Chapter 4

"That was rather harsh of you Ciel!" Lizzy squeals angrily as Ciel ignored her. "Ciel!"

"Shut up!" He snaps at her, making poor Lizzy flinch away, and stomps up the staircase with Sebastian in tow. Heading toward his private office a steel grip stops him and whips him around. "What the-"

Demonic eyes now glowing with unholy hellfire, Sebastian glowers down at the boy he made a contract with years ago. He'd watched both Ciel and (y/n) grow (more specifically how (y/n) grew into a lovely young lady) and had never witnessed Ciel act that way toward her in all the years he had been in service to him. The demon did not particularly like the way he had treated beautiful (y/n) when she had already looked so nervous to be in that dress.

"I thought I raised you better than that young master." A hiss accentuated the last part in a mocking tone.

"Let go of me!" Ciel thrashes against his talon-like fingers. "Do not talk to me in such a manner! Know your place-"

"It is you who needs to know his place."

There was something about the normally composed Sebastian that made Ciel's spine go rigid. He wasn't going to be subservient. Not after how Ciel had behaved.

"Now enlighten me, why would you say something so hurtful?"

One visible azure eye widens considerably, chest heaving. "I. . ." Averting Sebastian's glare Ciel concentrates on the ground. "I don't know. . . I just. . ."

A bitter laugh echoes in the hall. "Despite having the body of a man you still act so childishly."

"What're you talking about?"

"Like a little boy teasing the girl he likes. Although it is quite strange that you behaved as such with your sister." Everything about his smirk is malicious as he finally lets go of his arm.

Ciel inches away from him. Snarling at the tall man who grinned at him. "Why do you care so much Sebastian?"

"(y/n) holds a special place in my heart." Gloved hand go over his chest Sebastian winks at a still confused Ciel. "As she does with you, master. A very queer circumstance it is. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll leave you to think about what you have done and go tend to Lady (y/n)'s wounded feelings."

"No!" It slipped from his mouth before Ciel was even aware of it. He didn't want Sebastian, whether it was truly a good intention or not, to comfort (y/n) in such a weakened state. Who knew what she would allow him to get away with. Ciel was all too aware of the peculiar fascination Sebastian had for his sister.

"Oh? Then are you going to console her? Apologize?"

It was a challenge. Sebastian, in his own way, was taunting him. With the thought of Sebastian tending to (y/n) and being so close to her riled Ciel. His smirk was sinister as he waited for Ciel's answer.

"Yes. I will."

"Very well young master. Perhaps afterwards you go and apologize to Miss Elizabeth as well."

He shoots Sebastian a rather nasty glare before pushing the taller man aside and went to search for his sister.


Soft mewlings make you smile, lightening the weight in your chest as you ran your hand along a beautiful beige feline's back. Another purrs and rubs itself against your leg. "I bet you two are looking for Sebastian." You coo. "He'll probably be out here any second now. It's like he has special senses that tell him when there's cats in the vicinity." A memory came to you of when you were younger, Sebastian having barely joined what was left of your dismal family. You'd wandered upon him feeding a black kitten that had shown up in the garden. He was so incredibly sweet and gentle with it, making you immediately jealous. You wanted him to be like that with you. At such a young age you weren't immune to his good looks and had developed a crush on your handsome butler. You groan, embarrassed at yourself. "Thank god only Lizzy found out. Although I'm not sure that's really good either." What happiness the cats had provided you quickly diminished as you thought back to just an hour ago.

Sobering up you straighten yourself and retract your hand from the beige cat that still sought your attention. "What was his problem. He didn't have to be so mean! Urgh! He's always had an issue with the concept of me getting married." Anger took hold of you as you stood and stomped around, scaring the cats and making them scurry away from you. "And here he is about to get married! It's not fair! Not even letting me talk to any man except for those who live here. He's setting me up for failure and a lonely life!"

"Perhaps it's not a lord or peasant she seeks, but a certain butler."

Paula's remark echoed in your ears.

I'd want a husband like him. . .

With absent mind as your anger still stews inside of you you trail the pads of your fingers on the delicate petals that Finny meticulously cared for.

Handsome and tall.

You slowly trail around the pebble strewn path of the lush garden that was full of colorful flowers that were in full bloom.

With beautiful eyes and skin.

Instead of brainstorming what you wanted your future husband to look like you were bombarded with only images of Sebastian.

"I'll never. . ." You bite down on your lip and shaking your head, willing those negative thoughts to leave your mind. No. You wouldn't finish that sentence. It would only remind you of the events that had happened.


Lifting your head you find Finny climbing down a tree. "Finny, what are you doing?"

He holds up a large pair of shears, grinning your way. "I was just pruning the trees! Well, I kind of got distracted by the beautiful view." There were several leaves and twigs sticking out of his brilliant blonde hair.

You giggle and diligently pluck them out. "I can see that."

"Would you like to see?"

"You mean go up in the tree?" Blinking owlishly at him then at the tree he nods enthusiastically. "I can't climb up there. I'm wearing a dress."

"I can carry you up there! I'm really strong! You can just hold onto my back." Finny smiles.

Even as a child you never climbed any trees; it wasn't ladylike after all. You'd always wanted to see the world as a bird would.


Finny bends down to allow you to climb onto his back, latching your arms securely around his neck while your legs circle his waist. Gently he hoists you up and begins to ascend the tree trunk. Carefully you get off of his back and sit close to Finny on the thick, stable branch.

"Don't worry my lady! I won't let you fall." Brightly grinning he holds onto you in a secure manner. "Isn't it nice up here?"

"It's incredible." You breathe and stare out at the vast land your family owned. Beyond the gardens stretched the lush grass the transgressed into the countryside.

"After a long day I love coming up here." Finny leans back casually, soft green eyes regarding the blue sky above. "All the different colors in the evening are beautiful. Like a painting."

Again you hear someone call your name. You jump haphazardly and teeter a bit on your perch. If it wasn't for Finny you were sure you would've fallen. Cautiously you twist your body to look over your shoulder. Fury is written all over Ciel's flushed face, his visible sapphire eye widened in horror.

"Get down from there! You'll hurt yourself!"

Scowling you give him your back. "Leave me alone. Finny's here. He wouldn't allow me to get hurt."

"Er, maybe we should get down miss." The blonde frets beside you. "He looks awfully mad."

"Let him be mad." Crossing your arms haughtily you continue to glower at what was supposed to be a lovely scene before you.


"Here I'll help you down miss."

"I don't want to go down!" You hiss, feeling slightly guilty at snapping at someone as sweet as Finny.

You could hear Ciel stomping to the base of the tree. "Get down here this instant!"

"Leave me alone! Go back inside and plan your wonderful wedding with your wonderful bride!" Quickly you turn around completely forgetting your position. With your upper body leaning outward too much you felt your body fall forward.

"(y/n)!!" Finny shrieks and tries to grab you.

All the air is ripped from you as the ground quickly moves toward you. Before you could even hit the ground though you find arms shooting out in an attempt to catch you. Ciel dove to catch you, his clean suit becoming dirty and tattered as he collides with the ground with you safely in his arms. You hear him grunt when you fall on him. It's not a particularly soft landing but it was better than the one you would've had.

"C-Ciel?" Breathlessly gasping you lift yourself up with trembling arms and gaze down at him. His eye is squeezed closed, his eye patch slightly askew, pain evident on his scowl.

"I. . . I j-just came to say s-sorry." Ciel groans.

"Oh Ciel." You sigh and gingerly caress his face before fixing his leather patch. Slowly he opens his eye and you notice the dilation of his pupil amidst the deep pool of indigo. "Come on. Let's get you back inside. Finny, can you help me?"

"Of course!"

"You're slightly bruised but other than that you're completely fine." Sebastian murmurs and closes the medical kit. You have no inkling why he's smiling when Ciel was just hurt. Ciel refuses to look at either of you and glares at the ground. "Didn't you have something to say young master?"

"Leave us." he hisses.

Still grinning, Sebastian bows slightly before exiting the room.

He heaves a sigh then finally looks at you. "I'm sorry for how I acted (y/n). This whole wedding thing as got me all flustered."

You manage a weak smile. "I know how stressed you've been lately. I understand, but it still. . ."

"Hurt your feelings?" Ciel finished.

"Yes. You have everything going for you Ciel. I know you don't want to get married. But someday I do." Your teeth nag at your bottom lip. "I want to be in love too. . ."

"(y/n). . ."

"I want to be loved too. . ." Tears well up in your eyes and blur your vision.

"You are (y/n). I love you." Desperate, Ciel holds you against his chest. "I love you (y/n)."

"I know you do. But that's not the kind of love I'm talking about Ciel." You shake your head against his shoulder and sniff. Tears descend down your cheeks and onto the fabric of his dress shirt.

"Isn't my love enough?" It tore at your heart how broken your brother sounded.

"Ciel-" you catch the watery glisten of his eye and break down yourself. You throw your arms around him and hold him tightly. He matches your embrace. "I don't want to be alone once you marry Lizzy."

"You won't."

"I will." You cry. "I need someone to hold and love me too Ciel!"

"Aren't I doing that right now?"

"Ciel please!"

"I can't love anyone as much as I love you!" Ciel practically shakes you. "I won't marry Elizabeth!"

"Don't say that Ciel! Don't be so selfish! Why can't you let me marry someone?! Do you want me to be lonely?!"

"Of course not!"

Fingers digging into his arm you look up at him with pleading eyes that overflowed with tears. "Then why-"

"Because I don't want any man to touch you!" He screams making the room grow eerily silent. You gape at him.


"I. . ." Tremoring slightly he gulps and turns away from you. You watch him intently as he holds his head in his hands.

You're about to touch his shoulder before he abruptly stands and leaves the room with a loud slam of the door.