
This Fanfiction is written sole by me, the character Akame Omori is created by me and so are other characters from the modern world.

The world of Westeros and Essos belongs to George R.R Martin as well as his characters and story as they all rightfully belong to him.

The fanfiction is based on the T.V show Game of thrones yet can have a few parts from ASOFAI. 

The Characters may be a little off character but I did try my best to keep them in exact character. I'm not much knowledgeable of the world and it's history so don't attack me. The P.O.V is of Akame so she doesn't know anything about the world which kind of makes it easier for me to write about it.

Please if you got anything negative to say about the fanfiction keep it to yourself I don't wanna read it or know about it.

If there are any mistakes or wrongs about anything feel free to correct me, I won't get mad or annoyed, it would just help me better understand and learn at the same time.

I'm writing this for fun and for my own enjoyment, so it's not something I'm committed to finishing but who knows I might.

Thanks for reading the disclaimer and enjoy your ride through this fanfic of Game of thrones.

The Fallen Solider a Game of Thrones Fanfic Written by Me.


For now