
Yvanna already forgive even who hurt her and learned that revenge won't do any good to her

She forgive Yvonne and little by little they become close again together with Mel who become geib's girlfriend

After all what happened to her life she learned that it is important to hear each other reason so that it won't cause any misunderstanding

Brielle! You get into trouble again

I scold her when i see her

But mom they tried to bully someone so i help her

She explained

Yes, you help someone but you get into trouble

There's nothing wrong in helping other people but always use words first before violence. Do you understand Hermione Brielle?

Yes mom she said while lowering her head

Calm down my lady, don't be mad at our daughter ok? I"ll fix everything

Hades said that made me rolled my eyes at him

You always spoiled our daughter, she's been involve into trouble these days

Ok, i won't love so don't be mad to us ok?

He said using a gentle tone