Manager also wants to escape from the Corporation

Human emotions are controlled by the brain. The brain will produce some chemical substances that allow people to produce these emotions.

Dopamine will give people a feeling of pleasure, and when they eat and drink they excrete much more Dopamine than at other times. So enjoying delicious food is a happy thing, and it can also be a good way to soothe anxious emotions.

The structure of the human brain is very well-researched and also focuses on emotional technology. Lobotomy Company is exceptionally knowledgeable in this aspect. It will even surprise people that any machine can grasp complex human emotions, or perhaps enjoy human food.

Although this does not include Angela... Because artificial intelligence does not have taste buds, it does not need to eat.

[Manager, is it not suitable for your taste?]

The artificial intelligence held a steel knife in its hand and cut into the meat dish. Three-ninths of the tenderloin meat oozed out with light red blood from the cutting knife, and the tender meat was cut into one block after another.

The steel skewer punctured a piece of meat and brought it to Manager X's mouth.


"I... I just like to eat familiar foods more."

X stabilized her voice, pondering what words to use, but in the end, because she was afraid of Secretary, she compromised and accepted the steel skewer on the pink meat.

Her teeth bite the meat, the meat is soft but has a certain elasticity, as her tongue touches the meat she can feel a pure animal taste and something familiar, a faint taste fills between the teeth and lips, when swallowed back, the corner of the mouth still holds blood stains.

[Fresh meat, is the Corporation's most popular fatty beef steak, the fat is evenly distributed, and this way of processing can perfectly show the excellent meat quality]

Cut a fresh lemon, squeeze out a little lemon juice, and sprinkle it on the beef, then sprinkle on a little finely ground pepper and sea salt, mix coarse sea salt and clear pepper.

[Try one more time, Manager, you will like this feeling]

The simply seasoned beef was brought to X's mouth, but X continued to bite the meat with difficulty, tearing the rough beef fibers. This is a test for the human taste buds.


[Manager, are you full? Those are delicious.]

The intelligent AI lifted the black hair that was slightly covering Manager X's eyes, forcing the yellow-eyed Manager to look closely at her.

"Of course, I'm already full, Angela... Thank you for preparing dinner for me."

X did not dare to show any resentment

[I'm also very happy to be able to provide you with satisfactory service. Although I can't grasp the feeling of eating, your appearance makes me feel like I want to eat...]

Intellectual AI wiped away the blood from the corner of Manager X's mouth, then diligently cleaned up the food residue on the table. After finishing all this, she then untied the ropes on Manager X's wrists.

Such a skillful technique... Definitely not the first time doing it.

"Angela, I want to go back to my room to rest."

Not daring to look at the Secretary, even saying a single sentence felt arduous. X felt like she was going to suffer from fear of the synthetic AI intelligence, but time and time again. This is something that cannot be avoided no matter what.

But fortunately, the self-proclaimed Secretary AI will not follow Manager X back to the bedroom. The bedroom that sleeps at night is probably X's only private space, although this 'Private' also raises an unknown question mark.

The manager's room is not very luxurious, it can even be said to be too rustic, very concise, only having [Can provide rest] this basic function.

There is no excess decoration, there are not many household items, and even the shape of jewelry appears very rarely. Like all the rooms in the production line of household appliances, if it weren't for this being the Manager's residence, no one would think that the Manager would live in a normal place like this.

The door is automatic, there is no lock, and probably even in the corner of the room, there is a camera hidden.

If anyone wants, he or she can enter at any time.

X sighed, did not want to go looking in the room in the end, nor did she want to go against, protesting her privacy, because it was useless.

She could only pray the bathroom wouldn't have it.

Opened the wardrobe, inside were all black shirts and white jackets, all in the same style, from now on I would have to wear the same outfit every day.

Taking off her dirty coat, she rummaged through a simple drawer in the closet for clothes but inside was surprisingly very personal. Not like the X imagined in white or black, but printed with a cartoon design.

This was also what Angela had prepared for her. X could only say that if it weren't for the Corporation not allowing resignation or perhaps if resignation wouldn't have a good ending, she would certainly submit her resignation on the first day of her predecessor.

AI intelligence is scary for a reason, at least X is more or less able to understand the feelings of being held by AI.

She didn't understand the thoughts of artificial intelligence, but the Lobotomy Corporation was considered Wings of the World, creating extremely precise artificial intelligence with its style. Leaving a deep impression on X, and in the short term, it is unforgettable.

X secretly slandered in her heart that in the end, who could design this kind of artificial intelligence with such an appetite? The Lobotomy company's designers must be incredibly stupid.

She has an angelic beauty, but in reality, she has the same broken personality as a devil. Just thinking that tomorrow she would still want to be with the intelligent AI Secretary, X felt uneasy.

"I probably have to put all my attention into my work so I can feel a little better." Otherwise, she felt like her mental state wouldn't be able to handle so much torment.

"Only work can paralyze my mind, do a good job as a Manager, ignore everything else, and don't pay attention to the AI's intellectual teasing. The longer I can live, the better....

Only after surviving, I can consider how to escape the Corporation."

Whether it will be successful or not, she doesn't know. At least X feels it's impossible. Wings of the World is scary and she has a rough understanding of it.

She washed her face and bathed, even though hot water was rubbing her skin, the coldness in her heart could not go away. Roughly speaking, when dreaming at night, X might have nightmares related to AI.

If there were a hundred or a thousand Angelas around her, repeating 'Manager Manager Manager', she would probably fall into a coma and fall unconscious for a long time.

Fearing about AI intelligence, she had to at least think about it for a while to be able to dispel it.

Turn off the water heater, grab a towel to wipe away the drops of water in my hair, then put on the pajamas, wait to dry the remaining moisture, and then I can go to sleep.

This is a rare time to relax.

The first day of taking office was a mistake, an unfortunate beginning, all expectations were destroyed by the intelligent AI, and then it would always be covered in the darkness of the AI.

A simple white shirt and nightgown, revealing skin that was glowing red from the heat. But you can still see her pale skin, a little white, as if she hadn't meet sunlight for many years.

There was a relatively clear scar on the wrist as if the same wound had been repeated many times, and after it had completely healed, there were still traces of sensation.

X instinctively caressed her wrist. The scar where the skin was was a bit rough. When she touched it carefully, she could feel the wound closing and stimulating the skin.

She couldn't remember when she received this injury, but she must have been injured before.

X sat facing the mirror to dry her hair. The air dryer was pleasantly warm and comfortable. The black hair, under the heat of the performance, became gentle and docile silk, with a slightly short hair shape that was very gentle to touch back and forth.

Such short sideburns just have a wonderful feeling, both gentle and feminine, but also strong and masculine, showing a strange temperament that is hard to distinguish between men and women... Is it possible to trigger AI to conquer desires?

Although it's very strange for an AI intelligence to have desires, the Corporation's AI intelligence is extremely unusual.

She doesn't want to be punished... She doesn't want to at all...

Her golden pupils were printed inside, and her serious face was reflected in the mirror. Although she was worried, in reality, she didn't show anything clearly. X, when she was scared, would not show her emotions clearly like others.

But collapsing is always quiet and without a sound, adults collapse, silently without a sound, without any signs.

X herself is very clear that her mind can collapse at any moment because of some small detail.

Her mental state could not be called good, but it was only because humanity had a desire to continue living that is why she wanted to continue living.

The Lobotomy logo box icon is still there, no matter where you look, no matter how far your eyes look, it will always be under X's gaze. Just as she could not escape from the Corporation, Lobotomy Corporation would always cover her.

—— The longer I can live, the better ——

X comforted herself like that, then thought about the employee she personally shot and killed, remembering the pitiful pleading sound at that time... The hot blood splashed on her face.

In fact, she didn't have any emotions, and she didn't have much of an objection to the Corporation's ways. It's just that someone else's death made her unconsciously feel sad, sad that her fate would be the same as this employee's, her future was unknown.

As a Manager, X must also strive to promote her own values and preserve the lives of employees. If she can't complete the Corporation Energy Quota, then do they still need her as the Manager?

Value... Just like Angela said, they are each cog in a machine that holds its position, and the Manager is just an important cog. She is a bit more important than the employee, but in reality, she is not that important. If she fails, she will be replaced.

She must let AI see that she is useful, so valuable that she cannot be replaced.

X understood her goal, which was to complete each mission assigned to her by the Corporation, complete the Energy Quota, complete the Dean group's tasks, and prove her abilities to the Dean and the Corporation.

Then, survive to escape this damnable Corporation.

Find a way to not be punished by AI and leave the Corporation alive...

Worrying, X can only force herself to stay awake. This is just the first day, just the beginning...

The single bed is topped with goose-down foam pillows, and soft and smooth cushions, bringing a beautiful sleeping feeling.....

[Good night, Manager...]

The camera moves, and in the night the camera's infrared light flashes.

This is no private space, even when going to sleep, others are constantly watching.

Day 1, ended.