Was the water poisoned?

Silas placed his hand on the back of her head while her hands remained by her sides because she was still asleep.

“Shh,” Silas calmly said. “Shh,” he continued, using his other hand to pat her back. “Shh.”

Silas wondered what was going on to cause Tabitha to burst into tears. He knew she was pained by what her family and everyone related to her had been doing to her but right now, she was asleep.

Could she be reminiscing about everything through her dream, causing her to hurt this much until she began to cry?

However, Silas didn't need a reason to help his mate out of her distress. He continued to pat her back and caress the back of her head but now started to hum a song.

Tabitha, though was still fast asleep, despite crying, heard his hum. She was already feeling comfortable in his arms but when she heard his soothing voice, like a newborn baby, she stopped crying slowly.

“That's it, my dear, that's it,” Silas said to her.