Massage 1

Chapter 19

"Hmmm…." Elizabeth relaxed when Kevin gently rubbed her feet which were still hurting.

Kevin massaged Elizabeth's feet, untying the knots in her feet which seemed to be there for quite some time. No wonder she was feeling it more than normal.

"Kevin." She called.

"Hmm?" hummed Kevin giving her the okay to ask.

"Did you have a girlfriend in Riverview city?" She asked suddenly.

"Where did that come from all of a sudden?" Kevin asked, paying attention to the heel of her feet which were incredibly tense yet soft at the same time.

"Just making a conversation." She spoke.

"Nope. Didn't have any time. Nor any interest." He replied not dwelling further and continued, "What about you? Any suitors?"

"Mhm." Elizabeth hummed in agreement.

"Who?" Kevin suddenly froze.

"Steven. He asked me out about a year ago." Elizabeth replied. Suddenly Kevin's hands tightened around Elizabeth's feet but that only relaxed her further.

"Oh yeah! That's it." She said in relaxation, not knowing Kevin's state right now.

"So, you two are a thing?" Kevin asked in a raspy voice, but not enough for Elizabeth to know.

"Of course not." Came her reply which immediately relaxed Kevin. "But he's been bothering me since. The prick doesn't understand that no means no."

"Yeah, he seemed to be like that," Kevin replied but his dislike for Steven was now evolving further.

But before that, he thought about Elizabeth. She was beautiful, strong, and amazing in every way. It wasn't weird for guys to ask her out by now.

But of course, that didn't mean Kevin liked this fact. 'I don't want that.' Thought Kevin before advancing to her calves under her skirt.

Elizabeth flinched but didn't say anything. It wasn't something that weird that she had to object to it.

Kevin felt her calves in his hand. They were smooth and pleasant to touch. He wondered how she was able to maintain their smoothness with exercising but then he chalked it up to good genes.

Not that he cared about anything like that. He was feeling her smooth legs so whatever issues there were except that, they could wait.

Feeling not just satisfied with touching, he removed the skirt from her calves which again made Elizabeth flinch. She didn't say anything, but her legs tensed though which Kevin felt.

"I can't see the points very well, so I had to move it." He explained to her which was clearly a lousy excuse, and she would have known about it if she wasn't feeling nervous about his touch.

Kevin gazed at her legs, smooth, white, and mesmerizing. He wanted to touch them and touch them he did.

He unleashed his full skills which made Elizabeth relax immensely so much that she forgot about the issue of him touching her legs and started humming in the pleasant feeling.

Kevin had no intention of touching her legs before but after hearing that there were others courting Elizabeth, he didn't know what came over him but a thought to possess Elizabeth came into his mind and he acted on it without caring about the consequences.

Elizabeth kept humming and Kevin kept going upwards until he reached her knees. Elizabeth snapped out of her reverie at his touch on her knees, but she kept quiet thinking that it was part of the massage.

Deep down she wanted him to continue. Not because of some romantic feeling but because of how pleasant it felt.

She wanted him to continue and relish in the pleasant feeling when their phones rang signaling that their third class of the day was about to start.

Kevin snapped out of his daze and let her legs go.

Elizabeth also blushed, thinking about what she was about to allow Kevin to do. 'What's wrong with me?'

Kevin had a few things to process so he simply left before Elizabeth could get up instructing her to close the door behind her.

Seeing his lack of reaction, Elizabeth thought, 'Am I that unattractive?' unaware that Kevin was anything but calm.

Jealousy, pleasure, and frustration were a very tricky combo of feelings he was feeling at the moment.

In the midst of those feelings, he reached the class that was held in the same field, only this time the gravitational field wasn't active.

Elizabeth joined him soon. Sarah and Sasha also joined them, looking tired and feeling aches in their feet. They were not the only ones though, everyone on the field was tired.

"You look okay compared to before. Did he perform a magic trick on you?" Sasha asked Elizabeth, seeing that unlike them, she had no problem walking.

"Oh yes, he did. He delivered a magical foot massage. You should try it too." Elizabeth replied.

Hearing her response, Sarah felt a bit jealous but also wondered about Kevin massaging her feet which made her blush a little. Too bad everyone was tired to see that magical sight.

Sasha just looked at Kevin while Kevin replied, "I'm not a masseuse you know."

"Oh, come one. You get to touch girls' feet. You should be paying them for the massage." Elizabeth said which kind of made sense, he thought.

"Okay everyone, hope you have rested and recovered from your exercise. Now I want you all to maintain a distance of 5 feet from everyone or you could distance yourself more, up to you and start using your abilities. Keep using them, don't stop until you can't. Today I only want to see how they work and will prepare tips for you tomorrow. Understood? Good. Now begin.

Came instruction in the sweet melodious voice of Haylee who still didn't look like she wanted to work.

Following her instructions, everyone distanced themselves from each other and started to use their abilities.

Turning her head to Kevin, Haylee said, "For now you are free to do what you want. Your curriculum will be decided after discussion with the director."

Kevin nodded and went to sit on a bench.

He had many things to think about.

First of all, was his energy. He knew how to replenish it, but he had no source to do so.

The second thing was of course Elizabeth. Looking at her practicing and using her ability, he was lost in the thoughts about her. One thing in those thoughts was confirmed though, he had marked Steven as an enemy unless he stopped pursuing Elizabeth.


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