History and return

Nobility is a beautiful word that carries all the qualities and noble morals

Honorable, noble, or other fine qualities

Does the noble clan really deserve this name?

A family that is not subject to anyone's authority and has no place in the vast universe except one world

This world was distinguished by the presence of this clan, which other worlds considered merely mythical beings

Many beings set their eyes on the world and aspired to possess it

Many wars broke out and resulted in various types of losses in different worlds. Even the galaxy itself did not escape destruction.

In the beginning and the end, the result was and still is settled for two parties

History has never lied, as it witnessed the massacres of that war, and it still acknowledges that all of this was not out of the control of those families

History tried to cover up the hidden manipulation and pleasure of those two families in doing what they did, but it did not lie

It was the greatest date that all the worlds and their most powerful families agreed to ratify that date

No one will be able to deny what happened in the greatest history

He has witnessed the destruction of villages, clans, the disappearance of civilizations, and even the destruction of several worlds for the pleasure of two families. 

We continue to say that history is true because the information about the existence of the Nobles Clan in that world is correct

It was complete honesty and confirmed information, so he wouldn't blame himself for what happened now

It was a malicious way to prove their innocence and keep themselves out of the spotlight, if anyone could accuse them at all

After several centuries, the two families took over that world and took control of it after wars became boring in their view.

What is frightening is that the two went out as friends, and this is enough to repeat the horror of past centuries of war in just a few seconds.

In the end, that world was under their control, but this was not a sudden missile because it was expected that once those two families intervened, there would be no chance left for the rest, so the bomb was the alliance of those two families.

Everyone lost the war, even those who did not participate. They lost the past, the present, and the future

But the world has never been devoid of class, or let's say the galaxy has multiple worlds and races

These two families belonged to the upper class, which consisted of no more than ten families

For the first time in the greatest history, two families of this type united, so it posed a threat to people like them as well, but that does not mean that there are no machinations or conspiracies.

Fear is an impossible word, banished from the dictionary of all known families classified in the International Family System

The question kept asking itself: Why did the two closest families join forces that played only behind the scenes, and even the greatest history did not record much about them?

What breed are they from, what is their strength, how did they come first in the list, and what happened?

Therefore, some feared that the greatest ancient history had been destroyed or parts of it had been stolen, and there is no doubt that those missing parts were in the possession of those two families.

The Taitar Niran family And the Manganezika Ryan family 

The two allied higher class families were the most terrifying of them all

The mystery about their ancestry and identity, as well as their origins and history, formed an intense fear in the hearts of the weak

But every family has its strength and dignity, and it refuses to submit to any family

Every three or four years a meeting was held for all these families in the neutral world 


Cailusa entered the hospital-like room

Caelusa found that his master had taken off the cover and placed it on Nour

Caelusa took his eyes off his master's fiancé and lowered his eyes to his master as he bent down on his knee and tightened his hand on his opposite shoulder.

After a short period of silence that seemed heavy, as if a century had passed

Caelusa spoke to his master after he gave a silent salute and stood up to follow Yarkan's instructions

" How is he doing "

This was the first thing Yarkan said after he woke up and regained his memory

It was not difficult for Cailusa to understand his master's words, or rather it was easy to guess the meaning of the question

There was a single person in the universe who made his master forget his health and himself for his sake

So it was easy to guess who the person meant here was this omega here on the chair next to Yarkan's bed

Caelusa sighed before answering and then looked carefully at his memory

"The only thing that was unnoticeable to others and that I hardly knew was that since that accident he had not had any sleep at all."

Yarkan extended his hand to Nour's head and began stroking him from top to bottom with a beautiful, calm smile

This beautiful smile and longing eyes looking towards Nour continued for a few seconds before he regained his work expression and all remaining emotions disappeared.

The transformation in Yarkan's sky-blue eyes was so rapid that you would hardly comprehend it

" Explain more "

Cailusa made the matter pass as if he was not there and did not see what Yarkan did, and simply responded to him.

"I investigated the matter as you told me before the accident, so this is all I found: He was acting normally, doing his work and expanding his influence, while in the last year he joined the police force to spend his free time, according to what he said But after careful examination, I learned that he suffers from insomnia and was unable to sleep until after emptying several bottles of alcohol and sleeping pills in order to get only one or two hours of sleep a day."

Yarkan's grip on Nour's hand tightened

"So he doesn't feel anything."

"It's because you are there, so your presence is enough to make him relax and sleep without feeling anything."

It was bad from all sides, Cailusa wouldn't know who would protect him if a threat appeared today

He would have been faced with the problem of choosing between his master and his fiancé, and this was the worst

He chose his master and would blame him later or even get rid of him because he did not protect his fiancé, or he would choose Nour and Yarkan would be hurt and he would die directly because Nour does not understand words, and if he had a knowledgeable ruling on something, he would carry it out.

And he gets crazier the more it comes to his fiancé, so it was truly the worst choice one could make

Yarkan's cold voice that only appeared when something big happened like killing orders or other similar things interrupted Cailusa's thoughts

Caelusa knew that his thoughts were useless and trivial now or as soon as one of them opened his eyes

"It's time to get rid of the mice."

"Yes, sir, everything is ready. Only you remain."

"I expect a good job from you, Cailusa."

"When do we start, sir?"

"Do not rush, for every position has its time."

"I apologize, I forgot that the master's health is still unstable."

"This is bitter talk, but I loved it. I want to watch my sleeping fiancé more."

"I'll take my leave then."

Caelusa left and went back to his job of guarding the door, leaving his master in his own world of longing

As soon as Cailusa left, a warm smile formed on Yarkan's lips as his gaze went to the sleeping face in front of him

Yarkan grabbed Nour's hand and squeezed it until it became one hand, with the fingers intertwined between them

Yarkan gave a kiss to the back of Nour's hand, which was lightly intertwined with his own, and wiped his falling bangs over it

Nour was having a good sleep, especially after the soothing scent of Yarkan enveloped him, and he did not feel anything

Yarkan's body leaned forward and lightly against Nour's body

Yarkan's lips touched Nour's cheek and kissed him gently

Yarkan's long eyelashes intertwined with Nour's eyelashes, as if she was returning to her home or her other half that had fled from her.

If Nour is awake, he will not be able to keep his eyes open due to the overlapping of their eyelashes, so he will have to close them and not enjoy the view of Yarkan at that time. But fortunately or fortunately, he was asleep this time

Yarkan was not an easy person or an ordinary preacher, but he was trying to prove himself to Nour and not give others a chance

Yarkan was able to challenge every cell of his body and make it intertwine with Nour's, as if they were one part from eternity.

Yarkan's lips moved from Nour's cheek to his lips  

Yarkan captured Nour's lower lips and left a small bite mark as he sucked on it

Nour's calm feelings towards Yarkan were attracted by that kiss, where he felt different feelings

Joy, longing, love, desire, sadness

It was really many different feelings, but the thing that impressed Yarkan many times was the body's ability to convey such a large amount of feelings at once compared to speaking them directly.

Yarkan went deeper inside and let his tongue play inside Nour's mouth 

Every movement of Yarkan's tongue made him taste a new feeling 

It can be said that he was full and no longer needed food, but his heart was not full

All of Yarkan's limbs screamed, demanding to go deeper and obtain more of this magical sweetness

I felt helpless not being able to wake my fiancé

I don't like to let my emotions control me, but I had no choice but to do so

The only person I lose to and I will never win is my love for Nour

Going away for three years without smelling his scent, seeing his shadow or remembering him was hell in itself

I don't think there is a harsher feeling than this

So I wished from the bottom of my heart and wished until I couldn't wish again

I want him and no one else. I have loved him since childhood. He was a bright sunshine for me So please be safe and protected from risks

It's not a difficult wish in normal life, but I couldn't protect him

To be more precise, I could not protect his consuming feelings during my absence

These feelings stuck in his throat are enough to make me melt in regret and despair

Please, I always hope that he will not leave me and get bored of me

Just having you by my side and loving me is more than enough, even if you draw boundaries after the incident, I don't care, just don't leave me alone.

I don't like the taste of despair from your mouth. I just want to taste your joy and happiness because it's enough for me to live and continue.

Am I a bad person because of the selfishness of my request?

It wasn't difficult or impossible and it wasn't even easy

But the feelings that invaded Yarkan's insides were bad and pessimistic, or rather painful .

Yarkan tried to absorb all the negative feelings and give him positive feelings with his tongue

Yarkan stuck out his tongue and separated from Nour's lips after trying to digest the feelings as much as possible

Yarkan gasped for breath after this long kiss, and the sleeping Nour did likewise

"You won't like this, I know."

Yarkan smiled before going back to sleep on the bed

Morning came and a new beginning began for the lives of two

I opened my eyes to find Yarkan staring at me while resting his face on his arm with a gentle smile

"Yan, are you awake?"

I rubbed my eyes to make sure what I was seeing was real

Yarkan's mischievous, playful smile widened as he narrowed his eyes like a phoenix

It was really confirmed that it was Yarkan who was staring at me

I got up from the side of the bed, startled and surprised

I didn't expect this, it was embarrassing

I had to take care of Yan, and here I was waking up after him, which was the height of absurdity and triviality

"Good morning Nour"

Yarkan let out a short laugh and got up from the bed and stood in front of Nour, who had not yet accepted the shock and was still embarrassed.

"Your reaction is funny, Nour."

I extended my hand to touch Nour's face and pat it gently

" It's morning "

"Yes, good morning, Yan."

A frown formed on Yarkan's face

Why is this tension Nour?

I can't tell him that question but I'm really upset

Why is he doing this? Isn't he missing me or is he angry?

I no longer understand

Involuntarily, my hand that was caressing his cheek extended to his lower lip and began to caress it

It was fun to see his face turn red with embarrassment

I feel longing and desire. It has been a long time since we met, but his reaction is still a little strange than usual

"I don't know what to say in this situation, but are you sure you're okay, Nour?"

" He goes "

He made the light of the situation pass through one word, as if he had to answer the question in a more concise way

"So what's wrong?"

"Are you asking because you don't know?"

"Yes, the only one who I cannot read is the one who always owns my mind and heart at all times."

"I can't understand, so talk, tell me, is there something wrong with you?"

I saw Noor shaking his head as if he contradicted what I said

He took the fingertips of my hand caressing my lips and left a small mark on them

"You're not talking then"

"Is this a new way of speaking?"

Still hesitant as you were about to speak again he spoke

"I can't find the right words"

"I was thinking since yesterday what I should say, how to receive you and what to do, but everything went down the drain after seeing you."

"I can't express what I'm feeling right now in words. I feel a lot of pressure in my chest every time I try to say something "

"One word from you is enough for me, even if it is a reprimand, so speak and do not worry."

He let out a sigh of relief, is it really so difficult for him to tell me in one sentence

He knows that I will not care about what he says and that I will accept anything from him, so I hope that he will talk even if he hates me empty-handed and wants to stay away for a while.

His breathing was irregular and his eyes became thinner and weaker as a deep layer of hidden emotions appeared on his eyes

"I'm too late. I've missed you to the point of obsession."

I felt suddenly embarrassed by his words

It's the most beautiful thing I've heard in a long time and it's even the most amazing view I've woken up to

Losing oneself in the face of desire was close to an animal instinct, but I did not care or pay attention until I found myself kissing him while biting his lower lip. 

He did not push me or anything like that, on the contrary, he held me alone and let his tongue entangle with mine 

I felt the same feeling as yesterday, but different. He is awake and what fills him is love, longing, and strong desire.

I don't know exactly how long the kiss and the intertwining of tongues lasted, but I felt that a lot of time had passed because we both needed air and to catch our breaths.

I broke up with him as if I was forced to, and I breathed quickly

I felt his loud heartbeat and heard his turbulent breathing 

The sound of his breathing made me feel uneasy, as if he was calling for more

I know that Nour has the same feelings as me, and this made my happiness even greater

"The sound of your heart is loud "

I saw Nour placing his hand on my heart, smiling

"You too, Yan."

My chest felt the warmth of that hand, and as if my heart was responding, my heartbeat increased and filled the air with its sound

Hur removed his hand from my chest and took my hand

We intertwined each other's hands and held them tightly, and this is what Nour did as well

I brought my face closer to the light until my forehead was pressed against it

Our features merged with each other, and an incalculable distance remained because it was too small for another kiss

I can't feel my cheeks from smiling so much this morning, even Nour was smiling happily

"Nour, I'm back."

"Welcome back, Yan."


"You have a lot to talk about"

"Yes, indeed, we have not spoken for a while. I am saving it as a memory for you."

"I'm glad to hear that, but this is not the time."

Yarkan and Nour were chatting intimately sitting on the bed

He embraced Nur Yarkan and ran his hand through Yarkan's long hair and whispered very slowly

It was a murmur that struck Yarkan's feelings deaf, but what it contained was a response to Yarkan's words

"The time has come for the Alpha Demon to return to the bloodbath "

"I think I will work hard after the encouragement of my beautiful fiancé."

Nour broke away from Yarkan's embrace and got up from the bed, adjusting himself

Yarkan pulled Noor out of his hand and pushed him towards him

Nour fell into the arms of Yarkan, who was sleeping on the bed

Yarkan wrapped his hands tightly around Nour to prevent him from moving

Nour could hear Yarkan's heartbeat while he was in his arms

"Are you okay, your heart is beating hard?"

Yarkan let out a short sigh and gave more strength to his arms

"I never want to get out of this."

Nour's cheeks turned red with embarrassment

"Stop talking nonsense"

Nour tried to get out of Yarkan's grip, but to no avail, and he could barely raise his head to face Yarkan

When he raised his head, he was met by Yarkan's sudden kiss

Nour was surprised by the kiss, but he did not mind, but rather immersed himself in it more

Nour's eyes were shining and I couldn't take it anymore

I could barely feel my hands trying to hide those eyes

I struggled to lift it up and cover his eyes while kissing him."

I felt our lips pulling apart

"Don't look at me that way, I'll really lose myself."

"Which way do you mean?"

Is he doing this on purpose? He knows I can't resist his eyes and the desire that is ripening inside them

This is really crazy how can I control myself

"You, Yan, control yourself, this is embarrassing."

"After everything we've done together, you're still embarrassed by this."

"This and that are different."

"I don't see any difference except that you have become more beautiful in my absence."


"Yan stop"

Yarkan bit Nour on the neck and left a visible mark on it

Yarkan did not stop there and continued to slowly sink his teeth into the body in his embrace, leaving marks on them

Yarkan Nour relaxed a little when he removed his hand to open the buttons of a shirt and went down, leaving a line of teeth marks on me.





Whenever Yarkan left a mark, Nour groaned in pain and let out a simple groan

I was wrong Nour who told you to provoke me

Please continue, your voice is beautiful to my ears

This is delicious. I can't back out now

Yarkan, come back to your senses. You are in a hospital inside the police station, and Nour does not like to be exposed to anyone while he is in a relationship

"Please, slow down."

Yarkan came back to his senses after Nour's strange words.

" What do you mean "

"It hurts. You know, it's been a long time since this happened, so calm down a little."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to "

"But you were the one who tempted me, so bear the consequences."

Yarkan began to hold Nour's reddened face with both hands, as if giving him a face-to-face hug

Yarkan's beautiful, cunning smile expanded even more

Yarkan started kissing Nour from his forehead to under his eye, then back to his lips, ending up leaving a mark on his lips.

However, Yarkan's lips were separated from Nour's lips, but his face was still attached to it and he held it in his hand while playing with his cheek a little.

"Let us suffice with this for today, dear Nour."

"And what did you leave behind?"

"I left the bottom"

" You villain "

" Thank you for your courtesy "

"You know I don't mean that."

"I realize that very well, this is how you express my love."

" silent "

"Oh oh"

Nour escaped from Yarkan's embrace and began adjusting his clothes

"By the way, I have prepared clothes for you."

"Thank you, Nour is always considerate, but he is a bad liar."

"Am I that bad? Why did I pass it on then?"

"You are worried and I don't want to force you more, but remember that I am always here by your side no matter what."

" this is the problem"

"Does this relate to me personally?"

"You're always by my side, so I can't help but overthink things."

"I won't get an answer then?"

" give me some time "

"All my time is for you"

"Let's get to work today and I'll wait," he complained. "My patience has limits, especially when it comes to the person who stole my heart "

"Yan's heart belongs to me and I will never give it back."

"You are possessive "

"No, I am possessed by a bad, jealous maniac. I would love to keep your heart with me and your mind as my companion."

"The thief of my heart and mind left me no choice but to steal him too."

"Don't kid me, they were stolen a long time ago. I don't even remember when my heart and mind were mine alone."

" are you going "

"Yes, bye, see you later."

"It's better that we leave together "

"Is this an announcement of our return? "

"Simon is the most beautiful ad I have ever seen."

"I'll be happy with that, Yan "

The two left the room together

The room that was a fateful moment and a turning point goes back to the original

A relationship that is restored with a thread

The plot of Salamah is about to unfold under the guise of an accident and a beautiful past with a thriving relationship growing like a beautiful wide green field.

Cailusa saw his master and fiancé leaving, so he followed them directly

It was a chain movement, or he stood behind them and traced their movement to the office of the center director

Waiting in the director's room were the most prominent figures, the director himself and the heads of both families

"Yarkan Al Manganizika Ryan"

"Noureen Al Taitar Niran"

"Welcome to the return of the legitimate caliph of the two families."

"Yes, it looks like there are a lot of drains we need to clean."

"Yarkan, my grandson, you have just returned and want to shed blood."

"You prove once again that you are only a devil "

"Because this suits me better."

"Did you at least have a conversation? "

Yarkan quickly wiped his lips and smiled in response to Grandfather Nour's question

"It was a private conversation."

"Well that's a relief, we're very late for work."

"When do you want to go out?"

"Everyone will know I'm back today."

"And what about you two?"

"Perhaps the official meeting to prove that the relationship has not been broken will be left on the agenda, but most likely tomorrow or the day after tomorrow "

"Is it okay, Noor? "

"On the contrary, it is quite suitable for Grandfather."

"That's convenient, let's go now."

"Goodbye Yan"

Yarkan approached Nour and whispered. for him

" "

" Do not forget. "

Yarkan moved away after he finished whispering

"It would definitely be better to do it that way."

Nour turned himself around, heading to the window behind his grandfather

Grandpa is like his grandson, going out the window is a hobby for them

Before Nour jumped out of the window, she uttered his last words

"But don't let the blood touch you. In the end, it's just sewage filth that might infect you."

"There is no need to care about such silly matters."

"I know, but I still want to say this. Do you mind?"

"No, I'm glad to hear it from you."

" Good luck"

Immediately after this, Nour jumped out the window and disappeared

The head of the family threw a wrapped box towards Cailusa

Cailusa grabbed the box and opened it, took out a pair of gloves and helped Yarkan put them on

Caelusa placed the coat he was carrying on his master's shoulder and followed him out

"By the way, I thank my old friend for taking care of my grandson and his fiancé "

"No need for formalities, just leave the place right now, you and your problems."

"I will invite you to a meeting, please do not refuse."

"If you are free, I will visit you."

" This is good "