Elizabeth takes charge

Chapter 25

Too stunned by her actions, Kevin couldn't react when Elizabeth grabbed his dick with a hard grip which immediately send shivers down his spine.

"Ow... Ow... Ow... Not so hard." He admonished her with a soft voice bearing through the pain, not that her soft hands had hurt that much.

"Sorry. First time." Elizabeth replied while loosening her hold and started moving her hand up and down slowly.

Feeling good from her hand, Kevin said nothing. He could tell that Elizabeth had no experience at all as her handjob was vastly different from Samantha's.

If it wasn't her doing it, Kevin wouldn't have enjoyed it one bit, but the stimulation from the handjob the girl of his dreams was delivering, was pleasurable enough.

Of course, that didn't bring him any closer, so he chose to guide her. He was no expert as well as his knowledge had come from porn as well.

"Try to go with a firm grip but not so hard, also twist your hand a bit while going up and down. Use the oil if you are finding it too hard." He explained it to Elizabeth, who promptly acted on his instructions.

Grabbing the bottle of oil, she rubbed some on her hands and started rubbing it all over Kevin's meat pole.

"It's warm and pulsating." She commented while rubbing it up and down.

"That means it feels good." He replied, relishing the change in pleasure from her improved technique.

"That's good to know." She said while continuing.

With her new and improved technique, it didn't take long for Kevin to reach the edge of exploding but he still held it in using all his willpower.

He wanted to extend this moment as much as he could.

"Does it feel good?" Alas, Elizabeth's sensual voice didn't help one bit, only making it harder for him to hold back.

"Are you going to explode?" She continued, seeing his struggling face, marred with pleasure.

"Are you going to coat your sister with your baby batter?" She continued her dirty talk with a smirk on her face.

"Where did you__ Where did you even learn…learn this stuff?" He asked between breaths, holding on to his urge to explode.

"Internet. I practiced last night." She replied while still continuing.

At the edge, Kevin didn't even have the time to ask what else she learned or how she practiced because finally, he exploded.

Spurting in her hand, he started spraying his semen all over her.

Too surprised about his sudden explosion, Elizabeth didn't stop but continued her movements which earned more ejaculation.

Covering her hands, abdomen, chest, and some of it on her face, the amount enough to fill half a glass.

He didn't stop ejaculating for a few seconds and Elizabeth didn't stop.

Breathing hard and having the most spectacular and longest ejaculation of his life, Kevin's mind was in no state to register what was going on.

Finally, he opened his eyes to see a beauty, half-naked, covered in his sperm from face to abdomen, her hands still on his dick, gently stroking him, was a sight too much for him.

"Wow. That's an amount." She commented, letting one of her hands scoop up some semen from her face while her other hand was still stroking his cock.

She brought her finger covered with his spunk closer to her nose and sniffed. "What does it taste like?"

She asked looking at him to which he could only reply, "I have no idea."

Hearing his answer, giving no response in return, she put her finger in her mouth.

[Elizabeth Derek has consumed your semen]

[Elizabeth Derek is not a partner]

[There will be no effect]

A few messages showed in Kevin's corner vision, but he wasn't able to register them.

He was frozen, the sight too much for him. "It's sweet. Weird. The internet said it tastes bitter and salty." She said while looking at him.

Her words unfroze Kevin. He thought that maybe it was just for him, but he knew it was because of his system.

"You're still very tense." She said, resuming her light stroking while looking at him.

"Well, your actions were too erotic for me to not feel anything." He said, enjoying the sensation of her hand.

"Is that so?" She asked with a smirk. "Do you find me erotic, lil bro?"

She teased him but Kevin was feeling too good to be embarrassed. "Yes. You turn me on very much."

"Oooh… I didn't expect you to be so much of a pervert." She said not holding back.

Moving forward, closer to his ear, she asked in a low but sensual voice, "Tell me, what else do you want to do with me?"

"I want you to suck it." Too far gone in pleasure, Kevin just blurted out instinctively, surprising her greatly.

Realizing what he had said, he hurriedly said, "No I mean… Not like that… I mean I do… but"

His stammering brought a smile to her face and without saying anything else, she brought her face to his manhood.

'Good thing I saw a few videos last night.' She thought while giving the tip of his dick a small lick which instantly sent shivers through his whole body.

"Liz, you don't have to do what you don't want to." He said while enjoying the sensation of her tongue.

Elizabeth's answer was another lick to his urethra. She could still taste some of his semen on his hole.

She went to the base of his dick and licked it with her tongue and trailed her tongue to the top of his dick.

Trembling in pleasure, he couldn't even utter a word, only letting out a loud gasp of pleasure.

Seeing him in pleasure, reaffirmed her determination and she started giving licks all over his dick, wetting it with her saliva while holding it from its base.

After some time, she stopped, which Kevin sensed, thinking she had decided to stop only to gasp in pleasure once again when her lips enveloped his glans entirely.

Devouring the top of his dick with her warm lips, she started clumsily licking the urethral opening of it, enhancing his pleasure by a great degree even though it was clear she was a complete novice in this regard.

It wasn't any less pleasure for Kevin though, relishing every moment of it in his memory, he gently placed his hand on top of her head.

He was getting close, as the sensation was so different from her hand, that it was too fast.

Drowned in pleasure, he couldn't warn her when he started ejaculating in her warm mouth.

Surprised, she was, but didn't let go. She attempted to swallow everything that was discharged in her mouth only to fail spectacularly because of the enormous amount.

Leaking some of it from the corner of her mouth, she gulped everything else.

After she had gulped everything, she licked the rest that was on her shaft and after that, she gave a peck on his glans, which made Kevin tremble because of how sensitive he was right now.

[Elizabeth Green has given you a handjob]

[Elizabeth Green felt pleasure from your actions]

[Elizabeth Green has given you a blowjob]

[Elizabeth Green felt great pleasure from your actions]

[LE is already full]

[Elizabeth Derek has consumed your semen]

[Elizabeth Derek is not a partner]

[There will be no effect]

[You have gained 100 EXP]

[You have gained 200 EXP]

[Level up]

[You will no longer gain EXP from Elizabeth Green by a handjob]

[You will no longer gain EXP from Elizabeth Green by a blowjob]

[Make Elizabeth Green your partner to gain EXP further]

The system displayed several messages during their activity which Kevin was only seeing now. Getting a level up, he felt a small power boost but not by a lot.

Not that he had much mental capacity to pay attention to it when there was a forbidden beauty, sensually licking his cock, cleaning it while keeping her eyes locked with his.

Those eyes and the look in them, not to mention the small power rush from the level up, were enough to keep him hard.

"Wow. Your stamina is something else." She commented while licking the top a bit, "My research said that men can't continue after once yet look at you. I think the information on the internet is wrong."

Kevin didn't bother correcting her and enjoyed the cleanup provided by her small and cute tongue.

"But unfortunately," she said while giving it a last lick and sitting back up, "My jaw is hurting a bit now so let's leave it for tomorrow."

Kevin didn't complain, not that he could after receiving so much pleasure.

"Now how am I supposed to go back like this?" She asked pointing to her uniform which was still covered in his thick cum.

"Take a shower here while I go and grab one from your room." He suggested to which she just nodded.

"Password?" he asked.

"Figure it out yourself." She said while walking to his bathroom, intentionally swaying her hips exaggeratedly, giving him a hypnotic show.

Only when she was no longer visible did he snap back to reality and exit his room, making his way to Elizabeth's room.


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Also, if you want faster release, your power stones are gonna be great motivation for that.