Hagashi Takeda was considered one of the best Anbu members ever to serve Konoha. However, his life growing up was tough to say the least. Being an orphan at birth, Takeda had only his brother Hagashi Yusuke as family. At the time of his birth, Yusuke graduated at the Ninja academy. As Takeda grew up, he began visioning his older brother as his idol and role model for when he graduated at the academy. When Takeda managed to graduate from the academy, he ran to his house so as to tell his brother the news. Upon arrival, though, Takeda saw Yondaime Hokage inside along with a dog masked Anbu. At the time, Takeda was surprised to see the most powerful shinobi of the village standing in front of his house.
Growing up without his parents taught a lot to Takeshi and he knew the Hokage wouldn't be there to bring good news. Immediately, his heart ached. Yusuke was the only family Takeda has in this world and if something happened to his brother, Takeshi wouldn't know what to do. When he reached the front door, the fourth hokage looked at him with a sad smile on his face. "Takeshi-san, we need to talk; please get inside" – Said Minato before entering inside followed by the Anbu and Takeda. After all of them got comfortable, Minato sighed and turned to look at the little kid who was about to receive the worst news of his life. "Takeda-san, it's with great sorrow that I say that your brother was killed on the line of duty. His team was sent next to Kumo to investigate some attacks" – Said Minato as he looked Takeda in the eyes.
It didn't take seconds until Takeda cried. He screamed to the heavens and cursed Kami from taking his brother away from him. Minato could only wait for the new genin to let all go while Kakashi (the dog anbu) was sympathetic. At the time, Kakashi remembered his father committing suicide after a failed mission, thus leaving him to grow up by himself. Back to Takeda, he was now more controlled, even though the tears were still falling. Once the tears dried, Takeda looked at the Anbu in front of him and had an epiphany. Takeda looked at the man's mask and wondered if he got one of his own than things would be better. People often used masks to hide from something, Takeda now wished no different. Being an Anbu, he would focus entirely on the mission and cut all his emotions.
Minato, upon seeing Takeda's face hardened, could only sigh and wish that the boy wouldn't cut his emotions like this. Minato knew all to well about ninjas doing this and it pained greatly in his heart to see a child doing this. The Hokage asked Takeda if he wanted to take a break and then be assigned to active duty. However, the new Takeda didn't find any reasons for such. After the tears dried, Takeda's mind was only focused on growing stronger and, maybe, in the future, enters inside Anbu forces. When he voiced his reasons to the hokage, Minato flinched at the sudden coldness, but he knew only time would be able to solve things.
After that, Takeda closed his heart and managed to pass the chunnin exams, by almost killing a genin and he would have had the proctor not stopped him in time. At the time, Minato thought best to put him under the care of Kakashi inside Anbu to train Takeda. After entering Anbu, Kakashi managed to break all Takeda's emotional defenses upon explaining how it was for him after his father committed suicide. Takeda became a part of Kakashi's team and learned a great deal with the silver haired jounin, Anbu captain at the time.
Five year later, here he was standing in front of his brother's grave. It was a raining night and Anbu team 5 split in order to cover all four corners of Konoha. Hawk found it strange that the sky was crying and wondered if it was because of his brother. At some point in life, Takeda wished for vengeance against the man who killed his brother. However, he never managed to find his brother's killing which led him to give it up and move on. When Naruto killed the man responsible for everything bad in his life, at first Hawk was pissed that wasn't he who revenged Yusuke's death. Now, however, he appreciated that Black Wolf managed to take care of this, hence not getting his hands dirty with the enemy's blood.
Looking at the grave once again, Takeda prayed for his brother. Yusuke-niichan, I hope that you're not crying because of what I did today. After I saw the man who killed you, I lost my mind and wanted to attack him blindly. I know for a fact that you would never do such a foolish thing, but I'm ashamed to say I did. If it wasn't for Naruto, I'd put a lot of citizens at risk, thus endangering the mission. However, it's just like you said: Every bad situation is a good one in disguise. If I never found him, I never would be able to take this pressure off my chest. Rest assured, brother, that I'll make you proud of me and hopefully when my time is up, I'll get to see you yet again – Prayed Takeda to the gods and then looked up to notice that the rain stopped.
Smiling behind his mask, Takeda then, vanished and positioned himself to his side of Konoha and continue the mission of guard duty.
-With Naruto-
Kakashi told Naruto about what happened to Hawk because of the missing-nin and now the blond understood Hawk's behavior. As he landed on top of a gate on his side of Konoha, Naruto couldn't stop but think of how bottled emotions could kill you in the future. Truth be told, Naruto knew that if he didn't act quickly and killed all the missing-nins, the battle would spread and could seriously kill a lot of civilians.
Looking at his companion Ace who was currently shaking himself in order to dry his fur after the heavy rain that fell, Naruto smiled and told him to pay visit to Kurenai. He had a surprise to his lover stored inside a scroll and he wanted to deliver it to her when she least expected. A while later, they arrived at the place where they could see Kurenai's window and with care, floated the scroll with fuuton chakra until the message landed inside the apartment. Naruto waited a while until he saw said woman pick up the scroll and then look at whoever sent her this only to smile upon seeing the mask that belong to her boyfriend. Waving at Kurenai for a while, Naruto, then left towards his next stop for the day and then returns to HQ.
Meanwhile Kurenai opened the scroll with a smiled and began reading it. As she read, she blushed at yet again being called 'red rose'. The scroll also said that he would be home shortly and sleep together with her. At the end of the scroll, Kurenai saw a seal that was used for guarding documents and weapons inside scrolls. Blaming her curiosity, Kurenai unsealed whatever was inside only for a bouquet of red roses to appear on her hand. Blushing at the immense beauty of the flowers, she was surprised upon hearing Naruto speaking from the door. "That isn't enough to describe how beautiful you are Kure-chan" – Said Naruto but was surprised when Kurenai jumped at him, hugging him fiercely as well as landing her lips on his with intensity.
In little time, the couple was already undressed and began making out on the bed. Naruto being patient enough and cover Kurenai's body with his mouth and Kurenai to just relax and let the hormones do what they do best. However, Naruto wouldn't let his girlfriend relax and reached Kurenai's private area, earning a good and sexy moan out of the brunette. Seeing that the woman was longing for Naruto to be inside of her, the blond complied and began the ritual, making the woman go crazy, thus having her orgasm.
After the love making, Kurenai laid on top of Naruto's chest while both of them began conversing about today. Naruto talked about his captain and the mission in Tanzaku Gai, picking Kurenai's interest instantly. She became sad upon knowing of Hawk's brother and him growing up alone. Suddenly, her boyfriend's life played in front of her and she imagined what would be like if she didn't have her parents to guide her through growing up. The couple also talked about Yuugao's reasons for doing what she did with Kurenai wanting to talk to her when she returned and Naruto cursing Hayate for causing Yuugao grief. After a while, Kurenai fell asleep on Naruto's chest like always and the blond closed his in order to get some sleep.
-Next day-
Placing his mask on, Naruto was about to leave when he heard his lover calling his name. Surprised to see Kurenai wake up so early, Naruto went to the room to see her only to see her only grumbling incoherent words that anyone would formulate under these circumstances. Kurenai wanted to wake up earlier than usual so that she could see her boyfriend before he left to present to HQ, however Naruto had to present exactly the time the sun appeared so it was really soon. Kneeling next to her in the bed, Naruto kissed the woman's forehead and said smoothly for her to get some sleep. "Uhh…but…Naruto-kun, I…uh…wanted to see you off" – Said Kurenai as she fought to control her urge to just close her eyes and just lose herself in her dream world. Naruto for himself smiled at the woman's effort and kissed her once again but now on the left cheek.
However he had to get her to sleep otherwise it would be tough for her to fight through the day. So, Naruto leaned over and whispered softly into her ear. "Sleep tight my him and please dream of us back in that hotel, okay" – Said Naruto to which Kurenai smiled once more before her eyes drifted off to sleep but not before she could mutter 'I love you' to Naruto. Kissing her once again this tine on the lips, Naruto returned the phrase and then left towards the HQ. As he jumped through the buildings, he was suddenly joined by Kakashi and Ace who happened to return from the Inuzuka compound. Then, without warning, Naruto stopped and turned to look at the dog masked Anbu. Sure, Kakashi entered his team now and Naruto was sure that the day his old sensei was on time for something would be the day when Orochimaru openly admits he likes little boys.
"Why you stopped?" – Asked Ace to which Naruto looked strangely at Kakashi for a moment. "Although I didn't expect much time with Kakashi-sensei, I can say for sure that he never was on time for anything. Now, either you are in impostor or Kurenai-chan is making fun of me by casting a genjutsu on me" – Said Naruto to which Kakashi sweat-dropped for a second over the blond's suspicion. However, he found he couldn't fault Naruto for questioning. "Okay I admit I was late for everything most of the time we're on the same team, however not that I'm back to Anbu duty, it doesn't seem good to be late like I once was. Not to mention the fact that Tsunade-sama would destroy my entire collection of Icha Icha" – Said Kakashi making Naruto sigh seeing it was his sensei alright. "Sorry about that Kakashi-sensei. It's the first time this happens and all" – Said Naruto to which Kakashi nodded and told them to go to HQ.
-At Anbu HQ-
Once inside and after presenting himself to HQ, Naruto felt like going for a little training. For long now, he wanted to learn a new raiton attack. That being said, the blond rushed to the library of scrolls and picked one called Raiton Shichuu Shibari (Lightning Release: Four-Pillar Prison Jutsu). After learning a great deal of attack based jutsus, it was time already to learn other uses for jutsus. He already had some defensive suiton ninjutsus, but the one he picked was a trap raiton jutsu. Reading for a while, Naruto learned that the jutsu invoke four electricity powered pillar around the enemy and establish a lightning current around them so that the enemy cannot escape. Going straight to his favorite training ground only to see two figures standing there, presumably waiting for someone to show up, Naruto smiled. He knew who these two are and turned to voice his presence so that both Shino and Shikamaru could turn and meet him.
"A little bird told me that you two joined Anbu forces. However, I was kind of skeptical over the news. Shino I'm okay and all but seeing Shikamaru using this uniform sends shivers down my spine. I wonder how many times you used the word 'troublesome' before finally accepting to join" – Said Naruto. Shikamaru would have muttered troublesome towards the blond remark; however he knew that Naruto was expecting him to say that. So he explained. "At first, I didn't want to join. Tsunade-sama and Yamato could be very persistent" – Said Shikamaru to which Naruto smiled and turned to the Aburame heir. "The reason I entered is so that I could be more of service to Konoha. Also, I tend to believe that training here would benefit my elemental affinity" – Said Shino to which Naruto once again nodded, already knowing about the bug user's raiton affinity.
After the explanations were over, Naruto could see that Shino and Shikamaru were looking at his black wolf mask. Also, the blond could see that although they were using the uniform, he couldn't see any masks. "Where are your masks?" – Asked Naruto to which Shino and Shikamaru looked at each other and returned the look to the blond. "We were told to present here and think of a mask to wear. However, neither I nor Shino knows which animal to choose. Truth be told we're expecting you could help us figure out, since you chose yours. Why you chose it by the way?" – Asked Shikamaru to which Naruto looked at the mask with a smile. He instantly remembered him talking to Tsunade about the choice and the times he looked into the mirror when he used it.
"Choosing the mask is not as simple as picking an animal you like. This mask represents my life and all the hardships I overcame so far. As you both know, wolves are distinguished upon the animal realm for always travelling in packs. They attacked together and defended one another, making them incredibly dangerous and feared by most. However, from every pack, there are wolves who choose a different path than the group. This wolf has a path of his own to follow. Whether you believe or not, I'm this separate wolf. This mask is a representation of this path of mine" – Explained Naruto, earning surprised looks from his peers.
Shino and Shikamaru were puzzled. Both of them understood the analogy. The pack is Konoha and Naruto is the lone wolf. However, what they failed to understand is why Naruto believes that, seeing that he has Kurenai as a girlfriend and some friends, including both of them. Immediately, both of them forgot about the mask and became more interested in what Naruto was saying.
"Naruto, while I understood your analogy of sorts, I fail to understand as to your concept of being alone" – Asked Shino to which Naruto smiled upon hearing a frequent question. Naruto couldn't blame them for not understand, simply because they weren't aware of his position as a jinchuriki. They didn't know who was trapped within his body and, obviously, they aren't aware of what happened to his life because of it. "I understand your doubt, Shino. How could I be alone if I have all those precious people that are close to me? The truth is I'm different than you guys. In the elemental nations, there are few that share similar lives with my own. I would gladly tell you about it, however it's better that you two reach the conclusions on your own" – Said Naruto before seeing Shino and Shikamaru dismiss the issue, while maintaining the curiosity.
"Now as to choosing your masks, try looking at yourselves and imagine which animal your personality relates to the most, I guess" – Said Naruto to which Shino and Shikamaru nodded before another Anbu agent appeared and reached the two new recruits for some medical examinations, thus leaving Naruto alone to train. Looking once more at the scroll in order to remember the hand seals sequence, the amount of chakra needed and how he was supposed to mold it. Naruto was skeptical of his success regarding this technique, simply the theory alone was difficult to picture. As he made the hand seals and slammed his hands on the ground, he was surprised to feel the ground below him starts trembling and look forward to see that two pillars emerged. Although the technique wasn't complete, the blond was surprised he managed to do it.
"Figured you'd be here of all places. No wonder you got so strong, Naruto. When you don't have missions, you train and when you have mission, you train as well" – Said Kakashi as he entered the training ground with his mask handing on his waist. Although surprised by his sensei's presence, Naruto smiled at the remark and replied. "Surely, it would be farfetched if I could do a thousand jutsus out of the blue. I like it here, though, even though everything in here is an artificial resemblance to outside's training grounds" – Said Naruto as Kakashi appeared next to him to inspect what Naruto was learning now, only to see two pillars charged with electricity.
"Although It's quite amazing, you don't have what it takes to complete this technique" – Said Kakashi, earning Naruto's interest instantly. "Although this is mainly a raiton technique, you'd need knowledge of doton manipulation" – Explained Kakashi to which Naruto turned to look at the scroll and sighed since he forgot to read this part. "Well, I guess I'll pick another one, then" – Said Naruto before Kakashi stopped him and asked why he was bothering to learn another jutsu.
"I have both attack and defensive jutsus on my arsenal, however I don't have anything that can trap an enemy, or in other words, attack him through indirect approach" – Said Naruto to which Kakashi nodded and chose to explain. "I understand, however, trap jutsus require an solid object to interact with them. I'll explain. Elemental jutsu alone cannot create a field around the enemy, hence the fact that you'd need to conductor to seal the perimeter. Raiton Shichuu Shibari (Lightning Release: Four-Pillar Prison Jutsu) requires the knowledge of doton simply because the pillars are made of earth chakra. The real raiton technique is aligning the pillars with electrical current, thus trapping the enemy inside" – Explained Kakashi to which Naruto nodded and laughed.
"I have to talk to the librarian then and settle this at another shelf, then" – Said Naruto before he left for the library, leaving Kakashi alone to face the deserted yet peaceful training ground. It was a long time since he wasn't able to relieve some steam and frankly he was already sick of doing regular missions. Kakashi figured that Anbu missions were much physically demanded, hence why he never bothered most to give his all in regular missions. However now that he was back to Anbu, he could once again copy-cat ninja Kakashi. He smiled upon being able to focus on what his sensei left behind, thus, the completion of the rasengan. Even though Naruto managed to add fuuton chakra to the rasengan, thus creating the rasenshuriken, Minato's original idea was indeed to fuse raiton chakra with the ball, hence why Kakashi now vowed to complete on his sensei's behalf.
Remembering his sensei once again, brought a lot of nice memories to the copy-nin and seeing Naruto without the mask, Kakashi found the resemblance to be quite overwhelming. There are the same person – same eyes, same face, same hair, everything. Well, Naruto's only distinct marking was added by the Kyuubi inside of him, but other that, Naruto was the splitting image of his father.
-With Naruto-
After speaking with the librarian about the technique being in the wrong shelf, Naruto gave the scroll to the woman who in turn, positioned the scroll inside a cabinet for later consideration. Thanking the woman, Naruto went to the elemental ninjutsu section now, but this time he figured he could learn a new suiton ninjutsu. Since he joined Anbu, he focused either on fuuton or raiton, not even giving his second affinity some consideration. Passing the regular and most common ones, Naruto reached one which was quite interesting called Suiton Mizu Kamikiri (Water Release: Rising Water Cutter Jutsu).
Signing the regular papers in order to complete the withdraw, Naruto left in order to return at the training ground where he remembered that had a small lake for suiton practice. When he returned, however, he saw Kakashi carrying a perfectly formed rasengan with his right hand and kept looking at the spiral ball. 'What are you doing Kakashi-sensei' – Asked Naruto as he appeared next to the silver haired jounin. Noticing his student arriving, Kakashi stopped the rasengan in front of him and told Naruto of his intentions. After hearing Kakashi's idea, Naruto felt ashamed of not remembering to use the rasengan anymore and asked Kakashi if such a feat was attainable considering the nature of raiton chakra.
If Kakashi was surprised that Naruto voiced this thought, he didn't show. However, he was well aware of how difficult it would be to add raiton chakra to the rasengan. Not to mention that Naruto's method to add fuuton chakra was an exclusive one that only he was able to perform. Kakashi didn't have the chakra capacity necessary to summon many kage bunshins and he couldn't maintain the bunshins once he created them. Upon voicing his concern to Naruto, the blond smiled upon remembering that Kakashi had an attribute he didn't have. 'Although my chakra capacity is bigger, your chakra control is ten times better than mine. You can optimize your time through other means than summoning lots of kage bunshins. Also, Kakashi-sensei, I don't use this method of training since the time I managed to add fuuton chakra into the rasengan' – Said Naruto to which Kakashi nodded and turn to look at the scroll Naruto now held and asked what jutsu he would practice.
Upon looking at the scroll for a second, Kakashi remembered hearing about this suiton technique one time, but couldn't figure out how it worked. 'Sorry, Naruto, you're on your own on this one, I don't know this jutsu and suiton isn't my field of expertise' – Said Kakashi to which Naruto dismissed as in no big deal and moved to the lake in front of him. Stepping on it while reading the technique, Naruto was focusing his mind on suiton manipulation and how he would need to mold his chakra differently. The Suiton Mizu Kamikiri was indeed a complicated jutsu. According to the scroll, Naruto had to manipulate the water and transform into a slice beam, capable of cutting pretty much everything in half.
Making the necessary hand seals and molding the necessary chakra, Naruto was suddenly enveloped by a thin layer of water chakra. According to the scroll, once this layer was formed, Naruto now had to shot it forward the intended target with pure chakra. Seeing a tree in front of him, Naruto focused and expelled a large quantity of chakra, thus losing control of the beam which ended up heading towards his left. Releasing the technique, Naruto breathed slightly from the strain of not molding suiton chakra for so long.
Kakashi appeared by his side and concluded the same thing when he saw Naruto slightly tired. 'It's been a while since I used suiton chakra; I ended up using a lot more chakra than needed. Suiton techniques require more control than chakra, quite contrary from fuuton and raiton. I need to get back to the introduction so that I can get used to suiton once again' – Said Naruto to which Kakashi nodded.
After the conversation, Naruto went back to the lake and sit on top of it. He began molding chakra so that he could manipulate the river water around. The introduction to suiton ninjutsu was being able to move the water around and control them at will; being this feat that Naruto was doing all too well. Also while manipulating water; one must be as calm as the very element below him. A while later, Naruto stopped getting satisfied with the practice and then he and Kakashi went to have some lunch. Naruto found it strange that his team didn't get any mission and the fact that he wasn't able to find traces of Hawk and Bear around the facility.
At the facility's restaurant, Kakashi and Naruto were discussing about Naruto's life as an Anbu before Kakashi returned and a few new techniques the blond managed to learn from the library. Naruto told Kakashi about the Iwa S ranked nin and how tough the guy was from taking his Raiton Denkou Raikou (Lightning Release: Lighting Roar Jutsu) head on and still be able to stand. After that, he told the advancement in fuuton techniques with the Fuuton Kyoumou Shippu (Wind Release: Fierce Hurricane Jutsu) and how he was able to level the training ground they just now were, earning a look in surprise from Kakashi who imagined Yamato being quite pissed about having to fix himself the training ground. Seeing that it was Naruto who caused that, Kakashi realized how much stronger Naruto must have gotten if he was able to level a whole field like that.
When they finished eating, Kakashi and Naruto discussed about the rasengan and how could Kakashi add raiton element to the sphere. Kakashi figured that Naruto's fuuton addition to the rasengan, ended up creating a wind shuriken around the sphere, perhaps him adding raiton element, could transform the ball into something else, like a magnetic field surrounding the rasengan. Reaching once again the training field, Kakashi summoned a kage bunshin and performed a bare rasengan. He figured that it would be impossible to keep the rotation and force of the sphere as well as add fuuton chakra to it all. So just like Naruto, Kakashi used the kage bunshin to take care of the raiton element and he would be in charge of performing and maintaining the rasengan. As the procedure initiated, nothing happened. A few minor lightning current left Kakashi's clone but upon reaching the ball of energy, the electricity current would just stop, meaning that more raiton chakra was needed.
However when Kakashi added more, the electricity mingled with the rasengan, thus sending now medium sized lightning bolts in all directions before becoming unstable and glowed dangerously. Kakashi immediately replaced himself with a rock before the rasengan exploded, therefore escaping from the lethal explosion. Naruto watched this and remembered getting himself blown up several times and continued trying. He knew, though, that Kakashi didn't have a tenant inside his stomach, so Kakashi don't heal as quickly as he does. "Kakashi-sensei, perhaps you'll need to use two clones for this. While one makes the rasengan, the other will add raiton chakra to the spiral ball" – Said Naruto to which Kakashi sighed seeing that isn't much hope to complete such an unstable technique without him having Naruto's healing rate. Naruto's idea seemed okay, because the information would return to his mind once the clones finishes, thus showing him how to do it.
Sighing once again, Kakashi summoned two kage bunshins this time and the two initiated the exercise. As the clone added raiton chakra to the rasengan, the real Kakashi was using his sharingan to understand the chakra molding of his clones. He managed to learn the rasengan after seeing with his sharingan how his sensei molded the necessary chakra to keep the technique rotating. He only now had to realize the chakra molding for adding raiton chakra and then, possibly, expand it just like Naruto did with his Rasenshuriken.
Two hours later and a couple of soldier pills, Kakashi was resting on the ground from chakra fatigue. Naruto was amazed at the man's geniuses when it comes to ninjutsu. Naruto trained the equivalent to almost two years to reach the level of Kakashi. Kakashi's raiton rasengan consisted of the regular ball inside a little electric field which upon impact with a tree, it simple passed through like the tree wasn't even there. Naruto remembered the hole created by Kakashi's technique and wondered how much damage it would do once the technique was completed.
While resting, Kakashi and Naruto was going over what would be the name of the technique. Naruto, once, joked, about the possibility of fusing a suiton ninjutsu with the raiton rasengan, making Kakashi smile, but contradict Naruto's theory. "Even if you and Yamato managed that Gufuu Suika no Jutsu (Typhoon Water Vortex Jutsu) against Hidan, I don't think the raiton rasengan can be used like that. A suiton + raiton attack would need to consist of a much stronger suiton ninjutsu with a less strong raiton to increase the current and hit the enemy full force. Now, how about we think about a name for it once we manage to complete the technique?" – Asked Kakashi to which Naruto turned to think about it. He was lucky since his version was easy to name it. Fuuton Rasen Shuriken (Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken Jutsu).
But now since he couldn't imagine what form this technique would have, Naruto couldn't figure out a name for the technique. "I can't figure out something for the name, Kakashi-sensei. The Rasenshuriken was only named after the wind shuriken was created" – Said Naruto to which Kakashi nodded, thus concurring with the blond. He was thinking more in terms of an spiral electrical field, however the technique was still due to be completed so it could take a different shape. Hopefully Kakashi wanted it to be just like Naruto's which initiated as a little shuriken and grew up to a fuuma shuriken in terms of growth.
-Meanwhile inside a cavern-
The members of Akatsuki were discussing about the sudden whereabouts of one Uzumaki Naruto. The last attack was futile and they ended up losing one of their strongest members Kisame. Now, with only Itachi, Zetsu, Tobi and Pein, the group would have trouble finding the last two bijuus and even if they could, the extraction process would need a lot more time and only Kisame had enough chakra capacity to last the procedure. Now, the group were discussing about finding some new recruits to aid in their cause. "Seems that the last bijuus are being difficult and seem to being able to avoid our detection abilities" – Said Pein to which the rest nodded in return. Itachi was looking at the leader on the outside, but inside he was pretty much ignoring the man. He didn't really bother anymore to find the jinchuurikis simply because he found no need for them.
The Uchiha elder never knew what was Pein's idea for wanting to kidnap the tailed demons but he went along seeing that fighting jinchuuriki and the ones who protect them would worth the time. Being an Uchiha, he was driven by battle and driven for having the opportunity to fight tough opponents. Itachi remembered the one who managed to kill Kisame back in Konoha and wondered how strong the Black Wolf masked Anbu was. Kisame was one of the strongest members of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and seeing Konoha's Anbu killing him and his sword was impressive to say the least. Truth be told, Itachi was considering leaving the organization and let them fetch the bijuus by themselves, however he needed the opportunity for such. Maybe, he could use the eight-tailed beast jinchuuriki and leave enough evidence for Zetsu to think that he was killed by him or her. Truly, no member would find the truth and Itachi could travel around the place and find tough opponents to fight and if possible, cure his eyes.
Back to the conversation, Itachi heard Zetsu mentioning that he didn't sensed any demonic presence in Konoha which meant that either Naruto left once again with Jiraya or the boy was dead. The latter was quite impossible seeing that Itachi knew the boy became famous in Konoha from his exploits and never giving up speech. So, either Naruto left or he managed to conceal the demon's presence enough so that Zetsu can't figure out. Also, since he couldn't get inside the village from fear of Konoha finding him like they found Kisame and killed them, Akatsuki was limited to sensing the demonic presence. Suddenly when Tobi suggested focusing all their hopes in finding the eight-tailed demon, Itachi saw his opportunity appear. "Leader-sama, I would like to track the eight-tailed. Our intelligence says that he's located in Kumo somewhere, so we're most likely to find ninjas from Kumo, thus raiton users. Zetsu is doton, so he won't have the advantage in case of confrontation" – Said Itachi to which Tobi (Madara in disguise) looked at him with suspicion. However, upon hearing the authorization from Pein, Madara rested and decided he would wait to see what Itachi's intentions are.
Bowing in acknowledgment for the leader, Itachi maintained the Uchiha trademark stoic face and left the cave towards Kumo. On the way, he would need to formulate a plan in order to appear that he was dead after a confrontation with the eight-tailed jinchuuriki.
-With Team 8-
Reuniting with her team, Kurenai managed to see Kiba and Hinata's face after knowing that Shino won't be joining them any longer. Kiba was jealous of his teammate for entering in Anbu before him, but upon voicing his protest to Kurenai and also asking why he didn't get in, Kurenai sighed and explained. "Kiba, although you're strong for a chunnin, you don't possess the abilities that are required in Anbu. In fact, is tough for an Inuzuka to join the Anbu force, simply because of the ninja's companion" – Said Kurenai to which Kiba looked at Akamaru and returned his look to Kurenai, obviously not understanding what Kurenai-sensei meant with all this. "Kiba, with Akamaru by your side, it would be impossible for you to conceal your identity. Anbus use masks for a reason, you know" – Said Kurenai before seeing Kiba look down once again.
"However Kiba, you can still be promoted to jounin and also be of service to Konoha. In fact, both of you have the opportunity to become jounin" – Said Kurenai as she looked at Hinata and saw her smile a bit. "Now, let's proceed with elemental training" – Said Kurenai to which Kiba and Hinata nodded and began the chakra molding.
-With Naruto-
Our blond was still on the training ground now on top of the lake. Kakashi had already left seeing that his team didn't have missions today. Now Naruto was attempting his new suiton technique. Focusing once again on suiton manipulation, Naruto began the necessary hand seals and molded the necessary chakra. "Suiton Mizu Kamikiri (Water Release: Rising Water Cutter Jutsu)" – Shouted Naruto before sending a slice water beam towards the tree in front of him, slicing the tree in half. Breathing once again, Naruto smiled and left the lake, towards his place to rest. On the way, he decided to have some ramen and went to Ichirakus for dinner. As he arrived, he was surprised to see Sasuke Uchiha there seating alone. Naruto truly didn't have anything against the Uchiha, even though he caused the blond quite a headache.
Approaching the bench, Naruto seated and ordered his usual miso ramen for Ayame before picking up a chopstick from the counter. He didn't bother looking at the person next to him, simply because he didn't see the need to. Sure, there were somewhat close as genins, but as they grew up, their paths diverged. After their fight a year ago which pretty much destroyed the forest they were at the time, Naruto vanished from sight. Sasuke tried to find the blond one more time, but stopped seeing that no one would tell him. "Somehow I knew you'd be here of all places, figured I'd appear here sooner" – Said Sasuke, but Naruto was silent. After all, Sasuke's first sentence was just something he used to start the conversation so he wasn't expecting a reply.
Sasuke observed the blond for a few moments and wondered what happened to him. Sasuke only knew rumors here and then, so he wasn't aware of Naruto's turn to the extreme. "I wondered what happened to Naruto, though I'm afraid that he's not here anymore, right" – Said Sasuke to which the blond just nodded and replied. "If you're referring to the one you knew before, then yes he's already gone. I wouldn't bother asking questions if I were you, though. It's not like I came here for a conversation" – Said Naruto to which Sasuke smiled and nodded. "I see, it's just somewhat unnerving to see you behaving like this, that's all" – Said Sasuke. Naruto wouldn't butch though and continued eating his noodles quietly. The blond wondered why Sasuke of all people would want any conversation with him but he shrugged it off seeing that when he finished his meal, he would just leave plain and simple.
Truth to his plan, Naruto finished the plate, thanked Ayame and then left before extending a somewhat polite ending to a conversation. "Have a nice night Uchiha-san" – Said Naruto to which Sasuke looked at him and wondered what exactly happened now. Sasuke waited a long time to see the damn blond and demand a new challenge, but upon seeing Naruto behaving like he didn't even met Sasuke before, it kind of frightened the Uchiha. Also the way Naruto addressed to him as in just a member of a family proved to Sasuke, that Naruto didn't bother calling him by the name which once again, unnerved him. For Naruto to change his personality so much in so little time, made Sasuke wonder what happened since the time he and the blond were apart.
Instantly, the word 'bond' appeared in Sasuke's head. Sasuke knew he could only count with one hand the number of people who formed a bond with him that was still alive. Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura were in his genin team and now Aoba was his new sensei. Other than those four, no one would even bother thinking about the Uchiha. He sent Sakura away and he hasn't seen Kakashi around as well. Now Naruto was out as well, which left only his new sensei Aoba. Sasuke wasn't dumb to think Aoba would be with him had the Hokage not assigned the Uchiha under his tutelage. Being that said, Sasuke was truly lonely, not that he minded though. His path was already forged with treason and vengeance and he didn't even bother trying to see if he could or not change it.
Back to Naruto, he at first was surprised as to why Sasuke didn't behave as he always did, demanding things just because of his last name. However, Naruto couldn't care less about the Uchiha, hence the fact that he even bothered to say his name throughout the brief conversation. Naruto could be friendly with the guy, he could maybe leave the past behind and meet him once again, but the blond wondered why he would even bother to do such a thing. Sasuke wasn't the type of person who would raise his finger to help someone and even if he did, Naruto just didn't want to have anything with the Uchiha. Arriving at his apartment, he greeted Ace and went straight to bed, seeing that he was very tired.
-The next day-
The next day, Naruto woke up with a knock on the door. Usually the blond would curse the heavens for someone waking him up before time. However, seeing as he was about to wake up anyway, he went to the front door and opened. "Good morning Naruto-kun, I was hoping you'd like some breakfast" – Asked Kurenai as she smiled. Naruto, however, was completely lost at the sight before him. The sun was just rising and the sun was beginning to illuminate Konoha and a few of the sun's beams happened to be illuminating Kurenai's black hair and her smile was just an addiction to the whole scene. Kurenai looked at the blond, wondering what got into him to stare at her like that, however she realized the look of astonishment in his face. "You look even more beautiful than ever Kurenai-chan. The morning sunlight just happens to enlighten you in a way that only Kami could send to his angels" – Said Naruto, making Kurenai look at the blond with heart in her eyes.
She knew Naruto always had his way with words, but up to now he never said something so beautiful and Kurenai was just dumbstruck. Here she was staring at one of Konoha's deadliest shinobi, killer of S ranked shinobi, reciting poetic phrases like that. "Thanks Naruto-kun, may I come in?" – Asked Kurenai to which Naruto nodded and let the woman enter. Fixing the breakfast at his table, Kurenai remembered how much Naruto shows he loves her. When she turned to call him up, Naruto was already leaving the room with his Anbu uniform and his mask strapped on his waist. "Thanks for the breakfast Kurenai-chan" – Said Naruto as he sits on the table followed by Kurenai who watches her boyfriend fixing a sandwich and some milk. It was strange to her that a sixteen baring seventeen year old guy could do the things he does to her. Five years back, she wouldn't believe this could be true. Normally, a person of Naruto's age wouldn't have the maturity to handle a deep relationship as well as maintain his obligations as a shinobi. However, upon seeing the blond managing to show his love to her as well as becoming one hell of a shinobi in Anbu, Kurenai wondered how he could do all these stuff.
-At the Hokage's office-
Tsunade was seen doing her paperwork when a jounin entered her office panting and begging for air. After seeing the man, Tsunade wondered what could be so important that a jounin level shinobi entered her office in such a state. She remembered sending him to do some scouting on a village nearby, based on some rumors of Orochimaru's activities. Now seeing the jounin, Tsunade was prepared for the worst.
"Takato, calm down and report" – Said Tsunade to which said man breathed some air and slowed his heart rate. "Tsunade-sama, as per your permission, I went to a village nearby in order to investigate whether or not Orochimaru or his goons were doing some activities there. When I arrived, the village was deserted. As I walked around, I didn't find traces of any presence. However, as the sun set, I was able to feel what seemed to be a similar presence to the cursed seal of Orochimaru. When I went to investigate the source of it, it was safe to say that I was lucky to escape alive" – Said Takato, making Tsunade's eyes go wide at the man's last information.
When Tsunade inquired the man, she saw the sweat in Takato's face and heard him. "I managed to infiltrate a hidden base that happens to be similar to the base Yamato found in Otogakure. Once inside, I heard numerous screams, begging to stop the pain and release them. When I arrived, though, I managed to see the snake himself operating on five individuals. However, this time was different. Orochimaru, somehow, managed to apply the cursed seal level two directly. Maybe, he's hoping to update the cursed seal. Suddenly, Orochimaru's second in command Kabuto spotted my presence, leaving me no choice but to escape and come here" – Said Takato to which Tsunade nodded.
"Good job, Takato. Now that we managed to find another of Orochimaru's base, we can send an advanced team to take out their defenses and possibly do some advanced search. Rest up for a couple of days and then present here. We'll have a new class graduating next week so you'll be able to take on a team of genin that you requested to me a couple of times" – Said Tsunade to which Takato nodded in appreciation and left the office. Tsunade thought for a while and screamed for Shizune to call of Anbu team 5 to which Shizune acknowledged and sent the request to Yamato.
-Inside Anbu HQ-
Once inside HQ, Naruto was assisting Kakashi with his elemental rasengan. So far, Kakashi managed to improve the raiton rasengan a little bit, but it wasn't as complete as the rasenshuriken yet. Once the clones were dispelled, the real Kakashi and Naruto discussed about what they could do to complete the technique. The problem wasn't the chakra control, simply because Kakashi pretty mastered this part. The problem was how much chakra needed the right time. "Naruto, tell me how you do to go from the fuuton rasengan to the rasenshuriken?" – Asked Kakashi to which Naruto nodded. "After the fuuton rasengan is formed, the clone will slowly push more fuuton chakra to the technique, thus elongating the size of the shuriken.
Increasing the amount of chakra wasn't a foreign concept to Kakashi, just not very popular. In fact, he didn't know of a technique that needed an increase in chakra during the technique's performance. Looking at Naruto, Kakashi always wondered how the blond managed to complete the rasengan apart from the necessity of using clones. Of course, if the whole amount of chakra was used at once, the new rasengan would become unstable, thus very difficult to control. Summoning once gain, two bunshins, Kakashi told them to do as Naruto advised and the two set to it.
Immediately performing the raiton rasengan, the clone started pumping more chakra to the technique. As the electrical field surrounding the ball grew, Kakashi and Naruto's anticipation grew in response. Suddenly, bolts of electricity emerged from the spiral ball in the middle and ended a few inches from the ball from what appeared to be a wider electrical sphere. The clone wielding the technique saw a tree and decided to test it. When he slammed it, though, the results were impressing to say the least. The tree was non-existent and a gigantic field of electricity was formed in front of them, hitting pretty much anything inside the field just like the rasenshuriken, except the very effect of the two techniques. While Naruto's technique shredded everything, Kakashi's technique would electrocute.
"So Naruto, tell me what you think of my Raiton Rasen Denkai (Lightning Release: Spiral Electric Field Jutsu)?" – Said Kakashi as he fell on the ground, panting for air. Naruto was amazed by the technique and he voiced it to Kakashi before helping her get up and give the last soldier pill to Kakashi. Truth be told, taking too many soldier pills would damage the body in the long term so Kakashi only took the necessary amount so that he would recover his chakra capacity. "Very amazing, Kakashi-sensei; the name is fitting as well" – Said Naruto to which Kakashi smiled and was about to reply but Hawk and Bear appeared.
Hawk came to gather the rest of his team to a S ranked mission, however when he saw what happened to the training ground, he turned to look at Naruto and asked which technique did this. Naruto smiled and pointed to his sensei. "I and Naruto managed to complete the Yondaime's technique rasengan by adding the raiton element. The result is what you see before you" – Said Kakashi as he got up. Hawk and Bear looked at the destruction and sighed seeing that they got another demolition expert on their team.
"Well, our team received an S ranked mission. We are to present at the Hokage's office in fifteen minutes. Let's go" – Said Hawk before all four vanished and appeared inside the Hokage's office, thus making Shizune jump and through all documents to the air.
-In Tsunade's office-
After seeing the Anbu team arrive and Shizune drop all the paperwork she managed to complete in two days, Tsunade was pissed to say the least. However, just her angered look showed Shizune that she was in deep trouble. Therefore, in record time, the black haired woman gathered all the documents and left the room, leaving Tsunade and the Anbu. Taking some air, the Hokage eyed the Anbu team and issued their orders. "Anbu team 5, as of this morning, one of our jounins managed to locate a hidden base of Orochimaru" – Said Tsunade, before seeing all four of the team gulp and even a little bit of killing intent but managed to get control. "According to the jounin, the snake has been doing experiments with the Cursed Seal Level two and maybe Orochimaru is attempting to achieve a level three. We can't let he achieve this goal. Black Wolf can attest to how powerful the level two can be, since he battled Uchiha Sasuke in this level." – Said Tsunade as in authorizing Naruto to share his experience.
"Well, all of you know that the cursed seal grants the user a boost in power and speed. However, higher the level of the cursed seal, higher chance of Orochimaru reaching to the user's brain, thus corrupting the man's thinking. The cursed seal has a weakness, though. With boost in power and speed, also gains a boost of anger, thus being unstable. So, if we manage to dodge or evade the attacks, eventually he'll become furious and attack blindly" – Explained Naruto to which all nodded and turned to the Hokage. "Well, Hawk this is an S ranked mission. Your team is to find the hideout, take out as many defenses as you can and try capturing one of their experiments; try saving as much as possible before destroying the place. We cannot let him complete his experiments. In this scroll, contains the place's precise location and our jounin's report on the place. Dismissed" – Said Tsunade to which the team nodded and left towards the designated area.
Once on top of the Hokage's building, the team established the strategy and then charged towards their destination.