She wants to cuddle

Silas shot Tabitha a suspicious look. She answered the question as if she had anticipated him asking. Despite sounding energetic and pain-free, Silas wouldn't believe she wasn't experiencing as much pain as he was.

The pain was present in Tabitha's body, but she had already adapted to it. For Silas, it was his first time experiencing such pain. So, no matter how fine Tabitha may look, he still felt distressed because of the pain he knew she was enduring.

"I want chocolates," Tabitha muttered, gazing at Silas with puppy eyes.

"I know you want chocolates, Tabitha, but I expected you to say ice cream," Silas responded, focusing on his steps to his car.

"Well, I want both now," Tabitha replied.

Silas nodded in response and took Tabitha into his car. The next moment, they were on their way to a superstore to get Tabitha lots of chocolates and ice cream.