How many?

X didn't want to say any harsh words to reprimand Hod, but in reality, how to gently point out Hod's mistakes and make her accept it well. Admitting mistakes requires language, organizational ability, and conversational skills.

Even though this was only their first meeting, Hod showed all sorts of signs that she was a person who easily became infatuated and entered a state of 'self-satisfaction' and 'self-moved' state. And this type, in a certain sense, is more troublesome than the Netzach type.

At first glance, she looks weak and cute, but when she gets agitated, she exposes the emptiness in her heart, and maybe she will quickly bite it. X doesn't want to be bitten by Hod.

In short, try to take control first...

Although X may not be aware that his behavior has some kind of misunderstanding, there is no clear conceptual understanding of this aspect. But she is someone who values results and is effective, so she will use them.

Perhaps it's a cowardly trick, a cowardly trick, but it works... The method that works for AI Secretary, applies to Dean the same way.

Or maybe... a trick can be used to tease Angela, there's no reason it can't tease naive and naive Dean.

Innocent and shy Training Department Dean was vaguely hugged in X's arms. X was close to Hod, whispering softly in her ear.

There is no other reason, just because this way can effectively change the position of Hod's attention. It made her so nervous that she couldn't think properly, and pulled out from the empty world she fell into.

In other words, using a gentle yet strong method, infiltrating Hod's thoughts that were filled with 'her own emotions', were disturbed by other thoughts, her attention was not focused.

In such a situation, X's words were even easier for Hod to accept without thinking and blindly listen.

"Hod...? Don't be nervous, I won't blame you, I just don't want my lovely Dean to be taken advantage of by a cunning employee."

"She just likes the Enkephalin you gave her, her eyes don't even look at you."

X gently patted Hod. Although under the influence of the Cognition Filter this looked like a 2D world. But it does not affect X's ability to make some necessary body language.

"Maybe... Manager... Tiffany's situation is unclear to you. Her condition was really bad before. Now she is much better. I saved her."

But the situation cannot be optimistic, Hod still stubbornly believes that this is saving the employee's life, completely unaware of what kind of results such actions will ultimately foster.

"Okay, which Department was that employee assigned to? Safety Department... I will instruct Netzach to take care of her."

X wanted to speak but stopped. Hod still needed some time until the truth and results were revealed before her eyes.

If she continues to talk about this topic, and does not use harsh words, then there is certainly no way to prevent this kind of fantasy self-satisfaction.

X didn't want to hurt Hod the first time they met, attacking her enthusiasm. So she decided not to talk about this topic for now, talking about a more comfortable topic would make Hod even more willing to talk.

"Hod, you're very different from the Deans I've met... Uhm, I mean, you'll address the employee's name... Normally, everyone shouts out the employees' number."

"Because I really care about employees, remembering everyone's name is the most basic thing! They are people, not machines, each of them has their own name!"

Hod was a little uncomfortable in X's chest at first, embarrassed and didn't dare raise her head, but after rubbing her a few times, she gave up struggling and started wrapping her arms around X as if seeking security.

Hod's eyes mainly fell on X's arm. The sleeves hid the skin, but the white wrist was still visible. If one looks closely, the traces of being cut open by a sharp instrument and then healed hidden under the sleeves can still be seen.

Even though she was talking about employee matters, Hod's attention was more on X's body, trying to emphasize things in her words, like an uneasy person looking for approval.

X's answer, will make Hod feel secure... Her words can paralyze her spirit more than employees' compliments, or perhaps... Get infatuation.

The soft sound was like a gentle breeze playing with willow branches, but with a slight numbness.

"But that will also put a lot of pressure on you, Hod, even if you don't want to smile, you still have to maintain your spirit and show a smile towards the employee. Obviously employees can change every day, but you still try to remember every name."

"Don't let yourself get too tired, Hod.

Even though as a Manager it's not good to want Dean to be lazy, but you look really tired."

"Caring for employee health is of course important, but the most important thing, I think, is still the Department Dean's health. You can say I'm being unfair. If those unstable employees cause a negative psychological impact on Dean, I will clean up those employees for you."

The warm words made Hod feel unconscious, almost making her want to give up thinking... In fact, Hod didn't hear X's next words clearly. She only felt hot, as if there was a problem with the cooling system, it was very hot, extremely hot.

If you can wait a while, good...

"Hod, Hod... Are you listening? Ah, are you too tired? If you're very tired, I won't bother you anymore today. Have a good rest.

"Even though it's not very polite to say that, Netzach's state of mind is worth learning, and sometimes it's okay to indulge a little bit of your desires."

It wasn't until X was about to let go of Hod who was leaning on her that Hod suddenly regained consciousness, but still unconsciously pulled X's sleeve, not wanting to let X leave.

After realizing what she was doing, Hod began to panic and quickly apologized.

"Sorry, Manager! I didn't mean it... Don't be angry with Hod... Can you forgive Hod?"

"Huh? Why should I be angry? I told you not to be so hasty, Hod Dean."

"In short, don't send too much enkephalin to employees. Those employees are mostly looking for you because of this. Too much enkephalin will affect the employee's own work."

"What I want to talk about today is these things, tomorrow I'll be able to come over and accompany you after work, Hod.

The training department has always provided psychological counseling for employees, but Dean's psychological pressure is also great, right? Doctors cannot cure themselves."

"I just have a lot of free time. Don't mind. If you have any comments, you can tell me. If you need me, I can accompany you more. Of course, you can go directly to the Manager's room to find me."

Although X felt that Hod was a bit strange, she didn't take this strange attitude to heart, just thinking it was Training Department Dean being too youthful.

After all, Hod looks like the type of young girl who is too immature, and even her mentality is very immature. Being influenced by employees, and giving too much importance to unimportant things, is also very normal.

Although it shouldn't be taken seriously..... It's a certain kind of stubbornness, like feeling like you owe something, but constantly repeating the situation to comfort yourself.

Corporation Department AI is more or less mentally ill, but Hod's behavior is quite serious, and similar to Netzach, it can greatly affect work matters.

Anyway... If an employee takes too much Enkephalin, the possibility of making a mistake will increase sharply, even lucky this time in surviving the job, sooner or later, due to the pressure value, died from self-destruction after ingesting enkephalin.

Even though there is Mental Corruption Neutralizing Gas in the employees' break room, it still doesn't change the fact that there will always be people who die from pressure. Let's take an example, an employee is a piece of paper, Mental Corruption Neutralizing Gas is an eraser.

When you draw a picture or write on a piece of white paper and use an eraser to wipe it later, no matter how hard you rub it, no matter how clean it is, it will more or less leave a trace, and if kept writing on the paper again and again...

In the end, the paper will be full of traces that can no longer be erased, can only be crumpled, turned over, thrown into the trash, considered in the garbage disposal.

After meeting with Hod, X prepared to be busy with her own affairs, went to the Safety Department to find Netzach, and asked about the employee's matter.

To be honest, She doesn't want to go to various department deans every day to find trouble, it's just that sometimes she needs to go see a few Deans, confide something, understand the situation, and create relationships.

Especially today, she just happened to see it and couldn't ignore it. If things aren't handled well, it's possible that at work tomorrow morning, an employee will be found defying orders and dead in an unknown corner.

X also doesn't want the death of an employee to affect her job rating at Angela's place. The level of completion of her work these past few days is also 'S' rating, the highest level of perfection! A small, insignificant employee might destroy everything.

Hod is a kind heart, or perhaps a soft heart, It's probably hard for her to see the employee being killed on the spot. X still has to think about Dean's feelings more or less. Employees are numbers to her, and 2D puppets, but for the Dean, they are real people and get along day and night.

If X caused the employee to death right in front of her, it might hurt Hod. From such considerations, X still had the intention to secretly handle it.

Of course, the employee called Tiffany was sent to the Safety Department, so she immediately went to the Safety Department to handle it. Anyway, X thinks it's better to talk to Netzach first, Netzach won't pay attention to that kind of thing.

Department Dean clearly understood what was light and what was heavy. Damaged gears had to be cleaned up before causing more damage. Of course, handling it directly is a bit too cruel, X still feels she should give the employee a chance.

As long as the next job doesn't have any problems, this time the incident will be considered non-existent... But in other cases in the future there can be no such forgiveness.

X silently thought about it and pushed it out of the Safety Department office door. This time Netzach did not plop down on the sofa drinking wine, or attract Enkephalin, but instead sat upright, doing work.

Next to the briefcase there was also a pink letter... It was being pressed down by things, as if worried about being blown away by the cold air from the air conditioner.

As soon as X came in, she saw it. She was a little embarrassed, wondering how it came so quickly. Netzach's performance was surprisingly high today, it was really a bit unusual, she didn't even pay attention to X entering, it was like all her attention was on work.

X had to hold out her hand, shaking it several times in front of Netzach's eyes. Only then did Netzach regain her composure. Her expression was also very panicked. She covered the writing in her hand and quickly hid it in the drawer.

"Ma... Manager? Why are you here?"

She didn't know why Netzach was in a hurry. Normally she was careless, but now seeing X suddenly made her so nervous. And she didn't know if her face was due to drinking or what, but it was extremely pink.

But X didn't pay attention to these insignificant details. Her thoughts were on the employee, not on Netzach's sudden unusual movements.

"Netzach, are you even busier now? There's something I thought would bother you a bit."

Golden eyes gently glanced at the documents displayed on Netzach's table. There were traces of them. It seemed that the documents were still being processed, but not completely processed.

"The Safety Department recently assigned a new employee, a new employee called 'Tiffany'."

Corporation's employees are many, X doesn't remember the employee's name clearly, only the number, now saying the employee's name herself, even giving X a strange feeling..... It's like she hasn't done that in a long time.

"Ah...? It seems like that really happened."

Netzach pulled something like a roster out of a drawer, at the top is Subject Number, followed by the name and date of employment, note at the end was which department they are transferred from.

"She will only come to my place tomorrow... Manager, why are you looking for her... Or perhaps, what trouble is she causing?"

Netzach looked at X and suddenly looked serious.

X was also frightened by Netzach's sudden serious appearance. She clasped her hands together to make a please gesture.

"Nothing, it's just that the employee not long ago had psychotherapy at Hod, but the effect wasn't very good. Before the treatment ended, she was transferred to your Department. Hod was worried that she would not be able to adapt to the new situation."

"If possible, Netzach, please pay attention to that employee called 'Tiffany', that employee may be a little drug dependent..... You understand, drug addiction reactions are always a little painful, of course, I will also pay attention to the situation here, in short, I'll bother you."

The words were gentle and flexible, probably inconsistent with X's occasional display of indifference, but that's exactly how it seemed at first glance, their conflicting temperaments but strangely melted together, and happened to be in the same person.

X is has a gentleness, which is also unintentional. Such gentleness is also due to considering Hod's feelings. If Hod knew that her former employee was about to be beaten to death at the Safety Department, she would definitely be very upset.

Although Netzach is lazy, she can see clearly, knows the cruel truth about the company better than anyone else. X felt that if she told Netzach the truth and clearly reported the employee's true situation, the employee would probably be dealt with immediately.

Netzach is not the type of person who will try her best to help employees, at most she will sigh a little.

The Safety Department is a research department in charge of training new employees to become security officers, conducting predictions and preparing combat research for potential incidents. Obviously, employees with poor mental status are also one of the potential risks.

It's not about dealing with things that happen, it's about stopping things before they can happen!

But X's graceful speech clearly did not persuade Netzach, because... Netzach knew very well what Hod would do, and knew what kind of person Hod was.

Concerned about employees' inability to adapt to the new environment, so came specifically to advise, really? A little bit of drug addiction, psychological therapy is not effective?

Is the dose of enkephalin not enough to anesthetize the nerves??

"Manager, are you taking other people's affairs on your own without authorization? You know, this kind of kindness is almost non-existent in the Corporation."

"The Corporation is so bad, so bad, so broken that employees can only use drugs to relieve the pressure."

"Manager, you should be familiar with this kind of thing... There can only be more things like this in the future, and even you come, there won't be any changes!"

She didn't know why this time. Netzach's emotions immediately became agitated. She almost wanted to hold on to X's chest and pull her collar.

"Netzach, calm down, it's just an employee. If not even an employee can be saved, how can I save you? Do you want me to watch you complain every day without doing anything?"

"No one will fall into the pit along the way, and then fall into the pit again because they are worried about standing up. So they just lie in the pit and refuse to get up, right?"

"Can there be a little change, Netzach, is there really not even a glimmer of hope in your eyes? When you squeeze yourself, it won't hurt, ah... It won't, because it's me you're squeezing! Have you grabbed my collar enough yet?"

X felt like she had exhausted all her patience and didn't want to waste her tongue again.

X's hand slaps Netzach down and stays on the collar, then picks up the document on the table and slaps it on Netzach's head.

X angrily turned around and left, no longer saying any more nonsense, no longer looking at Netzach more than once, the office door was heavily closed by X, making a muffled sound.

For AI, maybe she couldn't even feel the pain, but after being hit by X, Netzach suddenly felt a lot of pain. But when X's back walked away, she only felt emptiness and helplessness spreading in her heart, feeling lost, more uncomfortable than usual.

"I...I just don't see..."

"This world of shit, kindness but there will be no good return..."

Alcohol spilled on the table, a bottle of wine after a bottle of wine, bang bang bang.