What are you laughing at? I'm thinking of something fun.

What is the taste of beer?

Beer is a little bitter, hard to judge.

But is it easy to drink? To tell the truth, it is not good to drink, the taste of alcohol is actually not good at all, it is just because of the yeast... drinking behavior is just to release a certain kind of mood.

X drank beer, there was no food to eat, it was just simply drinking, while drinking, she chatted with Netzach.

The reward is to drink together, this sounds a bit strange... But X is simply accompanying Netzach to drink and chat, and as for what Netzach is thinking about, X doesn't want to know, nor does she care.

As long as the goal is achieved, the means don't matter.

"X... I feel... We... It's been a long time... There hasn't been... This kind... This kind... Chat."

Netzach drank all the beer in her hand in one gulp, hiccupping one after another, her speech was also intermittent.

But she smiled happily, it was a smile that X rarely saw on Netzach's face. Netzach had always hated the Corporation, hated herself, hated her job, yet there were times when she would reveal such a smile.

Such a smile was from the heart, not something influenced by alcohol.

"Is that right? If you want, I can come over every day to accompany you... Uh, maybe I can't guarantee to come every day? But I will try my best to drain it all."

X took a small sip of beer in her hand, this was the second glass she drank, X was worried that she would fall asleep after drinking too much, after all her alcohol tolerance really wasn't that good.

If she continued drinking like Netzach, she would be stunned in less than 5 minutes, although some aspects were especially dull, but X still wouldn't be fooled many times.

Like this, there would be a bit of a loss, the loss would be more than the gain...

But X still couldn't stand Netzach's enthusiasm in provoking her, although provoking her was a despicable method, but every time it was very effective in making X take the bait.

"Beer hiccup... Jing ah! Accompany… Accompany me to drink..."

"Ha... Ha ha, look at you... X... What are you afraid of? Ah ——"

Another cup, this time Netzach took out a large amount of beer, continuously poured in, smooth foam surged up, from the glass that overflowed, like a provocation similarly waved at X in front of his eyes.

As if saying, you only have this level?

Next Netzach immediately took another sip of the beer in her hand, AI did not need to take a breath, and as for where the liquid that was drunk would go, X also did not know, but in short, Netzach just like that drank half.

She should be able to drink it all, but left half, left for X.

"... Hiccup"

"As for you ah... Hehe... Can't do it ah?"

She just like that cooperated and gave it to X, clearly this was nothing to bet, also basically there was no necessary bet, but it was just not understanding starting some kind of competitive atmosphere.

Want to win against AI in drinking, sounds very stupid right? But X still took the bait.

She originally didn't have a very good alcohol tolerance, two or three glasses of beer could make her face turn red.

"Stop looking down on me, Netzach!

Hiccup, I'm fine too ——"

Like a puffer fish being provoked, it instantly swelled up, X took it and drank it, because she drank too fast, some beer flowed down from the corner of her mouth, staining her collar.

The alcohol flavor filled the air, as if the breath that leaked out was alcohol... the entire room was permeated by alcohol.

Although it spilled quite a bit, but it could be considered as finished drinking, when X put down the wine cup, she was already a little flustered and couldn't hold it.

Her eyes were swaying left and right, and her brain gradually became dull, confused, she couldn't think... She didn't want anything.

"No, a little bit leaked... This doesn't count."

Netzach suddenly drew closer to X, capturing X's gaze. Dark green pupils stared at the black haired golden eyed woman in front of her, as if she was evaluating something, then——

"Ah... Good... Good... I'll help you... Clean it up, X."

"You... You... Lost... Shouldn't you give me a reward?"

Her tongue tip licked away the beer on X's mouth corner and neck, although this essence above was just adding a layer of water, but who cares?

"Um... Um."

X nodded hazily, she was a bit faint, what Netzach was saying she didn't hear too clearly, just caught a few words.

Re... Reward? What reward?

Too hot ah, is the air conditioner off?

X took off the white coat, threw it aside, and the few buttons that weren't fastened well of the black uniform were also undone.

Because she was stretching out when leaning on the sofa, the black uniform had already appeared half open appearance, X's white and thin lower abdomen was completely exposed.

Even though X had drunk a lot of beer, there was no trace, there was absolutely no big change, it was still small.

Only X's vague appearance and the beer cans on the ground could prove that she had indeed drunk a lot of alcohol, because of the alcohol, the pale skin all appeared clearly flushed.

It was as if she was warmly inviting something... Netzach couldn't move her eyes, her eyes from the beginning couldn't leave the black haired woman in front of her.

The alcohol was bland and tasteless, and Enkephalin also couldn't ease the emptiness and longing in her heart.

Netzach was originally sitting opposite X, now she sat down beside X, getting closer and closer, as if she wanted to pull her into her embrace.

She planned to test X by calling "Manager" a few times, then hugging, when she discovered that X had no conflicting emotions, she quickly and decisively pulled X into her chest to rub.

At first, it was just licking the neck, and also the alcohol on the face, then when she discovered that X did not stop her, she became even more daring, kissing, and her hand patted X's lower abdomen, gesturing something along the navel, as if drawing some pattern there.

It's really warm...

Still want...

"Good, satisfied, Netzach?

It seems to be okay."

X seems to still have reason, but in the end is sober or not, difficult to judge.

If she is sober... Why let Netzach's behavior continue to cross the line.

"Come again... Hiccup all this... Time... Right at... Stay here overnight ah..."

But Netzach continues to rub X, like a snake is winding around the tree branch, round and round, the meaning in the words is clear and cannot be clearer.

"No, if you continuously do a good job for a week, I will agree. This... Consider it an early reward."

X's eyes are slightly slanted, somewhat indifferent.

Her gaze swept over the Safety Department's office's door, and not Netzach.

Very quickly, X immediately calmly withdrew her gaze, intending to return to hug Netzach, then took the initiative to kiss up.

"This… Ah… Too… Too much force ah!"

Netzach was intoxicated in this gentleness, even though X had already loosened her embrace, she also seemed to have not regained her senses and had a problem in her head, smiling foolishly.

Really want... Really want... Want more...

Want, receive...

Swallowing saliva that doesn't exist, her throat feels dry and unbearable, and it's stirring like a raging fire, as if the cooling system has a problem.

She must drink something that can soothe the thirst in her mouth, must taste something that can fill the emptiness in her heart.

"Really can't do it, Manager...? I must do it well."

Netzach seemed to have thought it through, and spread her legs to X's waist, looking down from above and staring at X, wiggling to try.

Obviously it should be a rational AI, but it has never been rational before, completely succumbing to selfish desires. That is an unbearable desire... Gradually expanding...

Then there was a loud noise, the Safety Department's office's door was heavily opened ——

[Manager, my dinner is ready, please don't mind me disturbing you, but if the dinner is cold, then I will need to prepare it again.]

[If you want to wait here for a while longer, I will wait for you outside the door.]

Angela was closing her eyes, as if she was trying her best not to open her eyes to see the scene before her eyes...

The tone was calm, as if she was normally reporting to X or like when she was helping X make coffee...


X was still hiccupping, as if she couldn't stay awake, in a daze, when she heard Angela's voice, she pushed Netzach away with one hand, and stood up leisurely from the sofa.

"Angela... Angela come... Ah... Next time... Say it again, bye, Netzach."

X's steps were all unable to stabilize, as if the floor was slippery then slipped and her head sank into the AI ​​Secretary's chest.

"Dinner... Angela... Dinner."

X seemed to be in a daze, still hugging her Secretary.

With a bang, the Safety Department's office's door closed, Angela brought her own Manager and left, and Netzach could only watch, unable to do anything.
