Shower fun

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Chapter 31

Elizabeth woke up in a warm embrace. Opening her eyes sluggishly she found a pair of black eyes looking at her affectionately.

"Good morning." She smiled.

"More like good late evening." He informed her with a smile.

Getting up, she yawned and stretched, creating a very arousing scene, with her whole body naked.

"I hope it isn't dinner time yet. I'm famished." She said, turning to look at him only to find him staring at her with hunger in his eyes.

She giggled in her angelic voice and got on top of him, "You look hungry too." She said in a soft voice, bringing her lips closer to his.

Their lips met in a soft kiss, no tongue involved, and when she let go, Kevin said, "Can you blame me?"

"I can't." She giggled again, "But you will have to starve for a bit more." She said while getting up.

"You okay?" he asked when he saw her having trouble standing straight.

"A little sore. Nothing more." She replied, turning to the bathroom. "Come on, let's take a shower."

"I have no problem with that, but you will be a lot sorer later on." He replied to her invitation.

"We can just find some other way to sate your hunger then. Now come on." She said without turning to him but swaying her hips invitingly.

Unable to resist the temptation, Kevin jumped, still naked, and caught up with her in the bathroom door. He grabbed her ass with both hands, which earned a soft gasp from Elizabeth.

While still cupping and squeezing her ass, he said, "You shouldn't tempt me like that. I could lose control very easily."

His soft husky voice, in her ears, sent shivers through her whole body.

She moaned and replied in a soft inviting tone, "Then you should control yourself better, or else you will have to starve for a long time."

Kevin chuckled and let go of her. They both entered the shower room and Elizabeth turned on the shower, threw a bottle at Kevin, and turned without saying anything, showing him her body from behind.

Kevin, understanding what she wanted, rubbed the liquid soap on his palms and without warning, put them on her shoulders.

She purred in satisfaction and put her hands on the wall in front of her. Kevin moved and he started washing her properly.

From her shoulders to her neck, from her neck to her back, from her back to her hips.

He skipped her ass and instead brought his hands to her arms, deliberately touching a little of her side breasts but nothing more.

Elizabeth again purred, but this time with dissatisfaction. Kevin smiled but still didn't focus on her more sensitive areas, instead he kneeled behind her and started lathering her knees and went down.

Elizabeth, seeing that he was intentionally teasing her, bent down a bit, showing her perfect puckered hole and a little parted pussy lips to him which were a little swollen from the sides.

Kevin was tempted by this scene, but he knew that touching her pussy would not be comfortable for her so instead his gaze went to her beautiful, tiny forbidden hole.

Seeing it, he remembered the skill he had gotten and was tempted to try it out, but he held back. Elizabeth wasn't ready for that yet.

Instead, he did what she wanted and brought his hands slowly upwards, reaching her beautiful creamy thighs, covering them in soap, while squeezing them to his heart's content.

Elizabeth moaned from his touch, feeling a little itch in her nether lips but also a little bit of arousal.

Kevin also saw her lower lips glistening a little but he ignored it. Her moans had a little gasp mixed in them. No doubt she was feeling uncomfortable from her lower lips.

Avoiding her pussy, he applied soap to her front part and brought his hands back to her ass.

Her soft cushion-like ass. He was having a hard time squeezing it with all the soap, but he still felt it for as long as he could.

Elizabeth also shook her hips a bit, showing him how much she liked his touch.

But Kevin's gaze was not at her hips, it was at the sweet tiny hole just above her lovely pussy.

Readying his middle finger, without warning, Kevin traced his finger in her ass crack until it reached its destination.

Elizabeth jumped a bit when she felt where he was touching, but not changing her position she said, "Kevin. Not there."

Kevin, who was about to penetrate her with his finger, stopped. "Sorry." He said and stood up.

Elizabeth turned around, bringing the front to him, and said in a sensual voice while smiling, "Not yet."

Kevin smiled and grabbed her perfect big round breasts, which seemed to defy gravity. They were not as big as Samantha's and he could almost cover them in his hands, but they weren't losing in any way.

"I'll wait then." He replied while focusing on her nipples, pinching them softly.

"Hmmmm…." She moaned again; this time happy as well with Kevin's restraint.

She grabbed his hands when it seemed like he wouldn't be stopping anytime soon. "That's enough. Now my turn."

She said while stepping under the water hose and dragging him along.

Warm water fell on their bodies and the soap that was on Elizabeth's body washed down the drain.

When she was cleaned and Kevin was completely wet, she sat on her knees in front of him and grabbed his raging hard dick which Kevin had kept away from her while washing her.

"Aren't you gonna use the soap?" He asked, enjoying the soft feeling of her hand on his manhood.

"I feel like I won't be needing it to clean this." She said while opening her lips and taking his crown head in her mouth.

Kevin gasped, feeling the warmth of her mouth, which wasn't comparable to her tight pussy but was still packed with pleasure.

Hearing his satisfied gasp, Elizabeth took more of his rod in her mouth, barely reaching the halfway mark.

Kevin's dick was big and fat, making it hard for her to fit all of its width in her tiny mouth and to take it deep.

She compensated for the absence of mouth on the rest of his dick with her soft hands, grabbing the rest of his shaft with her hands from the base.

She started moving backward and forward slowly, her hands and mouth reaching a rhythm of pleasure. Her blowjob was not amazing by any means, but she compensated that part with her enthusiasm.

Along with her charming blue eyes locked with his own, it didn't take a long time for him to reach the edge of the explosion.

"I'm close Liz." He said, still keeping his eyes locked with her while removing the hair covering her face.

He had expected her to stop at his warning but was pleasantly surprised when she accelerated her movements which in turn accelerated his own climax.

Letting go, he came in her mouth, a pleasant feeling which finally made him close his eyes.

Elizabeth on the other hand, greedily swallowed everything that was discharged directly in her mouth, failing spectacularly at doing so.

Some of his seed leaked from the corner of her mouth, falling on her bountiful white globes. She relished the sweet taste of his semen in her mouth and did her utmost to swallow all of it.

A few notifications appeared in Kevin's view, with Elizabeth feeling a power rush at the same time.

[Your partner Elizabeth Green has consumed your semen]

[All stats of her are raised by 10 percent for 24 hours]

"Wow! What's this?" She asked, still on her knees, scooping the semen that had escaped her lips, only to lick them off.

The sight of her doing so delayed the words that were about to come out of his mouth, and his softening dick started to harden again.

"That's an effect of my semen." He said, without going into an explanation.

"Wow. It's the same as my ability." She said while standing up, her expression fascinated.

"Yeah, only it will last for 24 hours." He added to her surprise.

"Really? That's even better than my ability." She said, not bothering to hide her fascination.

"There are limits of course but let's not go into them now." He replied, while grabbing the soap and started washing himself.

Elizabeth nodded and stepped out of the shower, taking a towel while turning to him and saying, "Don't take too long," to which he only hummed and checked the rest of the notifications.

[Elizabeth Green has given you a blowjob]

[You have obtained 120 EXP]

[Elizabeth Green has obtained 80 EXP]

[Level up]


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