
[T-01-68 escapes, it kills all Training Department's employees ]

[You mobilize the Safety Department's to suppress T-01-68, T-01-68 returns to the Containment unit again]

[You order Control Department's employees to be in charge of this new Abnormality, you order employees to conduct Insight work on T-01-68]

[T-01-68 escaped, it killed all Clerks in the corridor of the Safety Department, the Safety Department suffered heavy losses]



[Your Energy Quota is complete, T-01-68 is still wandering outside the Containment Unit, you forcefully finished today's work while being reprimanded by the Deans]

[You are punished by AI]

[Your spirit is broken...]

[Achieved achievement —— Can't escape in butterfly ]

[Warm reminder: Although the Qliphoth Counter can force Abnormalities to hibernate, when Abnormalities are outside and the Manager forcibly ends the work, this behavior is very bad, don't disappoint the AIs ]

[Please choose this time's reward results:

1. Fortitude (+1)

2. Prudence (+1)

3. Temperance (+1)

4. Justice (+1)]

[First-person perspective original : Yes/No]

After X saw the familiar panel, she had difficulty swallowing the coffee in her mouth. Enjoying it like that, not only was the coffee miserable, life was also bitter.

X lamented her own bad luck, X once again chose the [Yes] option. After all, the new Abnormality seems to be a guy who can't settle down and has a very strong offensive personality. It seems like she accidentally chose the worst...

As for the content of the simulation, although sometimes looking at these things can only make her feel tired, but as long as she takes reasonable advantage and uses them at the right time, she can avoid all mistakes.

The amount of information from the written word is too brief, X can only rely on the written word to know the specific details. So she still needs to experience that feeling of mismanagement at least once, to see why [T-01-68] escaped and got rid of those employees.

The scene at this time, the screen is still that familiar screen, the interface is still that familiar interface, but in this state X cannot control herself, can only watch herself do stupid things.

While managing [T-01-68], the stupidest thing 'I' did was ordering employees of the entire Department to guard at the entrance of the hallway. When the butterfly opened the coffin, an entire hallway of employees was killed by a bunch of white butterflies.

But how should I say it...At least from the outside, from the look on their face, when employees die there is no pain, very peaceful, thier body does not experience any kind of biting, devouring, grinding or other things.

Should I say benevolent... Or benevolent...

And after suppression, this Abnormality will escape after the employee does the job twice.

Its Qliphoth Counter has an extreme value of 2. In theory, every time an employee performs a work on it, the counter will decrease by one, until it reaches zero, then it will escape again.

Qliphoth Counter was installed by Corperation to be able to roughly judge the 'Mood' of Abnormalities. Before the counter reaches zero, these Abnormalities will obediently wait in the Containment unit, but may cause some changes due to emotions.

When the counter value drops, it means that the emotions of Abnormalities begin to have intense fluctuations. When the counter reaches zero, the moment when the emotions are most intense, they will begin to explode, which is also the reason for the escape.

In a certain sense, it is roughly a cyclical nature.

[ Instinct ][ Insight ][ Attachment ][ Repression ] four basic work, X has tried all of them once, [ Instinct ] and [ Attachment ] work for [T-01-68] is very bad, the result is always [ Poor ], but both [ Insight ] and [ Repression ] give the result as [ Good ] , but the counter value will still be reduced.

other words, [T-01-68]will escape very often, as long as an employee does work twice, it will run out from the Containment unit.

[ One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds ] [ Beauty and the Beast ] [ Fairy Festival ] are all the type that won't go out, but this new Abnormality is simply an extreme, always going out...

Even though the threat to the elite employees with well-equipped equipment is not very high, but for those new employees... The situation can only be described as dire.

The damage that[T-01-68] caused to employees is mental damage, normally speaking if the sanity value of an employee reaches zero then they will fall into a panic state. But if hit by [T-01-68]'s white butterfly, when the sanity reaches zero, the employee will directly die, falling on the ground...

Butterfly stopped at the employee's chest. Very colorful, but it doesn't change the fact that the employee is dead.

So X temporarily infers that it is not a matter of work, because regardless of the work, whether the result is [Good] or [Poor]. [T-01-68] will still escape, so X thinks that this may be a problem with the employee's stats.

Normally speaking, when faced with Abnormalities that have no intelligence, it is usually best to use employees to probe to gather information. Because this is a dangerous job, only the best qualified employees can have a good performance in the face of the unknown.

But... Occasionally there will be exceptions. Abnormalities are crazy, sometimes there are different requirements, the most expensive is not the best, the most suitable is.

A level five employee can probably satisfy most of Abnormalities' needs, but some Abnormalities are very different.

And [T-01-68] just happens to be a type of Abnormality that has unusual bias.

X saw that 'she' only sent employees with high qualifications when working for [T-01-68]. [ Prudence ] represents the greatest mental influence that an employee can withstand, [ Temperance ] represents the impact on the employee's work performance and probability of success, these two actually do not have too great an influence on [T-01-68] .

Because, the Qliphoth Counter will eventually decrease by one.

And after sacrificing all of the Training Department's employees, she reached the conclusion that [ Fortitude ] and [ Justice ] were the real reasons for [T-01-68] to escape.

[T-01-68] like employees with high [Justice] and do [Repression] work, dislike low [Justice] employees. When an employee has [Justice] level lower than 3 and does work on it, then it will be dissatisfied...

But if the employee has high [Justice] but also has [Fortitude] higher than level 3, it will also lead to [T-01-68] escape.

It does not like employees who are too cowardly, nor does it like employees who are too oppressive.

At this moment, X calmly stared up at the scene of the quiet Training Department hallway on the screen.

All the employees were lying completely on the floor of the hallway, a piece of peace, and in the top left corner of the screen, messages from the Deans were also continuously bombarding.

[Manager! Please check out the "Abnormality" Containment unit! Many people will be injured because of it!]

[ "Abnormality" has escaped! Please control it immediately!]

Next, Training Department's employees were killed by[T-01-68]...Hod cried sobbingly, probably really sad.

[Manager... employees Killed... I should have tried a little harder...]

[They are all... Dead??? This... It's not true... I... I paid so much... It's all...]

[... I can't help them... What should I do...]

But for X, she was just a bystander, she couldn't change what had happened, she could only watch the situation get worse.

This type of experience is not new, X has experienced it once, it's just taking a different perspective to treat them. And in the chaotic situation, when the alarm sounded, each Deans' attitude was clearly and decisively different.

Beautiful things are always the same, but tragic things are always different.

After listening to the final scolding and enjoying the tragic situation caused by her own mismanagement, X ends [First-person perspective original].

The first half of the simulation content is enough, the second half is punishment. Just looking at the text of this kind of thing makes her tremble a bit, let alone experiencing it?

The coffee was still hot, steaming hot, X drank it all in one gulp and then started today's official work.

Although it is difficult to find an employee who meets the standards, it is not impossible. She only needs an employee to take care of[T-01-68].

"Hod, find me an employee whose [Justice] level is higher than 3, [Fortitude] level is lower than 3, then let that employee do [Insight] and [Repression] work on [T-01-68]."

"Yesod, today let your employees carry out [ Insight ] and [ Attachment ] work on[Fairy Festival], take turns, don't let them go to other Containment units!"

"Malkuth, let your employees conduct [ Repression ] and [ Insight ] work on[ Beauty and the Beast ]."

"Netzach, make a list of employees who have not received a Gift from [ One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds ], wait until then [ Attachment ] work is left to them to be in charge of, your employees [ Justice ] is too high, [ Temperance ] is too low, it is necessary to practice more."

[ One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds ] is suitable for new employees to practice [ Attachment ] work, then[ Fairy Festival ] is suitable for [ Instinct ], including [ Attachment ], just that there is a certain danger.

X still feels that the Information Department manages [Fairy Festival] quite appropriately, avoiding situations where employees sneak around.

Safety Department [ Beauty and the Beast ] is suitable for training employees' [ Justice ], not only new employees but also old employees, carrying out [ Repression ] work has a very high probability of success, and the effect is also very good, just be careful not to repeat [Repression], then there will be no casualties.

And if[T-01-68]had a suitable employee in charge later, it would be more dignified, not to mention, HE level Abnormalities more suitable for training employees with certain abilities and qualities.

ZAYIN level and TETH level Abnormalities are a good adaptation process for new employees, but after a while, they will no longer have too much of an effect.

[T-01-68] Likes [ Repression ] work, can quickly improve employees' [ Justice ].

Well, this guy is still very valuable... Even though she likes to escape, she only needs to use his favorite points to be able to take advantage of his characteristics for the Corporation's gain.

Just like X's prediction, after being properly managed, [T-01-68], also has a name for itself aka [Funeral of the Dead Butterflies ] extremely docile, also extremely peaceful.

He not only brings positive energy, but also trains employees.

There was no escape from Abnormality, no employees falling into panic, and no employees dying at all. Today's X work could also be perfect at 'S' level, unable to find any holes.

[You've worked hard, Manager, thank you for your efforts for the Corporation, do you need me to pour you a glass of Champagne?]

The champagne that was brought out early in the morning has only been used a little, and now, AI takes it out again, so that X can enjoy this premium bottle of champagne.