First time

Chapter 29

Parting her lips, she let him take her lips, take her first kiss. He treated her lips delicately, as if afraid of tainting them.

He was careful, making sure it was soft, letting her feel it. While kissing her, his hand slowly traveled to her chest. Cupping her breast softly, he gave it a gentle squeeze which earned a moan from Elizabeth through their connected lips.

Her lips parted further because of that moan, giving Kevin a chance to invade her mouth with his tongue. He was no expert, but he went with the feeling.

Finding her soft tongue, he started feeling it with his own. Elizabeth's eyes widened at the intrusion but after a moment she calmed down. Reciprocating his movement, she also started moving her tongue, mingling it with his.

He tasted her sweet taste through her mouth. An intoxicating feeling. A feeling he didn't want to move on from.

Alas, he had to. Elizabeth breathed heavily when he let go of her mouth—sucking air greedily.

Kevin moved to her neck. Her sensitive neck induced a cute gasp from Elizabeth mid-breathing.

But he didn't stop there. He kept going down, tracing every part of her body in the way with his lips, drowning it in soft kisses, marking that part with his existence.

Finally, he reached the part which his hand was still softly fondling, her pink rosebud erect due to the soft pleasure she felt from Kevin's caresses.

'What is this?' She questioned herself. It was completely different from before. Before when all she felt was lust. Kevin's touch was still the same delicate and soft touch as before, but the feeling was completely different.

If before she was drowning in pleasure, now she was slowly melting, feeling every bit of it. Not just lust, but love, a completely different feeling for her.

Taking her pink erect nipple in his mouth, he gave it a gentle flick with his tongue.

Elizabeth gasped and moaned at the sudden feeling, her nether regions getting wetter than before.

Seeing her reaction, Kevin continued, putting his other hand on her other breast, he started greedily but softly sucking on her nipple.

Elizabeth moaned, from a mixture of pleasure and shame. Kevin was sucking on her like a baby and the thought was both making her wet and red with embarrassment.

"Don't…." She gasped again when Kevin gently bit on her nipple. A sensual bite, that sends shivers through her whole body.

Getting the idea of her reaction, he bit again while pinching her other nipple with her hand, his actions still soft, with no roughness anywhere in them.

Elizabeth moaned and moaned again. Her moans getting louder and louder with each passing moment. Not only that, but her wetness also increased as well.

She was gushing nectar from her nether land. Hearing the soppy sound of her wetness, Kevin diverted some of his attention to it, moving his free hand slowly on her body, passing her stomach, and reaching her wet pussy.

"Oh – Kevin…" She gasped loudly. She called his name in her sweet voice. Her voice enticed him to be rougher with her, but he held back. He wanted her to feel pleasure like she deserved.

Finally reaching her wet snatch, he gently ran his finger on her slit. Her moans only encouraged him to do more and that's exactly what he did. For the first time, he found her vagina with his finger and gently probed its entrance.

For a girl who hadn't known pleasure since two days ago, the stimulation was too much. The floodgates opened and thick water emitted from her tiny pussy.

A shriek emanated from her mouth, loud enough to deafen a weak man, her lower lips, drenching Kevin's hand, her legs, and the bed beneath her.

That was the last straw. He sat up straight on her waist, removing his clothes while she still trembled and moaned from pleasure from her climax, still letting out small spurts of her sweet nectar from her snatch.

Her expression was so beautiful that the last vestiges of patience Kevin had were torn down.

He freed his shaft, grabbing it and bringing it to her soft wet pussy. He felt the warmth emanating from her pussy, coating his rod in her juices, readying himself for the moment he had dreamt countless times for.

Yet he didn't enter. He waited. Patience but of a different kind. Elizabeth was still feeling mushy from her orgasm. He wanted this moment to be special, not just for him but for her as well.

Notifications from the system kept appearing in the corner of his vision but he ignored them, leaving them for later.

Finally, Elizabeth regained her senses. She saw him looking at her tenderly which warmed her heart. She raised her arms, locking them around his shoulders, pulling him in for a kiss.

He followed her intention and their lips met, only this was not a soft kiss. This was a searing deep kiss. One which was also filled with lust and passion, and the best part was that it was initiated by Elizabeth.

Feeling his rod between her thighs, touching her nether lips, she let go of the kiss, took a deep breath, and looked at him intensely.

Kevin also just looked at her, not saying a word.

"You know there won't be coming back from this right?" She asked him in a soft voice.

"I know." He replied, no hesitation in his voice. Elizabeth could see the love and determination for herself in his eyes.

She didn't know why, but she felt that she had already become his when she had given him the go earlier.

"Go slow." She panted, permitting him to enter her sweet garden, ironically devoid of any vegetation.

Kevin complied and slid into her slowly, feeling how tight she was, her warmth enveloping his shaft, a heavenly feeling embracing him. A gasp escaped their mouths at the same time.

Elizabeth felt a little uncomfortable at the invasion of the foreign but hot object. She tightened her hold around his neck.

Kevin on the other kept pushing in slowly until he felt like he had reached an objection. A wall of some kind, stopping his advance.

Kevin was surprised to feel her hymen, which he thought would not have remained intact considering her intense exercise. He didn't mull over it much though.

This was proof of him taking her purity. The pain would keep this memory fresh in her mind forever.

"Kiss me," Elizabeth said lightly, feeling him about to break through.

Kevin took her lips in a hot searing kiss, with his hands on her breasts, changing their shapes and bringing her pleasure at the same time.

When he felt her relaxed to a certain degree, he pushed forward in one hard stroke, penetrating deep into her, lodging all of his manhood inside her tight snatch.

Elizabeth, with wide eyes, screamed which was muffled by his lips around her. Her back arched, her legs straightened, her eyes moist.

This scene struck Kevin in his heart, and he stayed still. He was not moving at all. His hands were still on her breasts, softly caressing them. His tongue, was in her mouth, licking and caressing hers.

Finally, after some time, Elizabeth relaxed. The pain washed away replaced by pleasure from Kevin's several caresses.

"You can---- You can move now." She said letting go of the kiss.

Kevin simply answered by pulling his hips backward, pulling his shaft out of her. Her tightness made it harder for him to do so but he pulled through.

Soon, he had pulled all of his shaft out of her except for his crown which was still lodged inside her vagina, refusing to come out.

Seeing that she was ready, Kevin pushed back in slowly and gently. Elizabeth moaned at his intrusion again. Only this time there was pleasure mixed in her voice along with pain.

Once he was fully lodged in again, he repeated the same action. Pulling out reluctantly and pushing back in slowly but eagerly.

Elizabeth's gasps and moans became sweeter with each passing stroke, signaling her pleasure. Her grip on his neck softened, and she joined him in another kiss.

Kevin kept invading her, his movements picking up pace slowly, becoming faster with each thrust and getting stronger with each push.

Finally, Elizabeth tightened around his dick, the pleasure too much for her to bear, letting go of the imminent release.

Her tunnel flooded, with his shaft still inside. She came which was the go signal for Kevin as well.

Feeling as if he had accomplished his mission, he also let go of the pleasure that had been building up in him for a long time, which he was only able to hold back with immense concentration and sheer will.

"Kugh…" Releasing inside her, he also flooded her tunnel, only he was inserting while she was discharging.

A feeling indescribable by words. A pleasure he hadn't felt even in his dreams, which far surpassed the feeling of Elizabeth's hand or mouth.

Giving her the first cream pie of many to come, Kevin didn't stop until he had let out every drop inside her.

"Hot------" Elizabeth gasped when she felt something hot entering the deepest part of her being. She felt as if she was being filled with life.

Kevin felt full of power but also completely spent, slumped on her side, pulling his wet glistening rod out of her snatch.

Elizabeth also breathed raggedly, still processing the feeling of her orgasm and the pleasure brought by Kevin.

Kevin's spunk flowing out of her pussy, mixed with her glistening juices was a beautiful sight. Too bad they were both too spent to observe it.

Elizabeth, still spent, hugged Kevin, putting her head on his arm. She had finally stopped resisting her consciousness, falling asleep.

Kevin also stabilized after some time, in disbelief.

He had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. The stinging pain on his cheek affirmed to him that he was not dreaming.

It was all real. As real as the system messages that were even still appearing in the corner of his vision. Finally, after he had calmed down sometime later, he clicked on them to see what they were.


[You have achieved a great feat]




Let me know what you think about this and whether there should be any changes.

After this is the plot with Samantha but do you think it should be a sneaky relationship from Elizabeth or not?

According to the plot I have already written, it won't be sneaky, from Elizabeth at least.

Don't hesitate to ask any questions and let me know what you think, otherwise, I will go with the intended plot.

Let me know your views.

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