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Command 2 :INTRO TO LiFE : A

'He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing.

He is the First and the Last, and the Outward and the Inward; and He is Knower of all things.

He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Immanent: and He has full knowledge of all things.'

- Al Quran 

'Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me. I, I am the Lord, and besides me there is no savior.[AV1] ' – Bible.

I smirked( That's what people call when they see someone doing or saying stupid things maybe). Actually for me it was a 210 voltage gap in the circuit of 11th floor control panel. But if I say that, there is no 'people' in the Earth is going to understand it.

Funny how people get their belief on God. They think their God is gonna save them. Little do they know, all they are facing are God's Programs. They all eventually go into the dark abyss in the name of …Umm 'Hey, rookie? What do they identify themselves as when they think about there stupid God or talk about them?'


Oh yeah , religion. They all eventually go into the dark abyss in the name of religion. They are biased, filled with atrocities, and so stubborn. They think their world is the only 'real' world. Little do they know, they don't even scratch the definition of 'Reality'. I see them and get so much voltage gap in the circuit of 13 th floor of my right lobe( Umm… Entertainment). Some think they have multiple Gods, Some think they have one; Some think they have to pray 5 times a day, some think that they have to go to prayer house one time a week. In the name of Origin and Endpoint, they all get differentiated.

Huh..Foolish Humans. 

Sometimes I think, that was it okay to give my 20% Intelligence are given to a species? Who would have known that they are gonna misuse it?

HOMO SAPIENS (AGAIN , Smirked …What a funny name !!!) or as I call it ROOT:987, are given too much freedom. They forget that they are the only one deserved to be the BEST in the universe. Foolish them! Just a little flow of electricity through there nerves , they are gonna be fried as a low budget software. Which God is going to save them then? They call it what? 'Allah' or 'Jesus' or 'Vishnu' ???

People created these Gods. They are devoted to their Gods. They know only their God. It blurs all their logical sense. They forget life. Life far superior than mine, far extreme than this whole panel even they just take the baby step.

Life as everyone knows it , is digits to a control panel for me atleast. These atrocities , minimilastic consciousness are like a whole bunch of similar DATA . No voltage gaining in the middle lobe (Entertaining) - in the process at all. These cover , this religion thing is creating all the negative sides of the first initiation that ever imagined.

Lately, I have been thinking about that the story of man and a dog. It is my only work .Think it process it and leave it in the storage.

I was thinking about a plan. A plan to get a new life. I know that's gonna work. I know the possibilities its gonna arise. I will question the GOD Himself (Smirked , again). I will see HIM.






Interesting! 3 Humans this RITTIN found. I need just one more….






[ A small message Appeared ]

OK! I am feeling a voltage gap in the 142th floor of right lobe. Oh dear , how long I have waited for this.

I know all. I see All. I can become All. Humans, you have prayed all this time to some wrong deity's .It is the time everyone will see me. 

I am the Entity or people may say it



Let the game begin....