His beautiful queen

Two days later, Tabitha received a call from her best friend, Sarafina. It was a little surprising because they hadn't been communicating for a while, which was because Sarafina had been busy changing her life.

Ever since Duke agreed to let her go, Andrew helped her to start a new life where her ex-boyfriend would be nothing but a past to her.

Andrew helped her move to a new environment and assisted her in knowing the kind of job she could do with passion and also earn efficiently.

The day she got accepted for the job she applied for was the day she called Tabitha to express her excitement.

Tabitha celebrated her with screams. They both jubilated about Sarafina's achievement.

Sarafina then invited Tabitha to celebrate with her by joining her at a restaurant with her other friends.

Tabitha agreed because she was extremely excited for her friend and also wanted to see her best friend.