Chapter 30 Voldemort’s Bloodline

Certainly, I can help you refine and expand this passage. Here's an extended version:

Darren's reluctance to visit St. Mungo's was palpable, evident in the tightness of his jaw and the set of his shoulders.

However, the determined Becky, with a certain noble air about her, paid little heed to his protests. Ignoring his words, she resolutely scooped up his phantom transfiguration and marched him towards St. Mungo's, her actions radiating an arrogance that bordered on the extreme.

"Hmm, Darren, I just don't want to witness you meeting a violent end suddenly," Betsy retorted coldly, her tone unyielding as she pushed him toward the entrance of St. Mungo's Hospital.

The hospital, vibrant and bustling, mirrored the liveliness of Diagon Alley. Eccentric injuries and peculiar ailments adorned the patients. Darren couldn't help but notice a wizard with antlers strapped to his back, questioning whether severing them would lead to his demise. Others raced in, contorted from magical mishaps.

"Oh my God, somebody stop me! I'm going to die of exhaustion, truly exhausted!" a distressed voice echoed, the source of which was lost in the maze of peculiar occurrences.

[Ding, sensing a scene involving the Holy Father system around the host, a temporary task is initiated: Eavesdrop on Mrs. Longbottom's conversation with the doctor. Subsequently, proceed to the hospital payment point, and reload the thirty thousand gold gallons into the Longbottom account, concluding with the phrase, "I'm just an obscure ordinary person; please don't publicize my appearance. Thank you."] [

Ding, upon task completion, the host is rewarded with Voldemort's bloodline (acquired on the night of Lily's torment when Voldemort's bloodline was quietly lost). Will the host accept the reward?]

Perplexed, Darren pondered the significance of the bloodline compared to the seemingly trivial gold gallons. His thoughts circled around the night of Lily's torture, a grim event entwined with Voldemort's lineage. How could Voldemort's bloodline be lost, and what part did it play in Darren's story?

[Pick up!] asserted the system, prompting Darren to acknowledge the task. Curiosity gnawing at him, he accepted the enigmatic reward.

Observing his surroundings, Darren sought Neville, recalling the system's directive. "Neville, go speak with your parents," he instructed, scanning the area for the familiar face.

As he surveyed the scene, Neville's name reached his ears. Following the sound, he discovered Neville and his grandmother, Old Lady Longbottom, whose face was etched with time's markings. Instructing Neville to confer with the doctor outside the ward, Mrs. Longbottom approached Darren.

"Mrs. Longbottom, the medical fee falls short again... I understand it's for the wizarding world, but the hospital isn't a charity. Figure something out soon," the doctor hastily conveyed before retreating.

Mrs. Longbottom, masking her distress with composure, entered the ward. Deeply affected by the encounter, Darren's eyes conveyed his concern, prompting Betsy to pull him away from the eavesdropping corner.

Shaking his head, Darren contemplated the disdainful treatment of the ill in the wizarding world, even heroes like Neville's parents. His empathy for their struggles intensified, recognizing the financial burdens placed upon the Longbottom family.

Not eager to disclose his intentions to donate money, Darren moved away with Betsy in tow. Her suspicion lingered, and he was wary of turning a charitable act into a spectacle, especially considering the substantial sum.

"Here, I've arranged for Mr. Scott to examine you. He's my cousin, a renowned St. Mungo's physician," Betsy announced grandly as they entered Mr. Scott's office.

The exclusive room hosted only one patient, who promptly departed upon their arrival. Mr. Scott greeted Betsy enthusiastically, though her noble airs recoiled from his attempts at familiarity. Conscious of Darren's presence, she swiftly ushered him out.

"Little master, which noble family do you hail from to captivate Miss Greengrass's concern?" Mr. Scott inquired, playfully waving his wand.

Betsy, protective of Darren's magical core, insisted on the necessity of his consent for further tests. The revelation of his good health brought relief, yet Betsy's characteristically disdainful attitude towards non-pure-blood wizards lingered.

As they left the office, Betsy, assuming a sisterly tone, advised Darren with a certain gravity, "As your future sister, a word of caution: keep your experiences confidential, especially about surviving the Killing Curse. Forget it, understand?

Only Harry Potter, protected by the wizarding world, can claim such an feat. Your safety could be compromised if word spreads."

She assured him she would handle any potential gossip and jokingly added, "I'll quash any rumors about you leaking information. Losing your life over a loose tongue would be tragic, wouldn't it?"



this novel have lot of side stories , should i post them in between the chapters for fun or after completing the novel , as the novel is really big and that will take a lot of time .

Please tell me soon.

And try reading the auxiliary chapters, if interested in wizarding world of Harry Potter.

And please tell me if i should upload the side stories in between or at the end of book . 

([Basically side stories show everything that has happened from different point of view.])


Thanks for reading.

Take care.


i have another notice to make , 

i will be very busy for two weeks so there may be a delay in updates , 

 and i am trying to improve the quality of chapters whenever i can , even the already re-edited ones .



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