What is the matter and what is the truth


Tarkin looked at Albert in confusion, as if he couldn't believe what he was doing

"Yes, Sir, Princess, the daughter of the Prince of the Dragon here,"

"How did this happen right,"

Let's look at Albert and remember that they have just left and He holds the food tray to depend her to the kitchen after some speech threw

"I left the information you want in the neighboring room."

But now it is back and says that the girl is there


"Was she in such a hurry? "

"I do not blame the princess Sir, I've used to stay but you have not seen a year ago that it is a long time for a little girl"

"What I told her"

" making it a little waiting on the pretext that you should prepare first "

I got up a leap and non-clothes in light of Pima helped him in raising his hair and dressing the curtain /

leaving and entering the next room 

hint the next room

background image of the girl quietly on the room furniture awaited patiently.

I was a beautiful girl A mixture between her father and her mother

I owned a long relative hair up to the middle of her back coloring sky and black eyes as   obsidian  that attracts you with a simple and simple blem.

It was a beautiful and moving features Very calculated,

it is very organized, wearing a dress corroted with a different colors that highlighted its beautiful features and its shiny white skin 

that the quiet features that do not care about their face gives it a tremendous and controlling impression;

In fact, this external appearance can be said that it is a genetic thing because all members of the family have that is not interested in and so on or simply defeated or behave to know their real characters The girl approached the girl from leaving and formed a small smile on her lips.

She held the ends of her dress professionally and bowed slightly politely towards Tarkin 

"Princess Yanine greets the Prince Regent "

"I do not need this" 

That voice that sounds like carvings on bone seems like a joke now and it doesn't exist. It was just a calm, loving voice expressing his happiness at the girl's visit despite the shock he had previously expressed.

raised the girl themselves and expanded smile,

He abandoned that status,

which proves the most proveed as an individual and princess of that family,

to switch to a happy little girl with his uncle's meeting.

There was a distant distance between the two,

so the girl ran it a little and has made it

" I missed you very much my uncle "

sat down to a squatting and take the girl in his hands

" I also missed my beautiful "

The girl fired a simple laugh for her satisfaction of its uncle's words

carrying the girl and He went to sit on one of those sofas

Yanin sank in the arms of warm leap, I loved this atmosphere a lot

" How are you "

" I'm fine, I have become stronger than the last time"

"This is nice, when we return to My palace, show me your progress"

The girl continued to tilt its head in response to the questions of leaving

not only talked to talk to you will continue to leave in the thrill and only embrace it.

This may not be back to her mother,

in fact I died her mother During birth,

so never knew but she had a father who did not make it feeling one day lacking on anything,

like any normal child, owned two different religions,

and what increased satisfaction that even when her father was forced to leave it sometimes because of work was left Her uncle takes care of it

In fact, she herself does not know the reason for her uncle's affection

She once asked about it but all she got as an answer was that her uncle is the prince regent so that's his role 

Although she realizes that this is not the case, he took care of her a lot and loved her. For example, when her father stayed away due to work, she would stay with her uncle. He was a second father to her. 

In such overwhelming affection, especially from her father and uncle, the girl grew up to be a beautiful and great flower

Indeed, the Dragon Scepter Prince and the Guardian Prince took care of her so that she would not feel the loss of her mother

"My uncle"


"I apologize but I have taken a look at the title of those papers,"

"Do you want to do?"

Of course, it wasn't just an apology for him to bring this up, so she definitely wanted something, and as her uncle, I couldn't refuse her requests

"The Third Prince, will it be fine"

surprising from the matter and almost his heart stops

  "You do not tell me"

did not answer the girl and DVT blew them into a leaving and did not respond to him

  "ah really, This is not"

"Are you loving him,"

Perhaps the girl was a little afraid of this situation, so she covered her face and tucked herself into Tarkin's embrace, escaping reality

Soothe her, Pat gently  on the back of the girl hidden and spoke in a tone Quiet to relax

  "This is nothing a normal thing for us"

"Do not worry about this uncle will make that prince winning and strong emperors"

"You know that your uncle will do anything for you just"

"Did I lie to you before"

"No, my nice uncle never lies"

  "shows I do not need to consider that information as I have to help that prince"

"Thank you my uncle"

"Does your father know about it?"

"Does not know anyone even is"

"Since when did those feelings"

"I do not know"

I do not know "

" It must have been painful for you, well done, you handled it well."

was thought to think so that's hereditary because her father had loved her mother since he was young and entered directly palace as a tribute to the Prince of Dragon and is now likely because it has owned these feelings ago

I can say that this probably happened three years ago when I met him at the Serax Dicks Academy,"

It's probably almost clear now

At that time, my daughter and the third prince were too young to enter the academy, and all I can find out is that she went with her father when he was invited as a guest of honor at the opening ceremony of the new academic year, and the prince attended there.

"My beautiful child  Your uncle will do what you want"

Yanin pulled herself from a hug and looked at him or rather to the curtain covered

"My uncle"

The Prince takes off the curtain because there is no need to cover himself in front of someone who is already known

Yannin's observatory for a moment of its uncle, it is beautiful regardless of the number of times you look at

He grabbed the face of Yanin in his hand While patting her cheeks  on her cheek but by his usual cold look

"How do you want, a broken, strong, prince, prisoner, or imprisoned,  I will get it for you like you wanted, just tell me "

"I want to be an empress by his side of a near-super empire "

Tarkin understand leaving it because it is impossible to change the arrangement of great families so that there is an approach and is the category called Great Beimida

"As you want my child"

" Yes, "Uncle, that family owns one main world where their capital is located, and another main world, but it is shared with another family. They also own four imaginary worlds and an area of the abyss."

"Its resources are not bad, on the contrary, I was surprised that it owns part of the abyss."

"I earned that right 50 years ago."

"So we agreed on this."

"Uncle, I really love you."

"I love my baby girl too"

Time passed quickly as Tarkin played with Yanin and night fell

It cannot be said that it is evening because Yanin has already eaten dinner and fallen into a comfortable sleep in Tarkin's arms.

Tarkin put the girl on the bed in one of his rooms and returned to the guest room 


"Rang, ring"

"Rang, ring"

The phone has been making an annoying sound for a while

The young man was disturbed by the sound of the phone that refused to stop

It wasn't that he didn't want to answer the phone, but he was currently busy with the problem that had arisen in the abyss

The young man gave up and went back to his trailer to see who was calling

*Titi calls*

He was surprised by the name that appeared on the screen

He pushed his sky-colored bangs back a little and replied with a small smile

"My brother Titi's time has passed."

"I'll hang up the phone"

The scathing sound came through the speaker in a truly frightening way

"Don't be in the mood to joke around, Tarkin."

" Where are you now "

"At the abyss because of some problems"

"You know that I have your daughter."

"It sounds like a threat. Wait a minute, what does my little Yanine really mean to her uncle?"

"She came in the afternoon and is asleep now."

"So what do you want from me?"

"Come home right now"

"You remember I'm at the abyss, it's going to take a while to get there."

"It doesn't matter, leave everything and come, I'm waiting for you."


"Beep "

The young man pulled the phone from his ear and looked at the screen

"I really hung up "

The young man's eyes arched for a moment, then returned to their normal position

He got out of his trailer and went back to what he was doing in order to put some precautions in place before leaving

The trailer looked like a car but also like a small spaceship

It was a mixture of the two, and it could be said that it is like those advanced cars that swim in the air, but now this one is swimming in space

The young man walked lightly to leave a sensual rhythm, as if he were walking on the ground and not on empty space

He came a little closer and was able to look into that abyss

It was just a name given to portals of different shapes and times hovering in that area

We can also call them cracks, as if you tore the space apart and made a hole in it, or a representation that we will make that is similar to the wound that a doctor makes in order to perform an operation.

That hole is part of a body and also a cut in it. It looks exactly like an abyss

The young man looked away from those cracks and headed straight to a secluded crack from which sparks were flying

It was darker than the rest, and as soon as you approached those cracks, you noticed that there were supporting platforms like a port for ordinary people, not like this young man who walked that distance from his trailer to the platform.

It is also called the floating platform, where there are many trailers that try to be similar to what the young man owns, stacked in front of it to receive those who emerge from the abyss.

The other party noticed the young man's arrival

He was easily recognizable with his sky-blue hair and those crystal-purple eyes shining from afar

Even without looking at his features, once you see that beautiful, royal outfit fluttering from afar, you can easily recognize its owner

The young man took his step onto the podium, where everyone greeted him with a bow

"Hello again, Prince of the Dragon Scepter."

"It seems that Titi missed his brother, so I have to visit my Titi."

This is nonsense, you cannot tell whether it is true or false

Everything that comes out of this prince's mouth is nonsense, but you wouldn't know if he was joking or not because of his personality

We know that calm features that do not show anything are inherited features on all family members, but this person is not only his features, his personality, his words, his voice, his actions all suggest calmness.

If there is a symbol of calm, I say that it will definitely be the symbol of calm

So all the nonsense he says could be true But in a quiet voice, it's not even funny to make you feel pressured without doing anything

But he is considered the eldest and first grandson of the head of the family, and he is the only one who is a few years older than Tarkin

He is also known for his love for all his brothers, especially his daughter, Yanine

He is crazy about his little girl, Yanine, just as he was crazy about her dead mother

Yes, this is what the Prince of the Dragon Scepter is

An elderly person approached him, even his gray hair was visible, but he did not hide his beauty

"I will take care of it for you, sir."

"No, Asgard, you want to let me go alone, what if I get ambushed?"

"But Master, one cannot rely on strangers regarding the matter of this abyss."

The old servant was accustomed to his master's behavior

Yes, even this servant nicknamed Asgard is a capable servant who does not leave his master like Albert

It can be said that all princes got a servant like this. It does not matter his gender, but he is like a nanny for the princes. They spend most of their lives taking care of the princes.

But to say that you are the educator of one of the princes, you must possess intelligence, strength, experience, and loyalty. It is truly difficult to be a educator, assistant, and support for the princes if one of the previous standards is misplaced or is missing what is required compared to another.

"Really, Asgard shares the same thoughts as me. What a wonderful farce."

"Of course I will not feel comfortable if I leave my master alone, but they are just a bunch of farces."

Asgard was already accustomed to how to respond to his master precisely without making a mistake

"Can't we just give orders to those things?"

"As you wish, sir."

Asgard did not go against its master's wish, even though it was ridiculous to call those people in a state of peace

The servant moved and summoned someone through a transmitter connected to the floating platform and told him what to do

The prince moved back to his trailer, with Servant Asgard behind him

Yes, his Asgard class was outside the realm of ordinary people, so he could easily keep up with his master in this space while leaving a respectful distance between them

The word "ordinary people" did not mean common people or slaves, but rather it meant people who did not have enough strength to walk in this space and used trailers immediately after they emerged from the abyss.

This trait could also be a stigma for the strong, but they could not walk here to be reunited with the weaker ones.

The prince got into the back trailer and let Asgard drive

"Asgard, did you know my beautiful child visited Titi today?"

"This is wonderful. It looks like the Prince Regent is announcing his exit again."

"Look, even you know about this, but Titi seems unusually upset."

"Is it related to the connection you got?"

"Yes, but it stuck in my face."

"It seems serious,"

"I mean, what should it be?"

"You said that the princess visited him, perhaps something related to her."

" What are you saying "

The trailer was tilted slightly off track due to Prince's hit

"I'm going to drive faster, so try not to break the trailer, sir."

"Of course, if something had happened to her, she would have known about it before he called."

" Thank you, Mr "

It took an Immortal Palace nin about three hours or so to arrive even though he used light speed


Albert received the prince and his servant and guided them towards the guest room

Tarkin was actually sitting drinking the thing even though he was wearing that curtain

"Titi, my dear brother"

"You don't really know what your daughter asked of me."

"What do you mean, what's wrong with my child?"

Tarkin stood up and went to the prince and pulled him to the chair opposite him while Albert winked at Asgard as an honorable message to withdraw.

Asgard understood the message and left the room with Albert after giving a simple bow

The Dragon Scepter Prince sat on the anchor and returned to his place

"Don't be surprised, okay?"

" "It's your fault in the first place and your ridiculous genetics."

"No, it is the fault of the family's genes."

"Tarkin told me about it without twisting and turning."

"Your daughter has been in love for three years."

"Tarkin, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not like you"

" with whom "

"The Third Prince of the Yanisara Empire"

"Ah, don't say that, baby."

Yudrain was writhing on the ground in shock

Tarkin stared at Eudrain indignantly how he could do this and throw away his noble dignity as a prince

"This is disgusting, don't do it."

"Why am I the second person to know about this and I am her real father?"

"I also remembered that she asked me for help, but you know, we can help her develop the family and keep him safe, but the only thing I am unable to help her with is the romantic aspect."

Yudrain stared at Tarkin as if he found something in him and quickly got up and dusted himself off

"Of course, romantic life has not yet visited Titi."

"Is this all you care about?"

Eudrain approached Tarkin and hugged him

Tarkin felt tingles all over his body. He was surprised by Yudrain's behavior

"I haven't told you yet. I missed you so much, brother."

"Don't be so emotional"

Tarkin's voice was a little weak, he was embarrassed and at the same time liked this behavior

"I really mean it, Titi."

Tarkin quickly regretted the idea that had formed in his brain and pushed Yudrain away

" Stop This "

Yudrain smiled as he watched his brother evade this embarrassing embrace

"So, do we cooperate to make my child happy with her beloved?"

"We definitely have to."

Yudrain did not want to leave and sat down again to have a conversation with his brother

"How are you, how do you feel after you decided to go out again?"

"Yes, it feels refreshing to have that little girl come to greet me."

"That's good, what about me?"

"Yes, I am happy to visit my brother."

"It makes me happy"

"Thinking, brother, have you ever seen me act strange?"

"No, what do you mean?"

"Will I be like him?"

"Who do you mean, Titi?"

"I mean my father"

Silence fell over the place like a volcanic meteorite

Yudrain did not expect this question. He knows very well what kind of father his uncle, Tarkin's father, is, but let's say that he pities him for one reason, which is that he did not get love and never met his life partner.

"When you say that, it is impossible for this to happen to Titi."

"How can you trust this even though I have lost confidence in myself?"

Eudrain grabbed Tarkin's hands and joined them with his own

"Do not worry, I am confident that you will find someone you love soon. You do not know, perhaps he is close to you, and perhaps this will happen within the next month."

"Your words are a little encouraging."

"Don't just receive Titi"

"Okay, I'm trying"

After that conversation, the two continued normally until the morning, and Yudrain left the place after taking his daughter with him

Asgard returned the princess to her palace and left the place after Eudrain bid farewell to his daughter

Yudrain spoke firmly to Asgard as soon as he got into the car

"I have to meet Grandpa immediately and my cousin, that idiot who is obsessed with Tarkin."

"Is it that serious, sir?"

"Did Albert tell you something?"

"Albert told me that the prince had recently begun to wonder about his romantic life and to talk to himself about these matters."

"You assured me we really should meet Grandpa."

"I'm on my way then, sir."