11. Saving Lives II

I pulled the doctor to the corner and said,

"I know there are rich people procedures and poor people procedures. This is my budget, Do what you can with it."

The doctor nodded. He didn't protest. He knew I was right. He seemed relieved that he didn't need to ruin people with cheap treatments. Or maybe it was a greedy smile who is glad to find a sucker.

I decided to put my money on the line. I didn't want to go half-measure when saving somebody.

These women, as I learned later, were named Chloe and Zoe. They were smoking that good Zaza near a big dog, the dog got paranoid and tried to attack Zoe's toddler. They were mauled trying to save the kid and have been rushed to the hospital.

They were given opioids during the treatment period and got hooked up. After being cut off, Zoe tried to get a dose from the streets. Unfortunately for her, it was cut with fentanyl+. Chloe, likewise got hooked on Tranq+ trying to secure her fix. Tranq+'s street name is the zobie drug. The user's flesh starts to rot on them while they walk the street like they are in a zombie movie.

Since I paid good money, doctors tried to clear her necrotic tissue.

I called home to inform Kate about my expenses. She understood. Even though I did the right thing, a part of me wanted to leave here. Why would I save the people whom everybody else has abandoned? There was nothing I could do, so I started hanging out at the hospital's cafeteria.

There was this nurse whom I found pleasing to the eye. She has tanned skin and jet-black hair. She looks Asian. She reached into her bag and pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. She went out to the balcony and started smoking.

I approached her while she was admiring the view.


She turned towards me. Her eyes were like she'd been through World War Three.

"How can I help you.."

She had the raspiest voice I've ever heard on a woman. I almost got embarrassed to bring up the question.

"This is my card. I'm a ten-star man. I was asking if you want to bear me a child. I've seen you from afar and I'm not going to lie, I liked the way you carry yourself."

She brought out her phone and checked something. She nodded when she found out I was the same person as the one in the database. She bared her ass and leaned on the rails of the balcony.

"Come on handsome, I don't have all day."

I hugged her from behind as I fondled her breast over her clothes. She moaned a bit and asked.

"So, what brought you to these parts ten-star man?"

She is making small talk while I'm trying to get her wet. She is a socially capable person. she understands that she needs to dispel the awkward atmosphere as soon as possible for a more enjoyable experience for both of us.

"I found a person dying on the street and brought them to hospital. I was going to visit the gene cult to impregnate some priestesses. I was walking through the homeless encampment to get there. A woman died near me and I had to do CPR."

I inserted myself into her wet pussy, and started to slowly work her back. Her pussy makes an awful lot of wet noises.

She kissed me on the cheek. Her breath reeks of cigarettes.

"I love a man who knows his way around a woman's heart."

Her pussy is nice. She knows how to accept a man to her most private place. People glanced at us once and resumed what they were doing. They understand that breeding is an important part of life.

She didn't put out her lit cigarette. She was getting a collection of things she enjoyed. She liked cigarettes, the view from this balcony, and a good dick. She was getting all three.

She doesn't have much time on her break so I fucked her with a fast tempo. It helped that her pussy gripped me like a chimpanzee would a branch. I pushed myself into her as deep as I could and emptied my seeds inside the good nurse.

I pulled my cock out and thick semen spilled onto the floor. She pulled her pants up with shaky hands and kissed me on the cheek again.

"Thank you. That felt nice."

I stopped her from leaving for a moment.

"Here is your username and password, if you get pregnant, please post some photos on this."

She smiled. Her dimples are cute.

"Thanks again."

She is in a hurry. She is most likely late to get back to work. Now it's up to my boys to swim toward her eggs. I want her belly to swell with my conquest. No, I crave it. I watched her plump butt walk away from me. Those are some child-bearing hips.

I feel pride for what I did. Like the great man I am, I creampied that pussy good.

I left my phone number on the hospital database so they would call me if something happened to them In the meantime their family has been notified of their state.

"Uuu, my poor girls!"

A fat blonde woman was making a fuss in the emergency ward.

"My Chloe! My Zoe! Oh no!"

The nurses who were consoling the hysteric woman guided her to me.

"It was this gentleman who brought your daughters to the ward. You might want to talk to him."

She turned to me, her eyes full of tears.

"Thank you, sir, thank you!"

She quickly hugged me. Her hair was disheveled and poorly put together. I hugged her back almost out of obligation.

The nurse continued to inform the fat lady. "He covered all the hospital expenses. Zoe's treatment was cheap but Chloe's treatment was a bit pricy.

"How can I repay your kindness?"

I don't want to fuck her. She is fat and ugly.

"Leave your daughters in my custody until they are clean and sober. You already failed them. I kind of don't trust you."

I pushed her away a bit. I don't want this woman to feel dependent on me. I don't want to be seen doing good things out of the goodness of my heart. That's what suckers do. She pondered a bit. She considered the issues somberly. It was clear that If Chloe and Zoe returned to their previous life, they would most likely slip back into their old habits.

"I understand, but I get to see them, and you don't get to abuse them in any way except for preventing them from acquiring more drugs."

Their mother is shrewd. She directly laid down the law.

"Of course, you can see them. But if ı see you bring in drugs, I will beat you black and blue. Do you understand? they will try to manipulate your emotions. They will beg and cry. They need someone who would say no to them."

She nodded, resigned to my terms.

We went back home and waited for the good news.

Because I paid good money, the doctor administered a mixture of psychedelics to rewire their neural pathways to try and mitigate the effects of the withdrawal symptoms. According to the doctor, addiction and neural pathways are tangentially related. When the user takes a drug, the brain excretes happiness hormones. In the meantime, the brain thinks the user did something good and makes neural pathways of the brain that associate happiness with the drug tick as hell.

Chloe certainly got the worst of it. she has stitches all over her arms where her necrotic tissues and exchars were. Because her body is tolerant to anesthetics, she suffered greatly throughout the procedure. She also has back problems from walking like a zombie for hours on end. The doctor suggested we look into that later as she is in no state to have back surgery.

Half of Zoe's face is full of scars. The doctor said she likely pinched little chunks of flesh off her face while tripping on a cocktail of addictive chemicals. Things the doctor told me bummed me out so I requested him to stop and just tell me what to do. He told me to keep them away from the places that might urge them to relapse.

I nodded.

I brought my phone out and ran the Government AI app. It's an app that allows citizens to converse with the AI that runs the country.

"Gov AI, how come you haven't solved the opioid problem for hundreds of years?"

[Replying... Please wait.]

[Even though it's societally harmful, the opioid crisis is genetically beneficial. The cold, the addiction, and the starvation put individuals in a position that makes them more likely to develop beneficial mutations through natural selection.]

"That doesn't make that much sense. I know there is more to it than that. "