Never Contest Me

"System activate focus" Leo thought.

[Focus skill activated]

"Touch gloves" the referee shouted.

Leo walked to Osuke who stood there with a confident posture.

"Watch me destroy you" Osuke said in English.

"Fuck you" Leo replied and then started smiling with his black mouth guard.

Osuke had a frown on his face and returned to his wall. The match then started, both of the fighters slowly walked to the middle. Leo pointed at Osuke and gave a "come" sign with his fingers.

"This fucker.." Osuke thought.

Osuke steadily approached until Leo leaped forward and threw a jab. Altough he was surprised he still managed to dodge, however that wasn't all of Leo's attack. He then went for a double legged takedown but only managed to get one leg. Leo pulled on the leg until Osuke tumbled. He jumped on top and started releasing a fury of punches onto Osukes face.

"There we go Leo" His uncle said.

"LEO don't let him escape!" His coach shouted.

Osuke managed to escape after he launched himself up with his great core strength.

"Tsk" Leo said before standing up.

"Not so confident now are ya?" Leo asked.

However no answer came from Osuke.

"You just got lucky" Osuke murmured.

Osuke went to Leo and threw a jab-jab-cross alongside a hook. Leo dodged back and countered with a jab that touched Osukes nose. Osuke stepped back before attempting a front kick on Leo. He blocked the kick before running towards Osuke. Leo tried throwing punches at Osuke but he dodged.

Osuke roundhouse kicked Leo's ribs and he stepped back.

"Arghh.." Leo said.

Osuke ran towards Leo however with his focus skill he saw a gap in his guard. He threw a cross that connected onto Osukes chin before doing a double-legged takedown which brought him to the floor. Leo instantly went down and did an armbar. After a few seconds of applying pressure Osuke tapped crowning Leo as the winner. He started running around the octagon screaming.

"Wow after only 3 minutes we have a winner! Leon Pierce comes out victorious after finishing with an amazing armbar that devastated Osuke!" He shouted.

People spectating started clapping and cheering after witnessing a impressive armbar. His coach however thought that Leo was foolish to attempt something he hasn't practiced.

Leo then ran to his coach and hugged him. The coach hugged him back and started congratulating the boy.

"He's really good isn't he Charlotte.." Robert said.

"Seems like it" she responded.

Charlotte didn't know much about fighting and was only there due to Robert's persistence in her coming.

Leo then went to the locker room after the fight.

"When did you learn that?" His coach asked.

"From a YouTube video" Leo replied.

"Never try to attempt something like that again until you show me" The coach continued.

"Alright, sorry. But i still came out victorious right?" Leo said.

"True, but this is only the start. You have more opponents left if you want to win the tournament." He said.