Chapter 1

Yvanna POV.

Miss Maurice, someone's looking for you.My assistant said

Can you ask what they need from me?

Yes, ma'am, just wait for me here.

I just nodded to her and continued what I'm doing.

after 5 minutes she came back

They needed to talk to you privately about something they couldn't discuss with me, Miss Maurice.

OK. Tell them to wait for me

I said then fix myself before going where are those people

I'm here infront of those people who i never thought i would see again

What do you want from me?

I ask coldly

Maurice, daughter we need your help please help us

the woman who never become a mother to them said

How much? I ask coldly

N-no we don't need money

If you don't need money then you can leave now. I have many works to do so don't waste my time

We're sorry we abandoned you

The man who is supposed to be my dad said

After 5 fucking years of hell and now your here saying sorry to me because you need me

You guys are heartless. You didn't know how much i suffer because of you

While saying this words i heard my voice cracked but i don't care

Tell me what do you need

I said while looking at them holding my tears because i promise to my self that i won't cry because of them again

We have debt to Mr. Mendez

But he don't want us to paid it using money he want us to paid him through marrying one of our daughters

the woman who gave me life and ruined it said

Your still heartless.Are you saying you want me to marry that person for your favorite daughter sake huh! Your unbelievable

I shouted because no matter how many years past I'm still hurting because of them

But we have no choice she's engaged with Mr. Montes and your the only daughter we have except her

Then ruin their engagement

I said coldly sounding like a villain in a story

We can't do that your sister loves him very much

she said in a low tone

If i help you. Are you going to tell me who's my real father?

I said her seeking the answer in her own eyes because eyes don't lie

Yes, I will tell you everything you want to know about him

Huh! She's that important to you that your willing to tell everything to me for her sake

I can't help but to shout those words

I'm also your daughter. In case you forgot that you have another daughter that you treated as one of your biggest mistake

Please, Yvanna help my daughter and i will give everything you will be asking in exchange

She begged then kneel in front of me

She's willing to lower her pride just for her favorite daughter. Huh?!

Then I will accept her offer and in exchange i will ruin her daughter's life just like what they did to mine

Stand up

I said coldly while staring at her eyes

I will help you in exchange you will tell me everything

While saying those words, I feel my tears running down to my face

Once I help them, i will slowly ruin their daughter life

And I will make her feel what I felt before because of her parents they make me suffer

Tommorow. Tell me everything if you lie to me. I won't think twice to ruin her life

I said while there's a hint of authority in my tone

I will.Thankyou yvanna your still the same kind and sweet girl we know

Your wrong i'm not the same yvanna anymore because of what you did,i learn to be heartless and cold

I wanna said these words to them but i choose not to say it

We will have a dinner with Mr.mendez later at 7pm.Don't be late Yvanna,daughter

She then she left with her husband

I wanna hurt them so bad to make them feel what i feel before but i can't hurt them

But I can hurt her daughter instead of her

It will break her seeing her daughter breaking to pieces and she can't do anything about it

I may look like a villain in other people eyes but i don't about that anymore

What i care about now is how can i make them feel how broken. I am because of them

Just like everyone said every villain has a sad story

Villain is not born to be villain but they are force to be one because of those heart breaking things happened that to them.