The right way

X, in Alpabet, it is in position 24.

Its pronunciation is /eks/, which is also a letter that can rarely be used to start a word. Similarly, X also expresses unknown, infinite.

At that time, X also represented "Goal" and "Hope". Apart from these things, it also had some ambiguous meanings. When a word is not easy to translate directly, "X" will be used to express it.

In addition to the above meaning, this letter X also represents "Perfect" in sociology, and thousands of languages ​​can also be passed down using X. In mathematics, 'X' represents a quantity of change, with a constant difference Y, considered the quantity of change 'Extreme', 'Peak'.

Y is ultimately determined by the amount of change in X, which in normal equations represents the unknown value.

This is a letter filled with endless possibilities yet entrusted with diverse meanings...

...X... Manager X...

Why am I called X...

A is in the first position in the alphabet, B is in the second position in the alphabet, C is in the third position in the alphabet..., why choose X?

...This is you who wrote down the letters yourself... It's also you who composed the story yourself...

[Manager, are you satisfied with the success of your work these past few days?]

[If your answer is no, I believe this news will change your attitude]

A dignified AI holding a document stood next to X exactly as before. This was AI's way of greeting, and it was also customary.

X doesn't need to make any response, the AI ​​will continue speaking in coordination.

[After you became Manager, our energy source output increased by 13%. Does this 13% feel a bit too small? In fact, this created a new record for Corporation.]

[Manager, how do you feel now?]

Until AI finished speaking the last sentence, it was X's turn to answer.

But X was like a lazy student who was dozing off in class, but suddenly was called out by the teacher and had to stand up and answer the question in a confused manner.

To be honest, every morning during this period of time, she couldn't stay awake and was plagued with sleepiness.

"Um... I don't know, can you give me another sandwich, Angela?"

X is very honest, she doesn't think about anything, she doesn't have too much emotion towards Angela's words, because this place doesn't seem like she belongs, and she doesn't feel proud.

Employee probably feels proud to join Wings of the World, but she only sees it as the Manager of a 'branch'. There really wasn't much emotion towards this, maybe because the position was very easy to get, or maybe it was because she was too conceited and arrogant, ignoring these things.

In short, X doesn't care.

If it weren't for AI, X would just want to sleep well.

But it was very clear that after sleeping, X's mind was not very clear and drifted for a while, so she accidentally gave an answer that did not satisfy the AI ​​Secretary, and the AI ​​Secretary frowned after hearing X's answer.

[ Don't know? Why...? Normally, after hearing such news, you would feel very happy, right?]

[In order to inform you of this news, I almost ran all the way slowly. Of course, this is just a kind of rhetorical exaggeration, but I did not expect you to react so calmly. If only you could be a little happier...]

After X saw Angela frown, she was immediately scared and quickly swallowed the sandwich that was still slowly eating in her mouth.

"Uh, then let me say it again? Angela, how can I show a bit of happiness? Hm...Should I smile?"

X pressed her own face with her index finger and middle finger at the same time, making the corner of her mouth reveal a curve, revealing a feeling of unwillingness but being forced.

However, the effect was not bad. After seeing X's movements, the AI's mood seemed to really change for the better. The originally frowned eyebrows relaxed, even with a hint of a smile.

[Manager, please don't always do such childish things... After you took office, the Corporation took a step forward in development. This shows that your job is very good, and the future will be even better.]

[AI will not easily make a praising behavior, knowing that you feel happy for that, I am also very happy]

[I still clearly remember how you looked when you first came to this place, you were a bit quiet, your expression was serious, there was no smile on your face.... Moreover, you are a bit wary of me, panicked and confused ]

[Of course, it's good that you can feel happy now]

X still remembers that the first day she came here, she was tied to a chair. Sitting on the chair was forced to listen to AI. At that time, she couldn't hear anything the AI ​​said clearly, because fear occupied her inside.

But until now, she is still under the pressure of AI, the Manager room is like a prison that cannot be escaped, keeping her here.

Tapered metal walls, blocking off limited space... A large number of screens show up like light pollution to clearly reveal the electronic style.

"Can I have another sandwich? Angela, I want to eat crab sticks."

X felt like she wasn't full, her stomach seemed to have grown bigger, it was clear that before, a sandwich could solve breakfast, but now she still felt incomplete and wanted more.

So, she asked AI for it, but AI was indifferent, because AI had other thoughts.

[Hm, Manager, today is a particularly good day. Have you noticed that glass of Champagne on the table? How about we give a toast.]

"Huh, is this my birthday?"

X thought about it, but she now has no impression of this day at all... However, what AI said is what it is.

[It's not anyone's birthday today. Yesterday, you decided to take action and deal with an employee. Things like this will often happen in later life, I hope you don't need to be too shocked or feel guilty because of it]

"But I didn't deal with any employee yesterday, Angela...Didn't the employee on the first day...."

[Sorry, Manager, the death of Clerks in the Corporation will not be officially recorded, I mean about your dealing with that employee called 'Tiffany' employee yesterday, good job.]

[They are clearly shouldering the risk, and are willing to accept it. Their sacrifice will motivate Corporation's development, I believe they will swallow their last breath with pride. Therefore, you should show respect to them]

[However... A damaged gear needs to be promptly destroyed before a potential incident occurs. This is correct. That's also the reason why I took out this precious bottle of top-grade Champagne.]

[Let's raise a glass to those employees who died, carrying a point of pride and sadness!]

AI Secretary explained, the corner of her mouth had a slight curve, as if praising X from the bottom of her heart, and feeling proud of sacrificing for the Corporation employee.

The champagne cork was opened by AI Secretary, and immediately, the scent of wine filled the air.

That little bit of clear, golden-colored wine was slowly poured into the tall glass that Secretary AI had carefully prepared.

X hesitated... Didn't take this glass of wine.

"Angela, as far as I remember, I didn't deal with that employee? Or perhaps, I didn't give such an order, I was just hoping that Netzach could pay more attention to that employee."

X admitted that at that time she had thought about directly killing the employee, but she did not express her true thoughts. In the end, she thought of giving the employee a chance to repent and become a new person.

X was just euphemistically telling Netzach that there was an employee who had drug dependency problems... Why... immediately executed her.

[Huh? Do you want to keep this glass of wine for later? But only when enjoying wine with others can it show its value.]

[Just in case you forget, let me show you the exact way to taste champagne]

[The correct way to savor its charm is to hold the stem of the glass tightly, take a small sip and enjoy its bubbles]

AI Secretary modeled this process to X, elegantly holding the base of the tall glass, gently swaying, then her lips stopped on the glass, letting delicate air bubbles flow into her mouth.

It was just a quick sip, AI was just pretending a bit, she actually couldn't taste any flavor, but she would act like a human enjoying the process of drinking alcohol.

Next.... she brought the glass to X's mouth.

This is an invitation that cannot be refused...

X took the glass of wine, learned Angela's actions, and drank the remaining champagne in the glass in one gulp.

[Yes, that's it.]

AI showed a satisfied smile and applauded X.

"Ho... To be honest, Angela, I think using alcohol before work is not a good thing."

X's face was already a little red. It was just a glass of champagne and she felt extremely hot.

[There's only one hour left to work, you have enough time to enjoy this drunkenness]

But Angela today seemed to be deliberately letting X drink.

"I want to walk around in the hallway, is that possible... Angela, I'm still thinking about that incident from before, I have to go ask Netzach."

"This alcohol just makes me late, it's terrible... It also gives me an even headache."

X felt like she wasn't very alert, but she was awake. Was this the effect of alcohol, or did she think she was drunk? X doesn't know.

Even though she claims to be a selfish and indifferent person, X still remembers that employee called 'Tiffany'. She clearly did not order to kill that employee! Why? Why did that happen!

X wants to know, is Netzach handling it, or Angela handling it, at least... she must know...

For what reason, she was the only one who didn't know, and was then congratulated.

X is a cruel person, but would she be happy because her employees died? No, until now X herself is cruel but not to that extent.