An unhealthy food

Tabitha was awakened by her mother the next morning. She had been unable to sleep for the majority of the night, haunted by thoughts of what her family had done to her. The weight of the betrayal made it difficult for her to find peaceful rest.

Tabitha's heart felt heavy. Despite the evidence laid before her eyes, she still couldn't fully believe that the people she had loved all her life were her enemies.

Recalling the painful memory of catching Donald cheating on her with her selfish sister and how he took Bianca's side when confronted the night before, Tabitha's heart broke anew.

Wailing, she revisited those distressing memories and cried even more as the reality of her family treating her like an object to be used however they pleased, sank in.

They weren't her family all along, but did they have to mistreat her just because they weren't biologically related?

The numerous hurtful thoughts that swirled in her head tormented her throughout the sleepless night.