I Hope I Won't Regret It

The days of tears turn into weeks later, Miss Marta seeing that Marilena is in a slightly more serene state than the first time she saw her, she decides to return home.

When hugging her daughter, the mother notices the improvement in Marilena's expressions. "Honey, I'm glad to see you're emotional doing well compared to last time, even if it's little by little."

Marilena, enjoying the warmth of her mother's embrace, smiles gratefully. "Your presence here means the world to me, Mom. I don't know how I would have gotten through all of this without you."

Marilena's mother, looking into her eyes, says tenderly. "You are strong, my dear. The pain will turn into strength in time. And knowing that you are beginning to rise again, I feel that my work here is done."