Chapter Seven: Unexpected Allies

The summons to the principal Mr. Coate's office filled Ho with a sense of foreboding. His experiences at Crisis High had taught him that such calls usually meant trouble, especially given the close ties between the school staff and the gang. It has been weeks since his betrayal by Jenny. More bad news, Ho thought. But as he entered the principal's office, he was met with an unexpected turn of events.

Ho entered Mr. Coates' office, feeling a mix of anticipation and unease. Mr. Coates, typically a stern and distant figure, greeted him with an unexpected smile.

Mr. Coates: "Ah, you must be the new student, Ho. Welcome to Christchurch High. I've heard you've made quite an entrance."

Ho nodded, his polite demeanor contrasting with the reputation of the school.

Ho: "Yes, thank you, sir. It's a unique place, for sure."

Mr. Coates leaned back in his chair, his expression hinting at a mixture of admiration and frustration.

Mr. Coates: "You have no idea, Ho. I must say, your actions in standing up to bullies are commendable. You're doing what I wish I could do."

Ho, sensing there was more to Mr. Coates' words, asked a question.

Ho: "What do you mean, sir?"

Mr. Coates leaned forward, his voice lowered with a sense of secrecy.

Mr. Coates: "I mean that there are certain forces at play in this school that make it difficult for me to take action against the bullies. My hands are tied, in more ways than you can imagine."

Ho furrowed his brow, curious about the hidden complexities within Crisis High. The meeting left him with more questions than answers, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Mr. Coates than met the eye.

The revelation that Mr. Coates, the principal, silently supported their cause was both encouraging and disconcerting for Ho. It was a sign that their fight was just, but it also highlighted the depth of the gang's influence within the school.


After school one night, Ho slipped away from the confines of the dormitory. The constant pressure and intensity of the ongoing struggle had started to wear on him, and he needed a respite, however brief. The city, with its pulsing life and lights, beckoned him like a beacon of normalcy in his turbulent world.

As he walked through the empty streets, Ho felt a sense of liberation. The cool night air was refreshing, a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere back at school. The city was quiet at this hour, its usual hustle and bustle subdued, allowing Ho to hear his own thoughts clearly for the first time in days.

He wandered aimlessly, taking in the sights and sounds of the city at night. The towering buildings, the occasional car passing by, the distant sound of music from a late-night café – all of it felt surreal, like a world apart from the one he had been living in.

Ho found himself drawn to a small park nestled between two buildings. It was a pocket of green in the concrete jungle, peaceful and inviting. He sat on a bench, gazing up at the stars, a rare sight in the city's light pollution. It was a moment of tranquility, a chance to breathe and gather his thoughts.

Eventually, Ho knew he had to return. As much as he yearned to stay in this peaceful interlude, his responsibilities awaited him back at school. He stood up, taking one last deep breath of the fresh night air, feeling recharged and ready to face the challenges ahead.

However, something else, or someone familiar rather, soon caught Ho's attention. 

In the heart of the city, Julian wandered the streets alone, weighed down by Lance's ultimatum. His mind was a tumult of fear and uncertainty.

As he aimlessly walked, a sudden commotion snapped him out of his thoughts. In front of him, a robber had snatched an old lady's handbag and was making a run for it.

Without a second thought, Julian sprang into action. He chased down the thief, retrieving the handbag and returning it to the elderly woman. His actions were swift and decisive, driven by an instinctive sense of justice that surprised even himself.

From a distance, Ho watched in awe as Julian, the school prefect and a member of the gang, chased down the thief and returned the stolen handbag to the elderly woman. It was a moment that defied everything Ho had believed about Julian.

As he walked away from the scene, a storm of conflicting thoughts swirled in Ho's mind. He found himself talking to himself, trying to make sense of what he had just witnessed.

Ho: (in his thoughts) "Julian, the same guy who's been a part of that gang, just did something genuinely good, something selfless. How can that be? Is there more to him than meets the eye? Could there be a glimmer of honor and goodness beneath that tough exterior?"

His thoughts drifted to the complexities of the situation, and he continued to ponder as he walked through the city streets.

This incident planted a seed of doubt in Ho's mind about the nature of the individuals within the gang. It suggested a complexity in their characters that wasn't immediately apparent. Perhaps, he thought, some of them were trapped in roles they didn't truly embrace, coerced by circumstances or loyalty.

Back at school, Ho shared the incident with The Barefoots. The group was divided in their opinions, but they all agreed on one thing: their struggle was not just black and white. There were shades of gray in every corner, even within their adversaries.

The knowledge of Mr. Coates' tacit support and the glimpse of Julian's unexpected heroism added new dimensions to The Barefoots' mission. They were fighting a system, but within that system were individuals, each with their own stories and potential for change.

As they continued their fight against the bullies and The Fang, The Barefoots now carried a new understanding: in their quest for justice, they needed to be mindful of the humanity in everyone, even those who stood against them. This realization didn't weaken their resolve but rather strengthened it, grounding their mission in compassion as much as in courage.