Heart or mind and memories?

Many times the desire of the heart wins over the logic of the mind, but not this time

The officer had great mental strength that allowed him to control himself and his feelings, no matter how much his heart's desires screamed

His heart was calling to run after his feelings and go towards that beautiful alpha and hug her It was terrible pain, and what made it worse were the nurse's words about it

No one paid attention to the officer because they are currently working and have to act responsibly

The nurse did not know what to say, so she narrated what she remembered since her meeting with Mr. Yarkan

_About three years ago_

The nurse says "

The hospital director found Mr. Yarkan lying at the bottom of the moat bridge, covered in a layer of cuts and bruises The worst of it was in his head. The director could not leave him in that state and rushed him to the hospital

In fact, no one knows his origin, where he came from, or even how he sustained this terrible injury

The doctor thought it was impossible to perform a normal surgery because it would be a complete failure

With the development of technology, he wanted to try the process in a new way that used rays and lasers

It had a better success rate, but I didn't expect it to really work

At that time, it had not been long since this type of operation appeared, even though the doctor had taken an educational course in it It may come out with a relationship close to perfection, but the theoretical and practical are different, The patient's condition is worse

The doctor had little hope, so he did not hesitate to provide assistance to that young man

I was one of his assistants in the operation and it lasted just over 24 hours

No one expected the result, but the patient survived and was out of danger immediately after the operation. Those present at that time were truly happy

No one knew about the existence of such a person for fear of the negative impact on him, so the director appointed his own staff

I was one of his people, the doctor he wanted to contact, another psychiatrist, and some therapists with good healing power

Perhaps all this was saved for him because the director remembered his late little brother. He was almost the same age as him that year

A week after the operation, the patient woke up and surprisingly, he did not remember anything

More precisely, he lost his memory completely, and even after searching, we could not find anything

We knew his name from the identification card. It was burned, and all we could find out with difficulty was his name

At first he was quiet and remained lying in bed

Psychiatry had no effect on him because he seemed peaceful and did not need them. Even the minor injuries were healed by the specialists.So they were no longer needed, and only I and the doctor who performed the operation remained to take care of him, while the director visited him from time to time.

He had no restrictions on eating or eating anything and even spoke to us in a calm, grateful tone 

About a month after he woke up, I felt like he had improved a lot, except for some of his seizures

For doctors, the severity of the headache was classified from 1 to 10, and the higher the score, the more dangerous it was

Like today, the ninth degree really means he was on the verge of death or coma

The alcohol he drank was given as a prescription because it contained the relaxing herb

Once he drinks alcohol, his mind will become dull and he will fall into a deep sleep where he will not feel anything, even if the place on his head is demolished.

It was also concluded that he is an important alpha, to the point of obsession and desire for possession and then destruction

He also had an abnormal ability to control himself and tolerate pain

Because, four months after he woke up, it was my turn to take care of him as usual after being away from him for a week to get rid of my heat period.

He wasn't able to move his limbs yet so I adjusted his position to feed him and for the first time he started talking

"Can I eat spicy seafood later?"

"Oh, do you like her?"

"No, but I felt that it was a food that I loved and that made me feel warm." 

"Of course I will ask the doctor."

I felt like he wanted to say something else but he was a little nervous so I took the initiative

" do you need help"

"Are you an omega?"

I do not deny that I was surprised by the question, but I answered to satisfy his curiosity, because after all, he is a patient whom I take care of

"Yes, it is a problem"

"I was just thinking that an omega She hates being with an alpha she doesn't know Especially if she's in estrus."

I can't hide that I panicked and quickly got up from my seat while looking at him in disbelief

"You're not telling me my prediction is correct."

He just shook his head, another panic attack

I am an omega and have never been in a relationship before and I still want to remain pure before entering into anything

Finally he smiled and spoke

"Don't worry, I control myself alone and I won't do anything to you."

I comforted myself that I am a nurse and can go through situations like this so I tried to treat him

"How long has this been?"

" Last night"

"Just a moment, I'll get the doctor and the inhibitors "

"No need, I'm fine."

"It is impossible for anyone to endure the period of estrus without inhibitors or omega."

"But I'm in front of you now."

"If you really want help, just bring what I asked of you."

"Okay, wait a minute."

I was afraid to go back, but after consulting with the doctor, he allowed it, as I used to go to him during his private period

This continued until the last day, when it seemed that he could not take it anymore and went on a rampage

We had a hard time injecting him with a depressant and getting him to relax

He had powerful pheromones that subdued even our alpha doctors So they could only bring in several doctors to help him.

Then he woke up and apologized

"It got out of control because the headache increased because of the feeling I remembered "

I told him to mention it to me But he could not remember it, and here it was confirmed that he might forget that he is amnesiac or forget memories from his life at this stage.

After a full year, he was allowed to leave the hospital with a schedule of regular examinations

These were just some of some of the events that happened with him

_ currently _

The officer was internally mocking himself for thinking all these years about what to say to him But after hearing the nurse's few words, he felt helpless

He's never been with him at his worst, so how can he say he knows him, even dragging him into this case on a whim?

He felt self-loathing and his emerald violet eyes turned into a dark layer of black As if a dark cloud surrounded her

"I am bad, helpless and deranged too."

The officer continued to curse and curse himself, trying to maintain his sanity

The process of examining him and helping him take his medicine took place through his dark eyes

" how is he now "

The nurse took the question as a matter of course and did not notice the changes in his eyes or voice

"Alcohol seemed to be good but it is not a permanent solution "

"And there's no way you're going to leave him here tonight."

"Yes, since there is no evidence to convict him."

"Guide in XXX "

A man wearing a doctor's apron entered while cursing

He was about 2 meters tall with light brown hair that reached his neck and green eyes like a cat's

"The nurse says he is not feeling well and you say evidence and other nonsense " 

"Oh, Doctor, are you done?"

"I came as soon as the operation was over "

"You really scared me with that remark "

"I apologize, I tried to summarize the content."

"You're joking about being involved in a ninth-degree murder and a headache "

"It's complete nonsense. He was dying. I don't even know how the alcohol worked on him."

"For you, haven't you found someone else to be a suspect?"

The female officer intervened in the conversation

"Respect yourself while you speak."

"Look who's talking, officers arrested a person who was about to die."

"How do we know his condition if he doesn't speak?"

"So what is your mission?"

The female officer remained silent because she could not argue, and her superior stopped her

"He stays tonight in one of the police quarters to take responsibility for our negligence "One of you can stay with him."

"Do you think it is well resolved from your mind? "

The president could tell the difference between right and wrong, but his feelings would not allow him to let the Alpha go like this

He wanted to at least watch her from afar, even if she didn't remember him, he just had to watch her

It was a convenient solution to his previous mistake

His feelings were stronger than I thought he would just let him go

The doctor paid attention to the features of the chief officer and knew that there was something beneath the lines

So he gave his consent and told him that he would be the one to watch him

"It's okay, but I'll stay." 

" thanks for understanding "

"Hurry up, what are you waiting for?"

The doctor waved his hand in annoyance

Talk to the nurse before you say goodbye

"Leave your phone on when you need something."

"Okay, doctor"

The nurse then left and Yarkan was transported by stretcher to one of the barracks

If it was the chief officer's heart, he would carry it in his arms and take it himself

But this action will make him lose his mind even more and he will not know what happens next

Everyone was tired from the long day and went to sleep

But the doctor examined Yarkan again, while the officer was only looking from afar

The officer was about to leave, but the doctor who had just left the room stopped him

"We should talk"

"Okay this way"

The officer took him to a corner where they could not be found or heard

"You know him, am I right?"

" What do you mean "

"I am not as ignorant as they are. You did not bring him in as a suspect from the beginning "

"You brought him because you just wanted to see him and know how he was doing."

"Why are you so sure of this?"

"Your features and even the tone of your voice, do not forget that you are talking to a specialist doctor."

"So what if I knew him?"

"What is your relationship with him?

" not your business "

" what are you up to "

"I'll just watch him from afar until he regains his memories."

"Tell me what you know about him "

"Everything is in the smallest detail"

" Can you tell me? "

" "It would only be dangerous if you knew."

"It's better to leave it as it is "

" Tsk "

The officer's words bothered the doctor, but part of him told him that this person's words were true He would regret knowing his identity, so he let the matter pass easily and headed to the room next to Yarkan's residence

"Don't do anything to him "

"Don't worry, I just want to take a look."

The doctor was unable to understand the officer because he felt the weight and despair of his words So he had no choice but to leave them for a while He had more right to know his condition and see him because he was someone close to him

The officer entered Yarkan's room and approached the bed quietly

His hands moved quickly and lightly to touch Yarkan's sleeping face , Idaa began to slowly trace the alpha's beauty from his neck to his face

He draws a beautiful bow while touching each of his long, white eyelashes He ends up placing his fingertips on Yarkan's pink lips and wiping them softly so as not to wake him up

Every touch touched the officer's heart. He was unable to differentiate between right and wrong at this stage

He was asking himself how long had all this happened and what were the plans of this sleeper

Or does he even know what a farce he has committed?

Neither his mind nor his heart could answer his question The eye was content to shed drops of tears as if they were beautiful dew

He himself did not know why he was crying for him and what was the appropriate feeling to describe his condition

It is difficult to know the truth about this person, but your feelings get the better of you

He knows, even is certain, that this situation was a possibility for this person, but he still does not know When he was thinking about it, didn't he think about his feelings? Even if he had a great responsibility, couldn't he at least tell the officer about it before all this happened?

The officer does not know how long ago this turn occurred

He didn't know if their feelings were just a farce to him Or hinder his plans

The officer was snickering to himself while his eyes still shed beautiful dew

The officer stopped touching Yarkan's lips and leaned slightly towards him

He kissed him on the forehead with tears filling his eyes

Then he composed himself and laughed mockingly at himself

"I will be arrested if you continue doing this."

He let out a small laugh as he tried to wipe his eyes

"This will not be considered sexual harassment."

The officer sat next to him for a while to calm him down

The officer did not notice the passage of time until his eyes darkened, pleading for sleep

The officer went out to sleep

However, he was surprised to see the doctor leaning against the wall next to the door

The officer didn't talk to him and just left But the doctor has extensive experience that allowed him to see Hira's circles under his eyes So he expected the officer was crying

The doctor was confused by his behavior, but he did not say anything and entered the room directly

The doctor did not know how to define the officer's relationship with his patient, but one thing was certain It is impossible for anyone to shed so many tears if it were not for an extraordinary relationship

The doctor scratched his head. Trying to relieve the stress of this day  He was already feeling tired from the operation, and then he got involved in the matter because of this amnesiac alpha

The doctor could not blame either side, as Yarkan had no recourse in the matter of the accident or memory loss On the other hand, the officer took advantage of the case to approach Yarkan and ask about his condition

They each had their own problems. They just hoped that this would all end and things would go back to normal

The doctor put these thoughts out of his head and checked on Yarkan's condition. He found that his condition had stabilized, so he went to sleep as well