Wedding night

The alcohol did get to him . Despite his high alcohol tolerance he ended up getting a little drunk ,it was then that two of his leaders took him to his room .Rather his temporary room for his stay .

As he walked in ,he smelled the intoxicating scent ,with few candles lit making the room slightly dark . He walked towads the bed finding a human figure in little clothing head covered in veil , as she bowed down waiting for him .

She was trembling a little as if scared Sizwe will kill her . That ink him a lot .He stumbled towards her without removing the veil from her head he stood infront of her ,

" do i look like a monster to you ? "

Rowan went still hearing him . " if i scare you that much why did you agree to this marriage? "

" I ...I don't scare me I'm cold " well she was indeed cold so it's reasonable reason .

" oh ,you do know if we don't process with the wedding night it will be considered numb ? I know you don't want to consume our marriage but we have t.....".

"It's fine ,le..let's " her voice was low,Sizwe heard her due his sharp hearing .

Sizwe pulled the veil off her head , reaveling Rowan in only a skimpy dress that merely reached under her knees .

His gaze like that of a predator watched her as he tremble a little maybe due to cold ,he extended his hand touching her cheek gently as if she was the love of his life . Rowan's heart skipped a beat as they gazed at each other .

" your beautiful " his deep voice made butterflies have a party in her stomach.

Her grip on the covers tighten further .

His lips kissed her eyebrows ,making her eyes close on reflex . Processed to her eyes.

He stayed there for a while . He opened his eyes and watched her ,as her eyelashes trembled . His lips found hers in a gentle kiss. Sizwe didn't know what he was doing . He knew she didn't love him ,maybe even hated him but he still wanted her .

The kiss was soothing ,making Rowan open up to him ,as soon as her lips parted the kiss turned wild .

As their tounges intertwined ,Sizwe's hands came down on her body . His touch was oddly gentle .Oddly soothing ,because he knew the first time of a female will always be painful .

Breaking the kiss his tongue went on her earlobe ,as his hand started ascending towards a breast . A gasp left her mouth as she breathed heavily. Sizwe ripped the little dress on her body as her peaks came to light.

Pink buds stood up ,meeting the cold wind.The man's eyes danced over them ,making a little smile form on his lips .

Her breast were small compare to his large hand ,but it didn't matter to him at all . He fondle them as if it was the only thing in the world ,as he kissed the hallow of her neck making gasps escape her mouth .

His fingers slid down tracing her pink lips ,as they penetrated her inside making her hips quiver with pleasure .

His middle finger dug deeper into her walls ,as wet sounds came making her shy .The finger went in and out in a slow motion , as small gasps made their ways to her lips .

The finger increased it's pace as they came in faster and rougher making her go mad . Rowan twisted around making the eyes or the man snap towards her . Tears slip down her cheeks as she opened her eyes only to be meet with dark black orbs .

He whispered into her ear,while wiping her hair into the side .

" why are you crying ? We haven't started yet. " pleasure shoot through Rowan's body making her quiver as she shivered.

His fingers kept their fast and rough pace ,as the heat that have been creeping to her underbelly spread ,making her go mad .

" c..can hurry up " her voice was seductive filled with desire. The man didn't hear her request or rather chose to ignore it . The man didn't bulge ,Rowan bit him and scratched his black .The man didn't waver as he kept going.

Rowan seemed to be pushed to a cliff ,as his fingers rubbed her in a rhythm,slipping in and out . Fire works seems to shoot in front of her .

Rowan opened her eyes wide,as a loud moan made it's way out . Her back arching from the pleasure .