Manager, you promised to give me a reward!

"Smile, Yesod, drink!"

X gave Hod another drink. Training Department Dean was a little startled by X's enthusiasm. She carefully raised the glass of wine, not daring to move more.

Hod sat on the left side of XX, and Yesod sat on the right side of X, both in a somewhat seductive (?) position of being half-embraced by XX.

Yesod is a person who doesn't like to have physical contact with others. Most of the time she will use thick clothes to cover her skin, sometimes wearing black gloves, because even contact through cloth will also make her feel disgusted....

But this time, there was no sign of disgust.

She didn't know whether it was because she was simply suppressing the uncomfortable feeling in her heart, or because X's hug wouldn't make her feel uncomfortable. In short, she ignored this kind of situation. XX is now hugging left and right, on the left is a cowardly rabbit, and on the right is a tsundere snake.

Even though X's actions had no intention at all, but what the insiders are thinking... who knows?

AI being able to taste flavors is very strange, but Deans can really taste this part of champagne, which brings a wonderful feeling.

The smooth bubbles of pure alcohol lingered in their mouths, and no matter how delicious the wine was, it would be better to say that sharing this pleasure with someone in the same place infects oneself. To the point that even the wine becomes delicious, even if the Deans cannot feel the wine, they still feel the wine is delicious.

"Hod, do you feel like you're in a good mood?

Do you want another drink or not?"

X suggested, champagne should only be poured a little at a time, the important thing is the feeling of ceremony, not the drinking itself.

However, no matter how little you drink, a total dose of several times cannot be underestimated. Champagne itself is more intoxicating than beer. XX's face is already a little red. When her white skin shows that redness, it is always extremely captivating.

Hod suddenly stood up, then as if she was forced to the point of being impatient, she ran out of the Information Department office without turning back, leaving behind only a hasty sentence.

"No... No need! Manager, I... I still have work!"

Immediately after that, the door was slammed shut with a heavy sound.

"Uh, is it too hard to drink? I still feel good."

X looked strangely at Hod's sudden departure, feeling a bit incomprehensible. Is.... Is it that she doesn't like drinking this wine?

"Manager, your behavior does not meet Manager's standards of behavior. Your recent behavior is enough to constitute harassment. Maybe I should apply to the Corperation for punishment on Manager."

Yesod, who was half hugged by XX, suddenly said something like that, so scared that X immediately released her hand, revealing an expression as if she had been bitten by a Viper hiding in the grass.

"It's not that bad... Uhm, so you'll hug me? In this case, we should be even."

The position instantly turned upside down. In order not to be punished by AI, XX herself crawled into Yesod's arms, but because of the height, everything seemed a bit strange...

XX's height is about 1m78, and Yesod is only 1m **, the woman with short black sideburns in her arms, looks more like the dominant one... But not the weak one.

If it weren't for the overall temperament, it would probably be more like a tyrant oppressing the people under her command.

... Too close...

... Why would it be so close...

Yesod's forehead was sweating. She was extremely surprised at X's behavior of jumping directly into her chest... It also made her extremely flustered.

Information Department Dean, who has always been calm as usual, is now very confused.

Does this woman really realize what she is doing? Why does she always do things that go beyond common sense?

With no data, no documents, Information Department Dean appeared so panicked and helpless.

Fortunately, she only waited in Yesod's arms for a moment. XX crawled back because she felt that her current position was not too comfortable, once again taking a lazy position on the sofa.

Having had so much contact with Netzach, it is impossible to say that she has not learned a few things.

She was even more outrageous, taking off her shoes just like that, lying flat on the sofa, enjoying herself as if lying on a single bed.

When the last drop of champagne in the bottle is poured into the glass, and XX licks it all the way, such an action will definitely get worse. But the source is also because Yesod gave Manager freedom, leaving X's behavior alone.

X rested on Yesod's knee, and even patted Yesod's waist because she felt a little uncomfortable.

This time Yesod was like a fire that had been extinguished. Those usually sharp words were no longer spat out, but instead used relatively 'flexible' words to persuade.

"Manager, you drank too much."

This is probably the gentlest sentence Yesod said to XX, but unfortunately X was in a drunken state, her consciousness was not very clear, and she did not perceive Yesod's good intentions.

"No, I'm not drunk... I'm not drunk, Yesod, it's too hot, is the air conditioner not on, Yesod?"

As X spoke, her hand began to untie the red tie around her neck. The tie was quickly untied, taken down, and then thrown aside, the knot of the uniform was also untied a few times.

The white neck area is all exposed, and the slightly open black uniform also reveals the delicate space of the collarbone... The collarbone is very beautiful, but the red mark there is an eyesore.

When she saw that X's appearance was caused by some kind of adult behavior, Yesod's eyebrows immediately furrowed as if she could pinch a fly to death.

"Manager, although I don't want to interfere in your private life, but as Manager, representing the Corporation's face, you should pay attention to maintaining a little bit of your life, how can this look be normal? "

Yesod spoke with a serious expression, then pressed down XX, who couldn't even lie still, and helped her re-tighten the knot.

"No need, I'm too hot!"

XX is dissatisfied with Yesod's behavior of helping her button up, but she was completely unaware of how inappropriate her actions were, and completely unaware that her words could be filled with other meanings.

It wasn't until she couldn't hold it in anymore that Yesod threw a glass of ice water on X's head, causing X to barely seem to wake up a bit.

"That's bad, I forgot about Netzach!"

X herself drank an entire bottle of champagne, forgetting about Netzach. This was originally intended to be a reward for Netzach and shared with Netzach.

"Sorry, sorry, Yesod, I caused you more trouble! I'll come back to make it up to you another day!"

XX hastily left the office, in a hurry, but Yesod just silently cleaned up the mess... This is the reason why she hates alcohol, alcohol will affect people's thinking, will affect people's judgment, that is irrational and inaccurate.

But this irrational part, this emotional part, is often the most fatal...

Indulging one's own desires is an extremely shameful and embarrassing thing.

"It's not like you're going to do anything... It's also not like you're going to say anything..."

When X left, Yesod did not continue to handle official business, but continued to sit on the sofa and close her eyes to meditate.

She turned to the air and spoke to herself, not sure if it was... Or she was talking to someone else, but what she got in response was only silence.

After all, the difference between her and other Department Deans is that employees will absolutely not bother her unless there is an emergency.

Because she is 'Viper' Yesod, a 'Viper' who is not close to people and is not easy to tease, a 'Viper' who does not have any friends, is not liked by other Deans, and is not close to employees.

Comforting an employee is meaningful, establishing a social relationship with an employee is also meaningful... Thus, is creating a relationship with a different Deans or perhaps with a Manager meaningful?

Yesod unintentionally gave birth to a somewhat affectionate thought, but this thought was quickly dismissed by her.

Reason is greater than emotion, binding the emotional thoughts in the heart, and promptly retracting them before committing an irreversible mistake.


"Netzach, ah, I'm a little late, but I brought you a gift."

Because she accidentally drank all the champagne, XX bought some beer as a substitute. Although not having Champagne was a pity, X felt that Netzach probably wouldn't care about the specific wine.

Netzach has always been very spontaneous, as long as she has something to drink, then anything is fine.

Unfortunately... The situation was not as X predicted. After Netzach saw it, she was extremely disappointed, a look of depression on her face.

"No champagne? Manager..."

Netzach somehow knew that XX and the other Deans had been drinking together, it was natural for people to celebrate when the job was completed smoothly, but Netzach seemed to have waited for a long time, to the point of being upset...

"Uhm... I'm so sorry, I accidentally drank all the champagne. Can we just use beer instead?

X smiled embarrassedly and opened a can of beer.

She still hadn't realized the reason for Netzach's unhappiness, or the fact that XX had always been able to put the truth in front of her eyes so indifferently, and in other aspects, she was always dull and stupid...

"No! What do you plan to compensate me for?"

Netzach was initially upset when he heard that X had finished drinking Champagne, so he excitedly stood up from his seat.

"Ah, I have finished my work today, X... you said you would satisfy my request. You won't change your mind, will you?"

Netzach's dark green eyes looked intently at XX, scanning up and down. Because X's head was refreshed by Yesod's cold water, XX's body was even a little wet, the white jacket was glued to the black uniform inside, revealing the dark gray color, highlighting the captivating white collar.

"Let me take a look... You actually finished it, good, Netzach, what do you want to be rewarded for? As long as it is within the scope of my ability, I will promise you."

X's first reaction when she heard Netzach finished her work was to check the documents on the desk.

It's simply unimaginable. The entire report was written, neatly filed, and placed in the corresponding folder.

Is this still the Netzach that X recognized? Although X encouraged Netzach to do a good job and agreed to such a commitment, X did not think that Netzach could really do a good job.

But as an excellent Manager, she promised to do it, of course she agreed to Netzach's reward, of course she would satisfy her request.

It's just... This is too strange.

"Then my request is, X, put this on, then sit on the sofa... No struggling behavior is allowed."

Netzach took out a pair of silver 'rope' from somewhere and handed them to X, wanting XX to cuff them herself.

"Ah? Why do I have to do that, Netzach...?!"

X had a bit of a bad feeling. Even though she was a dull person, she eventually noticed something unusual.

XX was a bit at a loss... She didn't know how to deal with such a sudden situation.

"Manager, do you want to not do it? So you're a fraud... You can only lie and deceive others? Since that's the case, why do you have to give me that little bit of hope, arbitrarily pull me up, wouldn't it be better to let me drown inside?"

One sentence after another, it shook XX's conscience. After being forced by Netzach and adding a few despicable tricks...X gritted her teeth and responded.

"I... I'm not a fraud! What I promise you is... But, I can't do... Those other things."

As she spoke, X put on the silver bracelets and obediently sat on the sofa.

"Huh? What are you referring to, Manager?"

Netzach had already looked down from above and pushed X onto the sofa. Because of the 'silver rope', X couldn't do anything to resist.

"You know it yourself!"

X was naturally speechless with those embarrassing words, just imagining those contents made her feel awkward.

"Of course, I just ask for a small reward... Ah, after all, you are the Manager."