Definitely not normal

City Ashlon

A metropolis of the city of Heras

The buildings are tall and streets are populated, the city is the largest city in the world with an area of over 3021 square kilometres wide and a population of over 16 millions

Facing many problems like global warming and overpopulation

It is the era of technology and communication much similar to earth 2030

Which is a relief in my case

Night time - 9:45 pm

Zion downtown street

Coming out of a convenience store carrying a plastic bag full of food and walked out and headed back towards home along the crowded street

And after a while I reached a train station and boarded it

' Hey ! '

' c'mon, just come with us '

" Hmm? "

The train wasn't that crowded right now as it was the last train but on the cart I was on which only had about 7 people in it ,me a salary man, an old woman, one highschool girl who seemed to a student of a famous prestigious academy who was surrounded by 3 guys who looked to be in their late 20s and looked rather thug like ,yeah they were clearly thugs

' Please, I just wanna go home '

' Yeah yeah and I'm saying allow us to accompany you on the way atleast '

' besides it's dangerous for a girl like you to go home alone right '

' Umm uh!! '

Looking at the girl she seemed like the meek and helpless type, she looked like a cornered puppy that's about to cry from fear right now

I then turned away and walked and got near the salary man who also went away from the scene

Salary man :" Poor girl I wish we could help "

" Can you carry this for me for a while sir ?"

The salary man then looked at me with a helpless look and simply took my bag full of food

" Y..young man surely you aren't.. "

I turned back and took a deep breath


" Hey Teresa is that you? "

The three thugs and the girl all looked at me

Thug-1: ' And who are you? '

" OH Sorry I was mistaken i thought she was my friend"

The girl looked at me with pleading eyes that asked for help

Thug - 2 :" Yeah well if she's not your friend then get back to your seat "

" I don't like the way you're talking to me man "

Thug -3 ,the biggest one of the walked up to me and looked down at my face and asked

" You want something because I got time "

I then tightly gripped my fist and then the chaos began when it flew at the big guy's throat, a full 3 v 1 brawl raged on the cart



The train hasn't stopped yet, ofcourse since only 2 minutes have passed , laying on the floor exhausted with a cutted cheek and bleeding fist , I tried to calm my ragged breath and state of mind by taking deep breaths at a time

There were also 3 idiots who fought like middle schoolers next to me ,the big guy, I choked him out after I knocked out the other two at their temple with sharp hooks

And the girl she ran away into the other cart terrified of the scene

" Well I didn't do it for her thanks anyway "

After calming down during the next minute I got up and got to the salary man and simply sat next to him

The salary man who was clearly uncomfortable looked at me and remarked with apprehension

" very good at f..f.. fighting huh kid "

I looked at his shaking eyes and then replied after a short sigh

" Thanks for holding that sir "

" Ah..yeah yeah you're welcome, here you go kid "

With that we arrived at the next stop after 5 minutes and then I got off the train and boy the new passengers freaked out and ran out fast

Standing at the station I got to the stairs and got to the streets and looked up at the sky as I pulled off my hoodie

" Atleast the sky is clear "


Hearing the sound of a bag falling to the ground I pulled my hoodbback up turned left and saw the same girl looking rather petrified

' u..u...umm '

" ... "{ I really see why those things hitted on her ,the girl is cute, white hair ,blue eyes and gyatt damn she's....well built }" Why are you in the streets at this hour miss ?"

' uh! Ah ... I...I was taking tution at my tutor's home ,a math p.. problem was especially hard today '

"{ Her tutor must be pretty inconsiderate sending her home at a time like this alone } Well you should be more careful, the streets are rather dangerous at this hour especially for girls like you "

With that I walked off towards home

' UMMM!! '

I turned back and saw the girl doing a 90° bow and damn her tankers got good physics

' Thank you for helping me '

" ....Thanks for your appreciation, bye "

In an instant she lifted her head and pleaded

' C..can you walk me to the bust stand please ? , I..I'll even pay !'


" { She's wierd, Bust stand?(almost laughed)} O..Okay fine ,but I don't want payment { Nothing good will come from getting too acquainted with a young miss (Rich kid) with unique features like her } ".

A few moments later

I found myself walking the girl to the bus station a few blocks away from the station

And I kind of understand why she wanted me to accompany her now

' should we just jump them ?'

' It's only one dude accompanying her anyway '

Obviously I and even the girl could hear the thugs and street roamers and their words, they weren't exactly even trying to hide it, one of them just approached me

' Hey man '

The girl couldn't even look up and simply faced down


Girl? : ' hmm? '

Looking at my left hand she saw the plastic bag I was trying to hand her and looked at me for a second

Sss ss

I kept signalling her to take the bag

' Hoo? Look at this guys ,seems like he ain't a pussy atleast '

The girl looked uncomfortable but in the end took the plastic bag full of food

And right now we were surrounded by the guy's friends should I say

' Okay boy ,you wanna fight? '


' We beat you we get your girl kay? "


With an annoyed look the guy who was about 6.5 ft tall raised his fist and yelled

' Say something you morherfu '



Girl ? :(dropped her jaw) ' Ah! '

' Holy ..'

The big guy in his mind 20s who was infront of the kid who looked no taller than 5.11 and no older than 17 ,was knocked off his feet and then down the ground , unconscious from the powerful straight line punch that drove in the his face knocking his incisors out


' ...Shit '




{ My fist }

Blood trickled down his battered fist, they were at their limit in a way, the others were silent for a moment out of fear and disbelief

Girl?:'(shaking on her feet) Ah..ah '

' Brad got knocked down just like that? '

' That was fast! '


All the other's looked at eachother for a moment then jumped at the kid in a 12v1 manner

The kid then instantly turned around and picked the girl up before even asking her consent and ran ahead and jumped on the head of the one of the thugs approaching him from the front and ran ahead

' How the hell?? '



Running as fast as he could the kid looked at the girl who was shaking in his arms for a second and said

" Grab on tightly"

On his words the girl looked at the boy's face for a moment and then simply grabbed on his neck and closed her eyes and in an instant when she opened her eyes again she found herself on the boy's back instead of his arms

Girl?: " H.. how did? "

A bottle flew at them cutting her words short, the girl turned around to find that they were being chased by a group of 12 enraged guys and instantly turned back ahead with much fear

Boy?:" Lock you legs on me "

The girl snapped out of her fear for a moment as the boys suddenly told her to do something embarrassing as they were running down the small and empty road towards the bus stand in the dead of the night

Girl?:'Huh? WHAT'

The boy with ragged breath repeated with a roar

Boy?:" DO IIT!!!! "

Girl?:' Aaaa!!(locked her legs onto him) '

The moment the girl's legs locked her legs on him the boy ran to the sides and suddenly jumped up on the railings of a fence in the alley and jumped up again and grabbed the balcony of the apartment there and kept on climbing and climbing and then a few moments later they found themselves on top of a 4 storeyed building

' Is he superhuman or something?? '

The thugs although surprised didn't stop their chase

' Break the door and take the stairs '

And then they barged in the apartment and forcibly took the stairs

On the rooftop the boy stopped for a moment

{ I'm at my limit}" Haaaa haaaaa Haaaa haaa "

{My breath's ragged and I'm drained, my fist are at the point where they could break and I have this soft yet heavy baggage on my back}

The white haired girl was still on my back sticking on to me like glue

Girl?: ' A..are you alright?(shocked){ He actually climbed the building with me on his back !!} '

She looked at my face from my right shoulder with a worried look ,but right now her words went and in my ear and flew out from the other ear

{ They are coming up }

I could literally hear their footsteps running up the stairs

Girl?: ' Hmm?{he's getting up} '

Getting up I looked at the nearest building on the right, it was the direction of the bus stand

The building was about 8 meters away across the alley , walking through the direction I looked down the building which was scarily high , definitely high enough the kill your average man, but putting that aside I took many steps back for more momentum and prepared

The white haired girl who seemed to have put 2 & 2 together became pale and asked

' Umm are you... '

But before she could finish I ran ahead

' AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaa!!!!!!!! '

And as I reached the edge of the building I jumped with full power and remained in the air as jumped for the other building


Landing on the other building Kept the moment and ran and jumped again to the other building



' mmmmph '

After landing on the other building I covered the screaming girl's mouth and his behind a water tank on the building's roof

And the other thugs


Breaking the doors they barged on the roof of the first building

' Where are you bitch!!? '

' Hey Chump!!, Where the fuck are you? '

But in the end they could not find me at all ,and after concluding that I climbed back down ,they also went back down to look for me again

On the roof of third building, holding the girl's mouth I kept my ears alerted and after a whole 2 minutes of vigilance

{They went down}

Girl?:(petrified){What what what what's he gonna do? And Did he just jump across such heights with me on his back?? I'm grateful but I don't know anymore}' mmm?'

I let go of her mouth

" Sorry about that... they don't know where we are right now but I think....{This isn't good... I'm blacking out ... Too hungry}

.... We should stay here till morning "

The girl on the boy's words blushed at the thought of spending the night together

' B...B...But we are c..comple- '


' huh? '

Seeing the boy just fell on the other side of the ground the girl remained still for a moment before she hurried to his side and checked his state

'{ Thank God he's breathing! Any injuries... } Huh? '

Cutting her thoughts shorts the sound of my steady and stable breathing had her exhale in relief

' He must've been exhausted .... (Looks at the boy's hoodie) ...pardon me (pull it back) Oh!{ Oh no he's hot } '

Medium long black hair ,well defined and pretty facial features and now that she was calmly looking at the boy he had a great build and smelled rather

' Sweet..hmm? '

She could hear the sound of the thugs below the street

'{ Dad's gonna kill me and miss Lilia (her tutor) but I can't go home right now }( had a helpless and scared look on her face) I guess (looks at the boy who was sleeping like a log) I have no choice.'

End of chapter