Should I get her pregnant?

She pressed her lips into a thin line, resisting a smile. Silas's act of using a hand to control the steering wheel seemed ordinary, but it was so attractive that satisfaction welled up in her heart and soul.

Tabitha looked out the window, reminiscing about the scene until she craved a glimpse of Silas's face.

Tabitha shifted her gaze to Silas, catching him in the act of wanting to stare at her, leading their eyes to meet.

Stunned to see that Silas had the same intention, suddenly, the image of him driving replayed in her head, causing her to admire him to the extent she didn’t realize she was smiling.

Silas thought he had irritated Tabitha with his words, causing her to stay quiet, but seeing her smile, it seemed like that wasn't the case.

Silas smiled back at Tabitha; the atmosphere between them made it seem as if they were communicating telepathically.

Silas was the one who broke their locked gazes, causing Tabitha to look away.