Too close (Bonus chapter)

This chapter is for the first fans of my novel.

Back_To_The_Lobby and Tim_Huggins

Thank you for your support and I hope you will keep on doing so.


Chapter 27


[LE is below 10 percent]

[Your inherent nature is taking control]

[User is advised to fill up the LE bar as soon as possible]

The matches had ended but the crisis for Kevin hadn't. While going to his room, the notifications from the system kept appearing in his view, along with a sudden need to do something.

Something filled with lust.

His dick was hardening painfully, ever more than before. His mind was filling with lust slowly. Taking over his rationality slowly.

[LE 3\40]


[Transformation to berserk mode will begin soon]

[The user is advised to fill up his LE bar immediately]

A sudden pain assaulted him along with the latest notification. Whatever was happening to him wasn't good and he wasn't very keen on finding out.

Changing his destination, he headed to Elizabeth's room.

Relieving himself wouldn't charge his energy. Only making a woman climax will, or so he believed after all the notifications from the system. Whatever it was, he needed a female to fill up his energy and the only woman who came to his mind was Elizabeth, along with very disturbing images of what he wanted to do with Elizabeth.

Thoughts that weren't his. Thoughts that were clearly related to his current predicament.

[LE 2\40]


[Consciousness at critical]

[Transformation is at halfway]

[The user is advised to fill up his LE bar immediately]

"I heard you the first time." Leaning against the wall of the corridor, he laboriously continued to his destination.

Finally, with great effort, he had reached her door, without knocking, directly entering the code to enter her room.

Even though two and a half hours hadn't passed yet, he felt his energy was depleting with his every move. The system's latest message only confirmed his suspicion.

[LE 1\40]

[Transformation at critical]

[The user is advised to fill up his LE bar immediately]

Opening the door, he could see Elizabeth, standing facing her dresser, naked except for a blue panty, her back turned to him.

Seeing her like that, some sort of instinct took hold of him, urging him to attack her from behind, ravage her in every possible way, and keep on doing it until she was a moving corpse.

His remaining rationality, however, was instantly scared at what these thoughts represented. Now he understood the downside of the system or maybe it was his nature of himself.

Entering her room, the noise of his steps was enough to startle Elizabeth, who hurriedly turned around with her hands on her chest, only to let them go when she saw who it was.

"You scared me you pervert." She joked only for her expression to turn serious when she saw Kevin sweating and panting heavily like he was injured gravely.

"Oh my god, Kevin. What's wrong?" She ran to him without caring about her state.

But for Kevin, it was even harder for him to resist the thoughts that were still in his mind. Ravaging Elizabeth in very disturbing ways that even appalled him.

Without replying to her, with his last piece of rationality still there, he simply pushed her to the floor. His push was not gentle but not hard either.

"I'm sorry Liz. I promise …. Kuuughhh …. I promise … I will explain…" He said in between his groans of pain and heavy breaths.

Elizabeth too surprised with what just had happened, failed to react when Kevin brought his lips to her panty-covered snatch and started licking her pussy over her panty.

A gasp of surprise escaped her mouth. Pleasure suddenly assaulted her.

Kevin on the other hand wasn't feeling any pleasure from this. His thoughts were turning more disturbing with each passing second.

[Transformation at critical]

[The user is advised to fill up his LE bar immediately]

The notifications from the system didn't help any but they were also the reason that he was able to somewhat keep his rationality than acting on his instinct.

Pushing her panty to the side, revealing her pink sweet pussy, the same thing that his thoughts were telling him to invade mercilessly.

Even Kevin knew that if it had been any other girl, he would have long lost himself, but Elizabeth was keeping him sane, keeping him from crossing that last point from which he felt he might never return.

Again, diving in, licking the watery substance, the evidence of her arousal and pleasure, like a parched man in a scorching desert, which he ironically felt like he was.

His tongue greedily collected her wetness, not letting a single drop escape, letting him drink all of what she was leaking.

Her moans echo through the room, assaulting Kevin like a Siren's calling. Compelling him to do something very wrong but he resisted.

Focusing the last part of his sanity on what he was doing, he kept doing it until he felt Elizabeth tense, signifying the coming of her climax, along with a very disturbing message from the system.

[LE at zero]

[Transformation will now begin]

[The user will now turn into a berserk sex fiend]

A sudden bout of pain assaulted him, stronger than any other before, causing him to tighten his lips which helped in his favor a lot.

Elizabeth, unaware of the changes occurring to Kevin, moaned loudly when his lips clamped around her lower lips, helping her take the last step to cross the bridge to the pleasure land.

She came so hard in Kevin's mouth, who amidst his transformation still drank it, unaware of it, the last grace of luck bestowed upon him by some unknown entity as the next notifications stopped his transformation midway.

[Cunnilingus performed on Elizabeth Green]

[Elizabeth Green felt great pleasure from your actions]

[LE filled up by 10]

[LE is more than 20 percent]

[Transformation will end]

[You have gained 100 EXP]

[EXP 150\400]

[You will not gain any more EXP from Elizabeth Green by Cunnilingus]

[Make Elizabeth green your partner to gain further EXP again from the same action]

The pain he was in, suddenly ended, his mind returned to clarity, his transformation suddenly ceased halfway, his mouth still on Elizabeth's gushing pussy which was still spurting transparent nectar in his mouth.

Kevin had survived, and now it was time to explain himself to Elizabeth, hoping she would believe him.


Hope you enjoy the extra chapter.

Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Don't hesitate to ask questions.

For faster release, your power stones are the key.