Don't Mess With Me

Leo did his standard morning routine before going to school. What happened yesterday did not even phase him anymore. All of his boxing skills where in the A tier meaning not anybody could go and knock him out without difficulty. Leo had also been diligently training his reflexes, head movement and weaving.

He walked out of his house and started jogging to school while whistling. Honestly Leo did not give a fuck about school in Korea. After he would go pro he didn't need to go to school since he would be 18 years old. This meant he could skip some classes to solve his issues if needed.

Leo was in his classroom with a optimistic face. He was thinking whether or not the delinquents would come fight him in school. This was a double edged sword, if Leo won the fight he would humiliate the delinquents with public eyes. However it would be difficult for him since the school is narrow and small meaning if only one person managed to sneak up on him its over.

"I'm gonna camp the classroom until those idiots come running" Leo thought.

The next class when Leo was peacefully looking outside the window is when a guy with blonde hair and tanned skin opened the door. He barged into the classroom and went to Leo.

"Come to rooftop now" He said in a bad accent.

"Fuck off" Leo said with a menacing face.

The guy was scared however continued to mess with Leo. He got a task from his sunbaes to bring Leo up, and if he didn't it would lead to punishments.

It got out of control when the ugly tanned freak tried to swing on Leo. However it didn't connect, at the last second Leo dodged with his extraordinary head movement. He then stood up to meet the short freak.

"This is how we are gonna do it huh?" Leo said.

"Y-y-ou must come, or die" He said in a nervous voice.

Leo didn't care and exited the classroom to avoid the teachers eyes. After they went out is when Leo pounced his claws onto the tanned freak. He started choking the boy before throwing a few punches on his eyes and nose.

Leo hated being judged as weak and would pay everyone a visit.

"So who's up there?" Leo questioned the boy that was now crying.

"..arghh...m-m-my sunbaes a-are there.." He said with lowered head.

"How many?" Leo replied.

" o-only 8 guys and 2 girls.." He said.

"Yeah definitely not falling for that.." Leo murmured.

Leo left the boy and started walking to the rooftop, he was gonna do some reconnaissance before trying to fight anyone. Afterall information is key.

Leo was opening the door however someone was walking up the stairs behind him. He immediately tried to jump on the unknown person until he realized it was Ji-Ho.

"Looks like you're in trouble huh." Ji-Ho said.

"Unfortunately yes" Leo said while whispering.

"What happened?" Ji-Ho continued.

"I beat some of them in an alley and now they want revenge." Leo replied.

"I won't ask about more details however I can help you" Ji-Ho whispered.

"Thank you.." Leo said.

This was the first time anyone had stood with Leo on his side. Back in the states he wouldn't even try to talk to his classmates and his family was even worse.

Leo peeked through the door and saw 10 guys and 5 girls.

"What's wrong with women in this school" Leo asked Ji-Ho.

"Mmm, I don't know but it seems like they are connected as family probably." Ji-Ho said.

"Nevermind let's just end this." Leo said when opening the door.

Altough Leo saw Ji-Ho's sister in the alleyway that day he would not tell him until later.