The beginning

during the great pangeae and ice age

the Bible recorder the creation of the earth in Genesis 1 and life was born through dust and life was breath into man

the first man Adam was created and from the creation of GOD,Adam first wife lilith also know as the mother of Adam's demonic offspring was banish from the garden of Eden and Eve was the new companion of Adam but before that Lilith wonder the earth to a far place know as the red sea,She pronounced the name of God, flew up out of Paradise, and went off to the land. God sent angels to capture her and bring her back to Adam, threatening that if she didn't come along, she would lose a hundred of her demon children daily.

Lilith's name is not included in the creation story of the Torah but she appears in several midrashic texts. Her symbolism, history and literature are debated among Jewish scholars, feminists and other intellectuals. There are multiple origin stories for Lilith but the most popular story of Lilith as the first wife of Adam was know to the Matai people very well. According to the "first Eve" story Lilith was created by God from dust and placed to live in the garden with Adam until problems arose between Adam and Lilith when Adam tried to exercise dominance over Lilith. She believed they were created equal, both from the dust of the earth, After Adam disagreed, Lilith fled the Garden of Eden to gain her independence. Adam told God that Lilith had left and God sent three angels, Senoi, Sansenoi, and Sammangelof, to retrieve her. The three angels found Lilith in a cave bearing children but Lilith refused to come back to the garden. The angels told her they would kill 100 of her children every day for her disobedience. In revenge, she is said to rob children of life in that land and that land is Egypt which we all know, the deaths of still-born infants and crib deaths male children are at risk of Lilith's wrath for 8 days after birth (until circumcision) and girls are at risk for 20 days. Although Lilith stole children's lives in the night, to satisfied her loneliness and as her act of the queen of demon.

earth-bound demons to replace her children killed by the angels(she lived with her children in a far away place in a cave where she and her children become the children of the night and with her fallen the devil which will all know set her on high with him,Lilith also know as the nightmare demonic spirit to men, during masturbation and erotic dreams she uses it to replenish her own offspring.the devil visit Lilith in her cave giving her the power of the world and of high.

Years and ages past and then decades turn into century after the earth was flooded the Shaab Claudio's cave never to be a home for anyone again

but Lilith become the mother of the night(she is said to rob children of life and is responsible for the deaths of still-born infants and crib deaths)she did this for centuries.lilith was layed to rest in a place called Matai today where she rub mother of their children at night (children of 2-5yrs alway say they saw a woman with a monster face sing and her voice was pretty,for this was a rumor).

Boulos the head of the supreme constitution Court of Matai,wife was with an infant born baby-boy and where his house was an home of entertainment to the rich and the wealthy ones,also a father to mesan and Jorak,at night when children and father were asleep Lilith wonder the city and when to Boulos wife(merak) room and steadily slipe her hand toward the baby neck and begin to take the life out of the child,merak woke up and saw Lilith in fear she shout and Lilith took the child away from her mother in hasty(climbing through the wall and toward the window and ran toward the roof then she disappeared) the guard outside seeing this was frighten.Boulos waking up from merak scream got a glimpse of the woman and was shook to his surprise.

Boulos called upon the elder of the city in the morning and ask what was that creature was it a woman performing witchcraft try to steal away my baby which successful in doing so or what was the hell was that which took away my son(raging in anger) the elder knowing what the situation was about (after hearing rumor of the situation)the elder simply say the rumor and myth was true.

among the elder a man spoke up

Elder 1:legend say this land was once inhabitant by a witchcraft called the mother of demon our ancestor wrote this to let us we the next generations to know what will before us here and wherever we go the spirit go also and taking children from us at night as a way of she multiple her household(Boulos confuse of the word her household)

Boulos:what do you mean by her household

Elder 2:boy your son is no more

Boulos:watch your tongue man

Elder 1: it's alright the boy deserves to know about our history,years before our ancestor rule this land we travel the earth and in search of knowledge and people culture our ancestor came across a woman being weary she offer us a resting place in her cave and she was without a man and being away from our wife and people the desire and ogry grow everytime she speak to them (her voice was as calm as wind and her face was as innocent as a child)our ancestor said they will stay in her place for 2days untill they replenish they're strength and among them was a man who have desire to sleep with her at night he move outside the cave and called the woman name lilith and sleep with her not knowing the desire and ogry he feel was being manipulated by her to gain dominant of him and he did this for 2hours not knowing that his kin already knows and said to him brother you know not of this woman yet you lay with her(Lilith show regret in her eye) Lilith said he force himself on me his kin men kill him there and told her they will accompany her here and send word to their people,that they find a place called home to stay.

the kin men sent for their wife and settle here every infant child was lost and still born child was more so they decided to called their people to settle there with them and Lilith eventual find a man among his kin men and Matai was born and eventually they notice their number did not replenish but become small and they set elderly woman to nurse their wife while the men plan on how to settle this infant issues at the day of that night one of the mid-wife notice a creepy look alike a woman killing infant after 2days,this raised the kin men to be on the lookout and grow more for they know each other for birth but Lilith not very so they start gathering all infant in the house of thier leader and employ some of their strongest men in guard and eldest woman in the elder house to take care of the infant but unfortunately Lilith strike again but the people was ready they cast their net and eventually catch her and set her ablaze but after Dead she still hunt us wherever we go and our bloodline are threatened,so na do you understand

Boulos:such tale for kids,I don't mean story

Elder:have you not seen her with your eye?

your kids also are in danger because you have seen her and you are to not have sexy with any woman and fancy about anyone who she would come to you

(Chasing the elder out)

Boulos lost in though

the next day rumor rain out that kids was missing from their bed,the town chief invited a seeker to find what wrong with thier home but the seeker said to gather all the woman in a field where the incantation was made but to the seeker knowledge say this is a curse from thier ancestor which can never be broken but prevented from infant child but still born child would still be large among you but when they ask her for the answer she said the answer is within you and you know,the answer lie in a amulet which you must find yourself

the town chief confuse summon the best jewelry seller to make a amulet for every child but to their fall the infant still keep missing and before every infant missing you would hear a child cry and a lady sing to the child that what the elder wife say with the mid wife

(at the trade center an exorcist passing the town hearing the rumor ask some of the trader to confirm the story to his amazement the story were true)

one of the trader asking why is the exorcist asking for information are you the one behind the children disappeared and the crowd turn to know what is happening to their amazement (John) exorcist said he could get rid of this situation and his going to help them after being taken to the elder of the town and the elder question him and found out his attention were pure so they decided to make a place for him and they should explain the situation more the elder said you already know what going on in this town and the rumor is not new but we are going to take your consideration into heart because this are desperate time.

so the elder made up their minds to keep the exorcist man close to the infant mother home but he will stay with the guard men

Lilith have already gain a name to the crowd the mother of the night At night she plan to strike again but to her aveil the exorcist was ready for her,he prepare holy water and told the guard to set lights close to the window and told them to move the children to a room where there is only one window and the mid wife and guard should be there in two's and they should be guard randomly spread and some by the outside of the house with lantern and once the lantern of the house is on,their should be off and when the lantern off they should move toward the house with their arrows and bow and shot any body moving on the roof and the exorcist strictly said a bowl of oil Shou be place close to the window as well but they should tell anyone about the bowl of oil if she move from the wall like they said the oil print would confirm it(he said this because he didn't believe someone could move on wall without getting fall)the news was not told about to most guard, Lilith take children by night is a act to increase this lots she have for her children.

the chief of security did bother with the tale they were cooking up.he set up stance at a place close to the guard,but the guard didn't know about him but he was also using this opportunity to see a mid wife maid sleep with her so he decided to pay attention to what going on so to his great observation he knows something was going on so he stayed in his stance all day till night fall.

Lilith strike was also predicted by the exorcist and she came by the window following her was a great wind the guard didn't know they were dealing with a demon but they thought a witch was responsible for this but she walk through the window without the lock being broken(the lantern in the room was off immediately the guard saw her coming and told the mid wife to take the children out of there and the guard try to stop her but their spear and sword have no effect but went through her then she kill the guard and the exorcist rush to the room and open his book to exorcist Lilith but before he could say anything she throw him at the wall then the exorcist know this isn't a witch being possessed but a higher demon.

the children was surrounded by the guard while the exorcist was unconscious and two guard was kill near him then Lilith seeing this she withdraw and said I will have the children and all the men seed shall be mine.

the following day the guard gathered their self and being in fear and the elder was there so was the chief of security being witnessed what happened yesterday he said I believe you guys and now I know the rumor is true(the elder nodding his head in stress)the elder say Boulos whether you believe us or not is no longer the matter she said she is coming back Boulos said as an elder i did not acknowledge you fot your wisdom but you seem to know more of this land than anyone,for you are no longer an elder but an important person in this matter please allow me to said this sir Anthony(the other elder stoop up in rage)Elder 2;you dare say an elder by his name you disrespectful shit

Anthony said;he said my name out of respect Dave and Stephen calm down ,that if you say so

Stephen:what is Boulos doing here and what does he have to offer in this matter(Anthony standing up)let hear all Anthony have to say

Anthony;I have lived long and I pray to see my children grow we need all hands on desk in this matter,Boulos here is not a threat,lets set a coffin

every soldier and men's above 20's we be on look out

from today we closed entry and going out of the village and Boulos you and John will be holding this meeting today at day break(John starting up)

John;I have few things to say,this matter isn't a witchcraft and witch doing I believe this demon is a high class demon and demon don't just come and go is either there is a place or object anything connect to the demon and i believe this demon can talk and let's seek out what she want

Stephen;are you deluded,hey exorcist

John;my name is John

Stephen;you want us to reason with a witch or demon

John;no,let find why she here and know how to stop her and I want all the soldier and men should wear this amulet, it's archangel Michael amulet so it will protect us

Anthony;you have my thank.

(the following day John was announce as a village visitor and will aim us with his present in this situation,Boulos gathered the men's ,hunter and youth)

Boulos;we stand here as a one,the rumor have been confirmed true and we need everyone's strength to defeat the spirit of death,are you with me on this

crowd;death,we don't want to get killed

Boulos;I guarantee that we are going to pull through with this amulet from our visitor John he is an expect in all this

John;(whistling to Boulos)I haven't identified this demon and I am not 100% sure Because I know she is definitely a higher rank demon.

we would set up check up in all areas closed to the recent movement of the demon and that all.

Boulos said at the security gathering not all plans always goes all plan we must not ignore that she killed kids our children and she may also attack us so be prepared and not weary,each team was given a leader three in pair ten in total numbers

Group 1(Andre the captain,lasi,Paul)

Group 2(shank the captain, tobi,Micheal)

Group3(Dinor the captain,bob,kelvin)

Group4(Darrell the captain,Collin,Jill)

Group5(Jack the captain, Merrill,besphat)

Group6(rukky the captain,bepta,gadin)

Group7(Tori the captain,Kori,mand)

Group8(Terri the captain,tosi,kosi)

Group9(jicken the captain,Dave,Matty)

Group10(yola the captain, bright,Tony).

John: why do some of the name sound more like name from my town(Boulos turn towards John)

Boulos:ahhh,your people often associate yourself with our children and wife at the trade market so our wife give a like to the name and some of the name given to the men here are children which your mid wife give birth to and you guys are taking away our pride in our name choose by ancestry meaning let go no more question

Boulos:group1-10 captain to my house I will show you the map and the guard places.

Andre:Boulos I never thought your place looks nice

John:what do you mean by though,have you never been here

Andre:no,only elder and the security team are allow to here and with the head security organizing their scout means they have already told you guys where will be guarding and I bet they are put us in a less troublesome place with no fun,I guess

the rumor spreading like wildfire and for you the head of the supreme constitution of matai to be here confirm it's true and your son death also means revenge

john:boy pipe down,here is the map and location to guard and I have a question Boulos with this demon,how do you guys not know about this

Boulos:we know but we choose to ignore it at first we thought it was a random rumor to strike fear to pregnant woman and it's just a tale know only by the elder,I know you would like to know where the kids are scouting and here a map and take a look at it and used this to indicate where the witch is staying.

john:am no professional,let me see

from my experience she can run on wall means she not only a higher demon means she can talk and most demon avoid contact with people,let mark out the place she have raided,okay.

the places she have been seen recently show a line between the cemetery.

I need to have a word with the elder,Boulos let go.

just before dawn Boulos and John arrive and the security team said the men are they in position and some hunter volunteer and also some teens will be scouting with us total 8

john:chief of security wait, where is the elder?

his him inside

chief of security:yes(john walking inside the house)

john:elder is there any story about the old cemetery

elder:why do you ask?

john:I think we should double guard there and send few of the hunter which volunteer there

Boulos:where was Lilith bury?

Anthony:I believe my father would know the answer to the exact question you are answering but my father said she was bury in the land which later become the cemetery and her body disappearing but my father grandfather lead the hunting party to find out if she was still alive, scouting the area but they found nothing but traveller using the shore as fishing yard.

john:what happened to the fisher men

Anthony:I don't know that why I said my father could give you more accurate to the story but he is dead, can I ask you a question Mr exorcist John?


Anthony:can a demon be killed?


Anthony: what do you intend to do?

John:cast her away from this land back to where she come from (Boulos and John walking out from the house)

we should go to the cemetery,the scouting men are there and the hunter are still there we should go to the rear guard ,

john: don't you think this situation is extreme I should give word to my people to come aid you and with better man power.


boulos greetings the scouting men after reaching the cemetery

Boulos:Good evening men, please don't mind us carry on

I just need to speak with the team captain

Mori team captain

Mori:I am the team captain

Boulos:I need a word,they are word that the demon would be residing here and when she come out we need your men to take this amulet and truck her with this

Mori:no actual plan,how sure are you this amulet can kick her just an amulet and I have my doubts,I know this is our homeland and we have rights to fight for this but if shit go sideways I need a man to secure a chance of winning not with amulet right now