Wrestling And Training

"Wrestling is used for takedowns in MMA, After you takedown a fighter you can move onto BJJ to finish them. " The coach said.

"Wrestling also provides a variety of ways to control opponents and dictate the flow of matches (clinches and takedowns)." He said.

"First you must get the basics down. Lets start of with the stance" The coach explained.

"Get down low with you're hands up, then look at the opponents hands and hips" He continued.

After a few tries and corrections Leo eventually got the stance down and started doing some takedown drills, single-leg grabs and double-leg dives.

"Do these moves until you have perfected them like a robot" The coach said.

After 2 hours of practicing he got tired and decided to go home for the day. At home Leo would dive into some wrestling tutorials and train his knuckles until he went to bed.

The next day..

"Let's check my stats shall we" Leo said.



Proficiency E- 27%

Upgrade: 50 points


"Nice I've made some progress, now onto the basic information" Leo thought.


[Basic Information]

Name: Leon Pierce

Age: 17

Weight: 72kg

Height: 6'3

Potential: SSS+

Body: Fit

Title: Hardworker (Gives 20% recovery rate) can be upgraded.


After bulking up alongside powerlifting made some proper gains for Leo. He definitely had better stats than most novice fighters his age. Leo had to debut in at least 8 months, he could only hope he got a match in the RFC.

"I should ask my coach about going professional later." He murmured.

Leo opened his phone and got a text message from the woman he had saved in the alleyway.

"Hello, I am Kim Ha-Rin. Thank you for helping me before. Please tell me if I can repay you I work as a TV-Journalist." She wrote.

"You're welcome, I will definitely contact you in the future." Leo said.

This was a good connection as he could do a personal interview or communicate to other fighters online when he debuts.

Leo had collected 800 points after his fight at school. It was now the time to upgrade his Wrestling. After spending all his points he had upgraded his Wrestling to C- and unlocked a new skill??



Proficiency C- 27%

Clinch Control: F- 0%

Upgrade: 300 points


"The system is being generous today" Leo murmured.

Leo then went to the gym due to him not having school that day. He gathered his courage and asked the coach about going professional.

"Coach! I want to go professional" Leo said nervously.

Lee Jong-Pil thought about it before accepting it. Leo had shown promise and great talent. His boxing was so advanced after a month it even beat him. He was finally excited in his life again. After he retired due to a horrific leg injury he had always wanted to fight again. However it was fine as long as Leo could fight for him.

"Boy, you have great potential. I will teach you everything and sponsor you." He said with excitement.

"It will be a tough road however I have seen your capabilities. Every Saturday from now on will be a sparring day. " He explained.

"Also come train everyday, I don't care if you have dates or something planned." He said

"Haha of course coach!" Leo replied.

"Now show me you're takedowns" The coach said.

Leo nodded and started doing his takedowns. However this time it wasn't sloppy or weird. Leo was fluid and had decent technique like a wrestler that's been training for 3 years.

Lee Jong-Pil was amazed how fast Leo mastered the techniques. It took him 1-2 years to fully perfect them, however here was a 17-year old doing them almost perfectly after a day of training.

"You really surprise me you know." He said with a happy face.

Leo smiled before entering his coachs office.

"Listen here, if everything goes well I will sign you up to a amateur competition. If you win it the RFC might get interested." His coach said.

"A amateur competition.. when?"Leo said.

"In about 3 months, so in May." The coach replied.

"Alright thank you" He said before bowing down. And resumed training.