Just One Normal Day

As the banter among Christian and his friends continues, one of them interjects with a raised eyebrow and a thoughtful expression. "But Christian, aren't you worried that Rafael might spill the beans to Marilena? I mean, she seems like a sharp one. What if she finds out you're not really a guest at the hotel?"

Christian's expression turns thoughtful for a moment as he considers the potential ramifications of Rafael revealing the truth to Marilena. "It's a risk, I suppose," he admits, his brow furrowing slightly. "But I've covered my tracks pretty well. Besides, Marilena doesn't seem like the type to hold a grudge. She's just having some fun, same as me."

His friends nod in agreement, understanding the calculated risk Christian has taken in assisting Marilena with her scheme. "Fair enough," Lucas concedes, raising his glass in a toast. "Here's to keeping things interesting."