Difference between us .

Howls and screams are heard followed by the loud piercing burks . A lonely figure sprint forward bare foot ,his legs got pierced by small rocks along the way . He did stop despised the scream that followed him .

He was focused on getting out of that hellish place . Despite the shouts that followed he was determined on going away .

Few man dressed in royal uniform came behind him ,as they all rushed forward .

" PRISONER HAVE A ESCAPED . LOCK ALL DOORS " One guard with different uniform from the rest shouted , The doors and the gates were on the verge on shutting down .

The skinny running man cursed lowly as ,he slide , now the issue was the gate .

" Commander Nathan ,tell them to lock the gates . "

Guns could be heard as the start to shoot at him .

He tried dodging most of them ,but a bullet went throu his arm ,he hissed but continued to ran forward .

Blood dripped down as he ran . He passed the giant gate. As he breathed a sign of relieve .

" i did it " tears stream down her face as he crouch down . pain numbed his entire being .

His vision blacked out a Little as he could breath well.

His long hair covered his face ,you would mistake him for a girl ,with his pale skin ,white as snow .His long slender fingers clutched his knees in a tight grip as his eyes closed ,his long eyelashes casting a little shadow under his eyes . His full kissable lips seemed a little pale as he bite on them .

He rested his back on the tree .As he tried regulating his breathing . He closed his eyes until he heard shouts .

" He couldn't have gone far with his state ."

" commander let us separate to cover the ground ."

Those voice were a little far but he knew they'll find him . He tried standing up ,only to fall back down again . He was weak ,his entire being was weak . He forced himself to walk only to fall down again . What was the point of escaping if he'll end up down again ?

Rain gushed down along with lightning making the dense forest seem darker and denser . He shivered ,as the wounds seems even more painful than ever . His vision swayed between staying normal and blackness .

He tried stopping his bleeding with his hand , he gritted his teeth ,he knew if he tries to tore his shirt it'll be meaningless.

He rushed forward legs trembling along the way . He pushed his limit until his legs eventually gave up on him and he fell down . Crashing down on dirty water , his fall followed by a big lightning .

He gave up ,maybe it's better to die on the hand of Nature than die for something he have no idea about . A lonely tear stream down his eye ,as the tears mixed with rain . He looked at the dark sky that is occasionally being lighting by the lightning light as he closed his eyes ,for his death .

His vision blacked out as he did expect anything anymore he was tired ,really tired .

The shouts seemed to go missing in his head as everything went quite . It was quite he was finally at peace .

He felt a stick pocking his face as he just laid there ,the stick turned into an arm ,as a big hand patted his face trying to wake him up .

He felt himself being raised in the air .

He didn't have any strength to open his eyes to whoever was carrying him around.

The hot temperature hit him hard ,since he's been in the cold for too long .The heat seems to come from the sun as it blinded him for a moment then he was put to rest .

His back was placed on a soft mattress . He just felt into a deep sleep .

" chief ,who did you bring " a tall ,dark as charcoal man came towards the man the was carrying the dying man.

." Kizito go get some water and call for a doctor ,this man seems to be hurt . "

" my chief he ..he is ...." kizito seemed timid to continue .

" i know about his skin colour ,we cant leave someone in need just because of the skin colour right ? "

Kizito's huge physic turned around as he yelled " mazinko ,your needed "

If you were to observe properly you would see people here were of darker skin compare to anyone.

Mazinko came out ,as she walked towards Kizito .

" Why to you have to shout this early ? People are still sleeping " Mazinko seemed to be annoyed at him .

" Chief is calling you , he brought home someone ..little special . He wants you to take a look at her " . With his long hair they thought he was a she .

Mazinko took her working tools and went to help their chief .

" where did you get her ? " Mazinko couldn't help but ask .

" get moving and stop asking " .

" mwami yangu " They both said when they saw Sizwe ,he was the chief of all tribe .They both bowed to him .

" you may rise , Mazinko ,im sorry for asking this early . I found an injured person when we were coming back from the western . " Sizwe said as he show her where is the patient.

When they got there Mazinko saw a white as snow figure lying there . She stared at the bed ,as she tremble a little .

" Mwani . whats going on ? " she looked at Sizwe for answers .