Oh my, I cry

X was pressed against the wall, watching the AI ​​Secretary undo her collar, and then step by step down undo her buttons.

Such a thing...X herself had been done by Deans before, but... That was something she was willing to do, and not something that was forced by the AI ​​to undo.

And now she clearly had tears in the corners of her eyes, very embarrassed, the always gentle X now changed her attitude, glaring at the AI ​​Secretary who was doing such a thing.

That was an attitude that had never appeared before... It was like she was really angry, like a lioness.

"Take your hand away, don't touch me!"

Hate, disgust, all kinds of negative emotions revealed, X very quickly struggled violently, and even so, X struggled so violently, Angela still did not have the slightest intention of letting go, she began to forcefully exert her own weight on X's body, calculating to take absolute control.

The white hand caressed X's hair edge, as if trying to comfort her.

The hand placed lightly on X's nape, as if biting the prey's nape, as if restraining the prey's actions...

Restraining, tight, restraining...

In the battle between strength and skill, it was obvious that Angela had the upper hand, she suppressed X's actions, suppressed X's struggles, X was wrapped by Angela's arms, her whole body was pulled into Angela's chest.

X's appearance at this moment —— The more like a prey falling into a spider web, the more intense the struggle, the more secretly entangled by the silk thread, the more tightly wrapped.

The spider was pouncing on its prey when it poured the anesthetic poison into the prey's body, then the prey that was originally struggling violently would follow the poison's effect and become weaker and weaker, weaker and weaker, finally giving up resistance, letting the spider hunt its prey.

X used force to bite Angela's arm, intending to let her let go because of the pain, but could only bite through Angela's Secretary uniform sleeve, and whether she felt pain or not was also a mystery, the only pain was in X's own teeth.

[Manager, are you making enough noise, why do you have to do so many meaningless things.]

As if tired of X's stupid behavior, Angela stroked X's face, blowing on that slightly swollen red spot.

X's jaw probably felt pain because of biting Angela, after all AI Secretary's defense power was really high, and X's behavior was purely just injuring her own teeth.

The force was mutual, when biting, she used a lot of force so now her teeth hurt a lot.

[Wait a bit and it will stop hurting... Well, you look really cute now, I've said it before, this really suits you.]

Angela's tone was unusually gentle, as if she was coaxing a child to fall asleep bit by bit, as if the person who had just been so stubborn in subduing X was not her.

The resistance was no longer as intense, because X did not have the strength to resist, and she still thought that the current things were still the same as the times Angela did before, just touching, and there was no deeper matter.

Breathing began to pour out, hot air was exhaled and swallowed, X's breathing began to become a little hurried.

Maybe it was because of the fierce resistance that created the rapid breathing... Or maybe it was because of some other reason.

And before X could even gasp, the soft lips were once again occupied, just that there was no such fierce resistance as before, X lying in Angela's chest was already quite quiet.

Low breathing sound, hot temperature, water flowed down from X's mouth corner....

Angela seriously and carefully wiped X's mouth corner, her gentle movements once again wiped away the traces left behind, then... Biting towards X's exposed smooth and perfect collarbone.

Compared to biting... Using the word absorb is more appropriate, it's not that she directly bit and tore, but elegantly licked, licked around as if wanting to remember the location... Until on X's skin there was a red mark left.

While patting X's back, while brushing X's hair, she began to act gentle...

Angela leaned close to the chest... Listening to X's heartbeat sound, each sound of intense cheering sound, can make Angela's mouth corner smile more obvious.

Circling X's waist, poking beside the waist, each poke a little, Angela can feel in her chest X has a little slight vibration, don't know if it's because it's too itchy or what other reason.

[ Can you help me untie it? Manager ]

Angela began to actively lower her posture, intending to loosen up towards X's restriction, the voice was gentle.

AI Secretary always neatly tied her tie, never will have a trace of slant.

That red tie tied around the neck, clearly showing a meticulous and careful attitude towards doing things.

And now, she is asking X to untie it.

X was held tightly in the arms of the AI ​​Secretary, both hands were locked... And that red tie was just the place where X could bite.

The meaning is very obvious, right? What should X do?

"O… Okay."

X showed a reluctant expression, extremely unwilling, but did not have an overly strong feeling of resistance.

X bit Angela's red tie, trying to bite down, in this struggling process wanted to untie the tie, and Angela also very patiently waited, just was rubbing X's lower abdomen, fingertips repeatedly touched X's side belt.

Then, finally when X was untying the AI ​​Secretary's tie, Training Department's office door opened ——

"Angela, my report is done, come take a look! Ai ai ai —— Manager —— Angela!"

"I... I i i... I didn't mean to, I'll go right away!"

Hod held a stack of report documents, seemed to be going out to prepare to give to Angela, but just like that just happened to encounter this scene.

Angela's smile immediately disappeared, unusually cold, icy golden eyes stared at the suddenly appeared Hod.

In X's mouth was still holding Angela's red tie, when X was seen by Hod, the first reaction flashed in her mind was that her Manager's life was about to end.

It's over! How will the Deans look at me in the future, I was clearly forced...

And Hod was stunned on the spot, the sky blue eyes stared at this scene, his gaze did not move a single hair.

Angela even under the situation of being stared at by Dean did not have the slightest intention to stop, even no longer leisurely just now, instead forcefully and decisively.

Angela took away the red tie in X's mouth, then lowered her head, forcibly kissed X...

"Angela, how can you do this kind of thing! You... You are actually Manager! You, Manager! You... You you you."

Hod looked for a long time, finally reacted to what she should say.

Probably the scene before her eyes was really too impactful, too shocking for her, Hod for a moment was a bit unorganized to speak.

[ Why can't I do such a thing? Hod? Why don't I ask for Manager's own opinion?]

Angela seemed to be showing off, licking X's tears flowing down physiologically, but X still didn't make any resistance, obediently right in AI Secretary's arms.

—— It was as if X was stimulated by Angela's action, stiffened... Or maybe it could be said that there was some kind of fear, now was hard to describe in words, silent, heavy face, not in a good state.

And then, X started to cry, tears couldn't stop flowing from her eyes.

Tears quickly wet Angela's sleeves, and the crying grew louder and louder.

Adults shouldn't cry, because that is an immature expression... And most of the time should also try to suppress the pain and grievance, but the emotions that erupt are just like that in a flash, without any signs, breaking the defense.

X until now, being wronged by Deans, being forcefully treated by AI Secretary, and brought to high pressure emotions, all of them erupted at this moment.

Adults are strong, and also weak —— Short black hair and golden eyes woman crying, her expression is extremely weak, that is something no one has seen before, weak, easily collapsing.

"Wu...Wu wu. I don't need, I don't need Angela!"

X bit Angela's sleeve to vent her dissatisfaction, even though it was completely useless, and it only added to her own pain, but she still did it, extremely conflicted.

"Angela, did you hear what Manager was saying? Quickly let her go."

[You... You really think like that...]

Angela clearly hugged tightly, but still felt like the person in her arms was so far away from her, forever unable to touch.

She knew it could be like this, she naturally knew, such an expression, such words, she had heard countless times.

"I hate Angela the most!"

In her arms, the short black haired woman, just like that said the words.

The gentleness of the past seemed to be just a fleeting illusion, a cunning illusory memory, merely a small fragment in the sea of ​​memories, she still held onto hope, craving for that gentleness.

I really...did I do something wrong?

Angela loosened her hand, and X struggled to break free from the restraints, she curled up in the corner of the wall, like a quail that was too shocked, not believing anyone, not trusting anyone, trembling in fear.

This was not like a Corporation, more like some terrifying Hell, and she was tormented here, physically and mentally tormented.

When tears flowed out, emotions were not something that could be controlled, like a crack appeared on the dam, once a very small crack appeared, it would grow larger and larger, and the water would follow the crack, eroding in an instant.

The psychological defense line collapsed, some moments were just a little bit of excitement, a little bit of things, clearly the AIs had done so many things before, X had endured it all, but this time she still couldn't bear it.

27 years old adult, crying like a child, tears wetting her sleeves, she couldn't stop it. She shouldn't have been like this...

The handkerchief was brought over——

"Manager, Manager... Angela has left."

Hod squatted down, handed it to X.

X took the handkerchief and wiped the tears off her face, and her eyes were also a little red from crying.

That is very similar to Angela's golden eyes, but on X's body appears a different feeling... Very hard to describe, like completely opposite personalities that create a contrasting feeling.

"Uh, what should I do, Hod, I accidentally make Angela angry, I won't have dinner, I also won't have a place to sleep, tomorrow I might be packed up."

X didn't cry, the emotion seemed to be very stable, but the attention point seemed to be wrong.

"Aiya aiya aiya, Manager?"

Hod's expression was really like saying 'Is now the time to think about these things?'.

"My stomach is really hungry, Hod, do you have snacks there, I feel... Angela today won't prepare dinner for me."

X was extremely calm as she handled the disheveled clothes, as if just now was just a tactical act of pretending to cry, as if when she hid in the corner it was also completely fake.