Vs Storm

In Lita and Klaus' location, Lita is still healing Inessa's injury.

"Her wound isn't closing," Lita said.




"I'm sorry... But I won't be able to make it," Inessa said.

"Don't talk like that, Inessa is currently treating your wounds," Storm said.

"You don't need to keep trying... It's impossible to heal me... My heart was damaged badly," Inessa said.


"There's something I've always wanted to tell you... Since we met eight years ago. I love you, Klaus. Sorry for taking time to tell you... May you live a good life... Because if you're happy, I'm happy. Live for me, Klaus," Inessa said.

As her last words were heard, Inessa drawed her last breath and passed away.


"Klaus, I'm sorry I couldn't do anything," Lita said.

"Lita, you stay with Inessa's body," Klaus said.

"What are you going to do?" Lita asked.