A business trip??

10:00 AM Atlanta Georgia

"Goodmorning dad" Ryan said.

"Mornin" He replied.

"Have you heard anything from that guy?" Ryan asked.

"Leon? I don't know and don't care. What he did was unacceptable" Edwin scoffed.

"You know he's in South Korea right?" Ryan replied.

"What? He must be with my brother then.." Edwin murmured.

"By the way how did you know that?" Edwin asked.

"There's a popular YouTube video going around. He won a MMA match or something" Ryan said.

"MMA? ha he could barely even box. You must be delusional, it must be another person." Edwin said while laughing.

"Nope it's definitely him" Ryan continued while watching the video.

"Who cares he'll probably lose the next match anyways." Edwin said hastily.

"Also how's it going with Hannah? Is she still on that buisiness trip?" Edwin said while sighing.

"I don't know she's you're wife afterall."Ryan replied.

Meanwhile in Las Vegas..

Hannah entered the casino with an old man dressed in a luxurious suit.

"Baby don't spend to much.." Hannah said while caressing the man.

"Don't worry my love, it won't leave a dent like your husband's wallet anyways" He said while laughing.

"Hahaha.." Hannah replied laughing awkwardly.

Hannah had gone on a so called "business trip" with her company. She has always been obsessed with money even after her parents lost all their assets. She was a spoiled brat growing up however when her parents lost their assets due to a miscalculated investment she went bankrupt due to having no way of working. She didn't even go to college and only enjoyed her mid-twenties with partying and men.

She noticed Edwin after he became a boxing champion. They started dating and when Edwin lost his title she was already engaged with him. She was furious however that all changed when Ryan approached her with a deal. They decided to partner up to get Leon out of the house. Ryan would save up money and give her 5 thousand dollars. She would in return "sleep" with Leon to kick him out. Of course she agreed due to her not wanting to take care of a brat in her eyes.

Leon would not accept any other woman as his mother. It didn't help that Hannah would barely communicate with him either. He hated that woman after seeing her sneak out the house multiple times while playing games in his room.

After a 2 weeks of being absent Edwin took notice. He was getting paranoid and called her multiple times. However she didn't answer until now.

"Hey why didn't you answer my calls??" Edwin said furiously.

"Sorry I had no battery.." she said after thinking of an excuse.

"No battery?? I literally put a charger into you're suitcase for you" He said dumbfounded by her excuse.

"I don't know but i couldn't find it, sorry baby." She replied with a soft voice to try and ease her husband.

"It's alright I was just concerned" he said after accepting her excuse.

"Also when are you coming back?" He continued.

"Maybe in 2 days, 4 days max. "She replied quickly.

"Alright I miss you babe" He said.

"Miss you too!" She said eagerly.

"Bye " He lastly said.

"Bye bye baby" Hannah said before hanging up.

Edwin was suspicious of his wife's behavior however denied it after thinking about his sweet and loving wife.