Chapter 71 is the same for whoever is a cub!!

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Darren walked wordlessly out of Snape's office. He found that the tone in which Snape spoke to him was more and more like the tone in which he spoke to his son. And he couldn't even correct him. Alas, forget it, it was the same for whoever was a cub.

He looked at the time, and it was late at night. Well, it seemed like he had missed the duel between Harry and Malfoy. Still, he decided to check it out. As he climbed to the fourth floor of the castle, he suddenly heard a running sound.

"It's Darren!"

"Oh my God, Darren, how did you get here!"

"Filch is coming!"

"Peeves is coming!"

"Darren, keep up!"

Before Darren could greet Harry, he pulled his clothes and ran forward. Darren, who was pulled by Harry and ran, could only honestly rush forward with them, according to the human set, and then hit a door with a solid force.

"It's over, we're dead!"

Ron shouted.

In front of them was a solid door, blocking their way.

"It seems to be..."

Darren hesitated, then saw Hermione pointing at the door with her wand and saying, "Alohomora!" "

The door opened immediately, and no one cared what Darren was trying to say, and pushed him in, and then everyone held their breath and looked out through the crack in the door.

"Peeves, where did they go?"

Filch asked angrily.

"You're going to say please, and I'll tell you!"

Peeves jumped up and down and said.

"I said..."

Darren was listening, when suddenly he felt someone poking him next to him, and he looked back to see that it was Neville.

He looked behind Neville again.


A big dog that looked like a monster, with its head almost on top of the ceiling. It had three heads, each with a pair of eyes that looked malevolent. Its saliva was dripping on everyone.


[System, turn me twenty talent points, all on animal affinity talents]

[Ding, conversion successful]

As the sound of the system fell, Darren suddenly felt that the three-headed dog in front of him looked much kinder, and he didn't know if he felt that Darren looked more pleasing than before, and the head of the three-headed dog gently approached Darren.

Darren was relieved.

Then he suddenly pushed Neville and Harry away and shouted, "Run, run!" "

"Darren! Filch..."

Ron was startled and was about to say that such a loud voice was about to attract Filch. As a result, he looked back and saw the three-headed monster, which had placed its head on Darren's body.


Harry was startled and couldn't take any more care of Filch, and he raised his wand and poked at the three-headed monster.

Lou Wei was poked in the pain and raised his head to yell at Harry.

"You run first, I'll come out right away, fast, otherwise you'll be blocked, and I can't run away!"

Darren showed a strong sense of composure. It was just his pale face that betrayed his fearful psyche.

[Ding, Father +80]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +90]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +50]

Five Father's value reminders.

Darren noticed that among the generally near-full Father values, there was a fifty-point Father value Synon.

All right.

He shouldn't have suspected such danger when there was no Dumbledore's presence. The old gentleman of fraternity should have been wearing an invisibility cloak at this time, or using a phantom spell to follow Harry.

He wondered how in the original book Dumbledore could guarantee that Harry would not be eaten by the three-headed dog Luvid. You must know that these three-headed dogs looked, even if it was him, it was difficult to deal with them, unless it was silent.

With the strength of Harry, they should have been eaten long ago, how could there be a savior adventure behind?

Darren sighed.

But on the surface, he was still heroic and fearless.

After Harry and they had gone out of the doorway, he rushed out of Lovell's roar with a quick tumble. He could feel that Lu Wei had no intention of killing him, but he was a little curious.

Three heads were pressed against the door frame, yelling at him.

I hope this looks better to you.

It looked like he was trying to eat him. Actually, I wanted to ask him to go with me. Well, this kind of big guy is generally quite simple. Otherwise, I wouldn't have slept listening to the songs.

Of course, although he felt that Fluffy was not a danger, Harry and the others were frightened and pulled up Darren, who was still sitting on the ground, and ran quickly to the Gryffindor common room.

"No, no, Harry, my house is Slytherin..." Darren patted Harry and stopped. Harry looked worried. But he was appeased by Darren. "Don't be afraid, I'll be caught by Filch at worst, and at most I'll be locked up for a few days, as long as I don't go into that room on the fourth floor."

"Well, then, okay! You hurry back and don't get caught by Snape. " Harry sighed and lamented once again how Darren had been sorted into Slytherin. If he were in Gryffindor, he could take care of him in a dormitory with Darren. Looking at Darren's lonely back, Harry was a little sad.

He and Malfoy had agreed to duel at noon today because Malfoy said he would only rely on Darren and would only let Darren stand in front of him.

Furious, he agreed to Malfoy's challenge for a duel. Who knew that Malfoy had tricked them and didn't show up, and they ended up being saved by Darren again. If Darren hadn't been so strong, I'm afraid they would all have died in the mouth of Fluffy.

"Why would the school keep such a monster?" It's horrible! " As soon as Ron returned to the common room, he collapsed on the couch in the common room and said. Harry nodded casually. He wondered if Darren had gone back. No danger, right?

Then he heard Hermione's voice. "I thought, do you have eyes to breathe?" Those who have eyes can see it standing above a trapdoor! " "Trapdoor?" Harry thought doubtfully and finally said helplessly, "What does that mean?" "

Hermione looked angrily at Ron, expecting him to remember something. It was a pity. Ron didn't know anything either. "It means it's guarding something!" Hermione shouted angrily. Then she looked at Harry and Ron and glared at them, "I hope you're proud of yourselves, we almost got eaten, or expelled from school, or even killed Darren!" Well, if you don't mind, I'll go back to sleep! "

Ron looked at her back stunned. "As if we had dragged her over hard!" Harry nodded in agreement, thinking that Hermione had said the right thing about them, and they had almost killed Darren. As for the rest. Maybe he knew where the things under the vault were hidden.


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