7. Sammy

Arthur and I gave Kate and Betty privacy and went to the bathroom to shower together.

I soaped up my scrubber and told Arthur to sit before me.

" You are a riot, Arthur."

Arthur had never heard this much praise and received this much love in his entire life. He was blushing where he sat. I rinsed him free of soap after the scrubbing. He kissed me and smiled.

" My turn."

He stood me up and requested me to put my hand on the wall. He soaped, scrubbed, and rinsed me. After that he said,

"There is one more place left dirty."

He crouched down and stuck his tongue inside my ass. He is French kissing my butthole like it's a long-lost lover. Bless his heart. He wanted to do it so I'm going to let him lick my ass. I caressed his scalp as he gave me a rimjob. He is licking it, hair and all. He doesn't get disgusted.

I turned around and grabbed him by his hair. Seduced by his innocent eyes, I slipped my penis between his lips. He didn't take my strokes into his throat. Instead, he created a suction with his mouth with every pull, covering the rest of my length with his hands. He is good at this.

After ten minutes of heaven, he leaned back and massaged his tired jaw.

"Do you want to get your ass fucked again?"

Arthur smiled and nodded.

"Go get the lube. The previous one washed off."

He walked past scissoring girls and brought the lube back. He liberally applied the substance to my manhood. I can tell that he is excited. His perverted and slutty body couldn't get enough. He excitedly got up and presented his ass to me.

He is acting cute. The circumference of his butthole has a red hue because it's well fucked.

I pushed myself inside him again. He instantly gasped with pleasure. I ran my fingers through his raven-black hair and pulled his hair. He folded like a pretzel. Not only is he flamboyantly gay, but he is fairly flexible too. I kept jackhammering his soft tush. I pinned him against the wall and licked his earlobe as I slowly ground his bowels with my massive girth. His eyes rolled back and he sprayed his worthless, infertile, two-star seed onto the bathroom floor. While he was doing that, I increased my tempo and mercilessly washed his insides with top-notch superior man batter. His lily-white butt was quivering on my light brown conqueror. He fell on his knees, his sissy pussy leaking.

Seeing his pathetic display, I understood that I didn't fuck him like a mere man. I bestowed upon him my slippery white blessing like the ten-star God among men I am.

He got up and we legitimately took a bath this time. Betty sat on the sidelines when I started to wash Kate. She invited Arthur to sit on her lap.

Kate is still mellow with all that sapphic lovemaking. I had never seen her this happy when we attended school together. We aren't going to fuck now because I've already exhausted my load on the semen demon that is currently sitting on Betty's lap.

Betty suckles on Arthur's itty bitty hormone titties. The funny thing is, that Arthur is so full of hormones that he starts lactating.

Betty, having tasted the rarest of all kinds of milk, started to bully poor Arthur's nipples.

I joyfully scrub the sweat off Kate. I love the act of adoring the naked bodies of women between my hands.

With Kate cleaned, I called Betty into the bath. She smacked Arthur's buttocks, requesting him to get up.

Both Kate and Betty are Arthur's superiors according to their star ratings. That is reflected in how they behave. They are way more daring when interacting with Arthur. It's as if they don't respect him that much.

Betty swaggers into the bath, her shaven pussy is out for everyone to see. She submissively walks into my embrace. She is bashful and happy to be pampered. I scrub her sticky and sweaty body with soap and hot water. She lifts her arms to let me get underneath her breasts. Sometimes I put surprise kisses on her rosy cheeks and watch her blush. Her plump buttocks, soft and shapely tits, she is willing to dedicate them to me and I truly love that about her. Her young and supple womb is aching for my seed. I leaned in and whispered into her ear.

"I will repeatedly impregnate you. Dedicate your body to me."

I started massaging her womb and her ovaries. Her breathing gets labored as she appreciates my attention. She lets me see every obscured body part so I can scrub her. She lifts her arms to show me her armpits. She lifts her breasts to allow me access to underneath her breasts. She reached around and presented me her buttcrack so I could scrub it too.

Animals have the advantage of not getting overwhelmed by the world's logic. They love to be petted, something scares them, they run, something feeds them, they approach. among these animal behaviors is grooming. Members of a pack clean lice off each other and that strengthens the bond between individuals.

Humans, with all our culture, have forgotten about such primal feelings. Everyone bathing together right now is feeling a sublime joy that they don't fully understand. We wrapped ourselves with towels and sat around to watch a movie.

Betty brought hot coffee for all of us to drink in the meantime. Kate, satisfied with the dryness of her body shed the towel and sat on the couch naked except the towel covering her hair.

Two-thirds into the movie, the door rang. I answered the door with my dick dangling in the wind.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

The curly girl who had rang the doorbell was shocked. Her eyes locked on my cock, she forgot what she was going to say. She just stood there with the plate of food in her hand.


I recognized that my being naked was a bit unusual.

"Oh, don't mind my nudity. I've been fucking is all." I gestured towards the people inside. Betty waved her hand and her breasts swayed around. She is smiling. Having her tits out must be freeing.

There is no chance that she is a minor. First of all, she doesn't look like one. Second, this is an adult town and minors live out in the nurturing towns.

"Why don't you come in? Don't worry we don't bite." She awkwardly walked in. I quickly showed her my ID to defuse her timidness.

"I need to have sex with a lot of people for the good of the people. I need to spread my genes. I hope you don't mind. I'm Rex by the way."

She finally talked, seemingly feeling elated.

"I thought you people were just crazy. Now that I have context It all makes sense. I'm Sammy, nice to meet you, Rex. I'm staying with my parents until I find a job. It's been a month since you moved into this apartment Rex. My parents decided to invite you to dinner to get to know their neighbors better."

I observe her body language. She is trying to puff up her chest.

"What about you Sammy? Do you want to get to know your neighbor better?"

She blushed. She was waiting for a positive response to their attempts at seduction. She is a bit inexperienced and doesn't know how to hold her end of the conversation. After a long awkward silence she finally blurts out with a cracked voice.

"Yes, I want to know my neighbor better."

She has gathered all her courage to be able to say that. I can tell. That was enough for me to adore her. I walked up to her and put her hair behind her ear. I placed a kiss on her rosy cheek.

"I'm looking forward to the dinner. Is tomorrow alright?"

I can tell her heart is beating like drums. I'm way too close and it's too much for her. Since I've decided to impregnate Sammy, I need to be cruel and disregard her social anxieties to make this interaction smoother.

I put my hand on her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. She instinctively resisted for a second and then she surrendered. Without boldness, we would all be isolated people. I'd abhor such a future. So I walk up to people, I respond to people and I embrace people. It's all in good fun if I don't cross the line on comfort. All interactions must take place within the mutual interest and consent that is at least implied.

Even though she is terrified, Sammy has given me her blessing to approach her. She is mellowing out within my embrace I kiss her ever so passionately. A salvia bride forms between our lips as I pull back.

"Yes, tomorrow would be alright."