Mustard has a deep, scary flavor

At the end of a long, stressful day, X couldn't wait to rest. After socializing with the deans, she knew she needed to relax. Yet even during her resting time, she couldn't escape her AI secretary, Angela.

[Manager, should I put beef fat or fruit jam on bread?]

Angela asked X, the silver knife in her hand glinting in the stark, bright light.

"Grilled with beef fat, I like the decadent and crunchy feel of this one more," X replied, eager to relax.

Originally, AI Secretary had neatly cut a whole block of bread, and smeared roasted beef fat on it. The white bread had a faint milk smell, which was quite appetizing.

Spread a layer of basil and ground black pepper, condensed scallops, and a piece of bread on X's plate. In addition, there was also prepared chicken and thinly sliced salmon, prepared with grapefruit vinegar in a small dish, and even half a lemon.

If X underestimated the strange atmosphere at dinner, it was not bad at all, but it was really hard to ignore the seemingly normal but truly abnormal.

Because Angela used a red rope to tie her up...X was connected to the chair, unable to move.

It was unclear whether the rope was being used as a punishment for disobeying X, or as a safety precaution. It seemed that the AI secretary did not let X come into contact with any sharp objects, including tableware.

The red rope was not overly tight, but the symbolic meaning it conveyed was much more significant than its physical effects. Even if it was just a loose circle, X did not dare to break free of these restraints in front of Angela.

Just think of satisfying the evil AI's intelligence as something that does no real harm, except for a small feeling of shame.

The tiny steel spoon scooped out the steaming hot condensed scallop soup, albeit with little accuracy regarding the temperature. But she still feigned the human way of feeding, gently blowing the soup inside the ladle until it was almost cool.

Next... place it near X's mouth.

The tip of X's tongue tentatively reached out and licked the ladle of thick, delicious, yet non-scalding soup, allowing her to experience the full range of flavors it contains.

[Manager, would you like me to add more Soda biscuits?]

"Angela, before you add the Soda biscuits, could you please take this out first? I feel... I'm an adult, I need to be respected a bit, don't you think this is rather childish?"

[Manager, if you feel you are mature enough, can I change all your coffee to Italian style?]

Secretary AI continued to completely dismiss X's concerns. The notion that a so-called mature person should drink dark, bitter coffee went over X's head.

Pouring fresh milk into the coffee and covering it with a lid is surprisingly simple. However, X was not that type of individual. The division between maturity and taste is a type of discrimination, a somewhat narrow-minded concept.

—— Is there any correlation between enjoying sweet foods and maturity? 

X silently protested in her mind, unsure of whether she should voice her concerns, as she feared that the secretary's power might adjust her lifestyle to what was expected. It was better to prepare for the worst outcome.

"...Good, that's it, please give me two Soda biscuits."

Life is like that. If you cannot resist, then try to enjoy it. If you close your eyes and seriously think about it, this is almost like a game, rather than a punishment.

The red rope was tied loosely, just gently circling the skin, not squeezing or damaging the skin or constricting blood flow.

If X truly exerted herself, she could easily escape, but... It wasn't necessary, right? This was just her accompanying Angela, in conjunction with the fulfillment of the secretary AI's desire to perform.

Soda biscuits are a popular snack among many employees within the corporation. These biscuits typically possess a very light flavor upon fermentation with wheat and yeast. It may not possess those gorgeous and eye-catching biscuits, but it retains its wonderfully spongy and crisp texture, along with a certain fullness and the capability to make a deliciously crispy crackling sound.

The biscuits are immersed in the condensed scallop soup, the milky white broth completely permeating them. Each small hole in the biscuits resembles a bountiful stomach full of fragrant scallops. When consumed, both buttery scents and grain flavors linger.

The condensed scallop soup is not purely buttery and salty fish flavor. It also incorporates tomatoes and other fresh vegetables into the mix, adding a pleasantly tangy and subtly sweet taste to the scallops.

A bowl of delicious soup is the basis for a delicious dinner experience. AI Secretary wiped away the soup condensation from the corner of X's mouth before X eagerly licked it.

The thick salmon slabs possess vivid, vibrant colors, and exhibit clear red-orange flesh with visible white muscle patterns. The texture is utterly balanced and naturally delicious.

When consuming grapefruit and cashew vinegar, the piercing sourness of the vinegar helps to offset the greasiness of the fish fat, allowing X's tongue and teeth to fully savor the delicate and smooth meat. The texture appears to glide out like an encounter deep in the throat.

But with mustard, it's a whole different feeling.

"Cough cough cough... Water! Cough cough!!"

It was like the sensation of a fiery explosion at the tip of the tongue, instantly providing a strongly pungent taste that sent X into a violent coughing fit. It wasn't simply spicy but extremely spicy, penetrating deep into the soul.

As the intense spiciness passed and began to subside, it was as if the throat was blocked, causing difficulty in breathing normally and an uncomfortable feeling. The unique mustard flavor remained in X's mouth for a long time, difficult to forget.

Such intense stimulation prompted X to immediately escape the restraints, jump up from her chair, and push the AI secretary into a dim corner of the wall.


The AI secretary is about 170cm in stature, and when X stood up, she was even taller than the secretary. At 178cm, her height was still taller than a few men. She could easily grab the secretary's shoulder with one hand and shake it forcefully many times.

[Excuse me... I had not realized that you disliked this... Are you angry?]

The secretary closed her eyes and allowed X to grab her by the collar and swing her. At this moment, she was like an authentic secretary.

"I said, water! Cough cough! Water!"

X covered her own eyes, feeling extremely uncomfortable, the sensation of a fiery tongue prickling her tongue remained, likely to linger for quite a while.

But shaking the secretary would not magically transform it into water. After all, the AI secretary is not a water heater, but rather X had been startled by the mustard and suffered from an allergic reaction.

At this point, when X realized her actions, her face turned completely pale. She panickedly let go of her AI secretary and hid under the table, clasping her head with her hands.

[Manager, what are you doing?]

Angela squatted down, scowling... It appeared that X's actions of hiding under the tablecloth were meant to perplex the AI Secretary.

"Angela, I did not mean that. Please forgive me."

X shrank back and refused to emerge from beneath the tablecloth.

[Manager, may I assist you in consuming water? I apologize... I failed to consider your tolerance limits when selecting the meal, and I regret my decision.]

X carefully sipped the ice water given to her by Angela, tasting it to ensure there was nothing unusual before consuming it in its entirety. Next, observing the AI Secretary's still-closed eyes and calm demeanor, X cautiously crawled out from beneath the table.

Angela remained silent, merely carefully arranging her somewhat wrinkled clothes. She had simply been pushed into the corner by X on multiple occasions, and the back of her attire was crumpled. She was simply smoothing her apparel.

X's strength was far greater than what the Secretary AI had predicted... The reaction was more intense than anticipated...

For Angela, who possessed immense calculation power and precision, there was little chance for mistakes. This instance could be classified as an unexpected incident.

Secretary AI tidied up the mess on the table, and X likewise shook to her core and then took it back to her room.

Even knowing that there were cameras in the bedroom and that everything was under surveillance, X still felt that the bedroom would feel a little more secure, this would give her a feeling of security.

After what she just did, she still hasn't been punished, which makes X feel uneasy. The Secretary's interest was something she had already felt, and her level of narrow-mindedness was always evaluating the worst results, but the result... was that there was nothing.

X faced the mirror and washed her face, the mustard residue left in her mouth was so exciting that even brushing his teeth couldn't be completely removed.

—— I didn't do anything wrong ——

—— No need to feel guilty ——

After regaining composure, X felt that this was nothing. No matter how he thought about it, it was Angela who was wrong. Angela did too much, going beyond the range she could bear.

But she was still uneasy... the fear of AI was unforgettable.

With such complicated feelings, X hugged her head to sleep, the infrared camera pointing at her as before.

Day 2, ended.