Is this resume you? No. This is you. No, it really isn't.

[ Good morning, Manager. The founder of the Corporation always told me: Every successful experience will make you a better person.]

[ After overcoming numerous difficulties and failures, Lobotomy Corperation will definitely become better. You too.]

[ Every day you are here, the Corperation takes every step towards a glorious future.]

[ How will you be today?]


[ Of course not bad, the answer is so obvious, you don't need to answer.]

X completely didn't care, the words Angela just said she didn't have a single word to listen to, because after she woke up... Feeling not very good?

Obviously she slept very early, also slept soundly, but when she woke up she felt very tired, very tired, dizzy, her head was like mush, almost blank.

Sleeping time is also not the longer the better, some moments of sleeping for a long time will be more and more tired, because the body is not healthy, X also has a little hypotension symptoms, in the morning there will always be not a short period of time.

Although the past few days she was also like this, but it was not as serious, today X in the morning felt extremely embarrassed, hurriedly took a bath, once again changed clothes...

Feeling... already had a not very good dream...

How did it do such a ridiculous dream...

X unconsciously glanced towards her own AI Secretary, a little suspicious, then immediately turned her head away, pretending not to care at all to drink the hot cow's milk in her hand.

Even if her AI Secretary was really very beautiful, she herself would not dream such a dream ah...?

Could it be ——

My head is injured!?

X is suspicious that she accidentally injured her head while sleepwalking, that's why she would have such thoughts about AI. Even if... she herself likes women, AI is absolutely not her ideal type... right?

Well, why would someone like an AI that has such a strong desire to control, with a super bad personality, how pitiful would someone be to fall in love with a bunch of essentially programmed numbers.

X directly denied her own absurd thoughts. Such a thing could never happen, AI also absolutely would not have human desires, everything is just imitation and learning.

Yes... It can only be like this, just a little insignificant matter, no need to pay attention, the mind and energy should be placed on work, not boring love affairs.

X drank the sweet hot cow's milk, thinking like this, and felt at ease.

But, the originally quiet AI Secretary suddenly asked, making X who had just drunk the cow's milk almost spit it out.

[In the Corporation, your every day is rich and colorful, the Corporation is prosperous because of you, proud because of you]

[So Manager, how was your past?]

"My past? Angela... What are you asking this for?"

[I have looked through your resume, but just stating it in words is not enough, as your Secretary, I hope to be able to understand you better, this is also for the future to be able to better assist you.]

Angela said so, but X did not feel that Angela would have the leisure to go find out about the human race that could be fired at any time.

In fact, X recalled a bit of her own life, very ordinary, also did not have any worthy place to praise, resume also not outstanding... Could be hired by Lobotomy Corperation as Manager what is the reason, or perhaps, since when did she submit this resume...?

"Is it still good, my life before was very ordinary, also nothing special. I am also just an ordinary person in Nest, received education, then found a job."

"Uhm… You know, Angela. Staying in the Nest is not easy, every month will have to be busy because of paying high fees, if can not pay then will be kicked out."

"I originally will also be like them, but I am very lucky to be hired by your Corporation as Manager, I am very grateful to the Corporation."

X replied, then continued to indifferently drink the cow's milk, she was originally this kind of casually a bit, after all Angela's questions are mostly unimportant, and in essence also to hype up the Corporation.

But Angela is frowning, seems also does not agree with X's answer.

[Your resume shows, you in mechanical manufacturing, world geography, economic statistics, natural science, biological genetics eleven fields all have the highest degree, at the same time in quantum engineering, space-time observation made outstanding contributions...]

[You are a very talented person, Lobotomy Corperation can hire you to be Manager, is a kind of honor, the truth has also proven... Hiring you is also a very correct choice, just in a few days, You have created the highest achievements in the history of our Corporation]

"Pfft! I also don't remember myself having this kind of resume writing, or perhaps writing this part of resume."

[I also think so, you don't seem to be as good as your resume says, however I think the resume will not have any errors, you definitely have other special things to wait for me to discover... After all, you can maintain your life going straight is also very not easy.]

[And since you're here, you'll definitely have a better life.]

There was a slight curve on the corner of Angela's mouth, as if she was smiling, but the words she said were a bit strange.

X felt very annoyed, because she herself didn't brag and write such a resume, she didn't even remember what she wrote.

She herself was clearly forced to come here!

But now, being teased by Angela every day was considered normal, X was already used to it.

Even though X couldn't understand the reason behind it, but, sometimes there's no need to understand it thoroughly, right? Just like when drinking fresh milk, do you still have to consider how cow's milk is produced? It's very obvious that there's no need.

"Hm, Angela, can you give me another glass of milk? I also want a sandwich."

X still hasn't eaten her fill, the standard food supply every morning already couldn't satisfy her needs, now her appetite has recently become exceptionally good.

But Angela this time provided an apple for X, a bright and attractive red apple.

[Need me to peel it for you? You know, a tree can't grow in any place, it needs fertile soil, suitable temperature and watering...]

Angela held a small knife and peeled the apple's skin, while continuing to speak.

[ But most of the seeds if fall into barren land, for them even taking root and sprouting is a big challenge.]

[ This is a very common example, I have no way to water or provide suitable sunlight for you, but I will do my best to plow your land, pray you can produce sweet fruit.]

Angela finished peeling the apple skin then removed the seeds, cut them into bite-sized pieces, then stuck them on toothpicks, then put them in the food plate, placed in front of X.

X ate a piece, the apple's sweetness was greater than its sourness, it was a unique fresh fruit with a light refreshing taste, after feeling delicious, X quickly finished the rest.

Although she felt that there was something wrong with Angela's words, X never paid attention to these small things. She had always been dedicated to her work, but had shortcomings in her personal life.

"Sweet fruit... So who is the fruit picker? Is it you, Angela, the fruit garden farmer?"

For Angela's magical example, X just smiled lightly, in fact occasionally she would also seriously listen to what Angela was saying, even if she didn't understand.

[Manager, this is just an example...]

Angela frowned.

"Fine, I was just joking, don't be angry, Angela. Almost time to work, I'm about to start work!"

When X saw Angela frown, she immediately shut her mouth, no longer muttering those unrelated topics.

X was a little upset, her courage was getting bigger and bigger, occasionally daring to tease the AI ​​Secretary, her mouth every time would arbitrarily say what was on her mind....

Provoking the authority of the AI ​​was not a good omen, X was a little afraid that when the AI ​​remembered, they would start settling accounts... Then she would be punished by the AI ​​again.

Recently Angela did not punish her, was it because she was accumulating...

X thought, feeling a little more uneasy, had to do a good job, add a little more merit to be able to find a little comfort in her heart. No matter what, as a Manager, doing a good job as a Manager, the AI ​​should not have any reason to punish her.

X based on previous simulation experience guessed that Angela should only carry out punishment when there is a situation where the Manager's work is going badly, Angela's tolerance is not so small, will not be angry because of a few bad words or offensive actions.

If just bad words can be punished, then Netzach has been expelled hundreds of times already, although there is a very high probability, it is Angela who does not want to manage her.

Regardless of Netzach or those other Deans, Angela seems to not care at all.

Today there are still new Abnormalities also coming, before each day officially starts working, after all, a new Abnormality must be recruited to be placed in the Containment unit.

1.[ Red Shoes ]

[ The girl begged in tears. "Mister, please cut off my feet... ]

2.[ Giant Tree Sap ]

[ The tree simply reaped from what it sowed.]

3.[ T-02-43 ]

[ Unsurprisingly, not a single employee volunteered to retrieve the corpse of their cocooned colleague.... ]

Today, most of the Abnormalities have records, X can easily make a choice, but before making a choice, X has some doubts.

"Angela, what is Giant Tree Sap, I remember that the Corporation has this kind of taste drink."

Giant Tree Sap is an Abnormality Tool, and employees who drink it have a certain probability of exploding, or also have a certain percentage of recovering health.

In other words, this is an Abnormality that employees rely on luck, if they feel their luck is not bad, they can come to drink a little, if they live, the taste will be not bad.

[ Hm... That is a flavored drink that the Corporation researched based on 'Giant Tree Sap', it is not real Giant Tree Sap, you can rest assured to try it. We will not release dangerous things to places that are easily contacted by people...]

"Good ah, even if you say so, I still feel that the Corporation actually still let those employees drink this flavor, won't it feel strange?"

[ The truth is exactly like that, but the purpose of the Corporation pushing out this drink is to let the employees not have any burden in their hearts when drinking the real 'Giant Tree Sap'.]

[ Just the first sip, it's okay, the employees will like this taste.]

Angela took out a bottle that X had seen before in the automatic vending machine [Giant Tree Sap]'s flavor drink, this drink was very popular among the employees, even selling better than grape soda.

But X absolutely couldn't raise any idea of ​​wanting to drink, even though this was just 'Giant Tree Sap's flavor' drink.

Tool Abnormality was temporarily ignored, next was [Red Shoes], and based on the existing records, this Abnormality was also troublesome.

At least in X's opinion, the Corporation's employee's overall quality was not outstanding enough, although the elite employee's [Temperance] was not low, but there were also many employees who were in the process of training.

And [Red Shoes] is just that kind of Abnormality that has the effect of seduction, will occasionally lure those employees whose minds are not stable enough to wear it, thereby triggering a series of reactions, such as massacre, and also collective crisis.

If all are very bad choices, then it is better to choose [T-02-43], Information Department will be in charge of this Abnormalitiy, placed in Information Department's Containment unit.