Chapter Twelve: True Identities Part 1

The night air was cool and still as Ho met with Julian in a secluded corner of the school grounds. The atmosphere was tense, the weight of secrecy hanging heavily between them. Julian, with a seriousness that betrayed the gravity of the situation, disclosed vital information to Ho – the gang's shipments of The Fang were being smuggled in through the school canteen. He provided Ho with the specific time and location of the next delivery.

Julian: (whispers) They're bringing it into the school through the canteen. There's a shipment coming soon, and it's a big one.

Ho: (concerned) Are you sure about this, Julian?

Julian: (hesitates) Yeah, I'm sure. I've seen it happen. They use the cover of night to smuggle it in, the canteen staff are all involved too.

Ho: (determined) Thanks for telling me, Julian. Let me give it a think how we can tackle this.

Julian: (guilt-ridden) Ho, I know I've done some terrible things, but I can't let them keep ruining this school. You have to stop them.

Armed with this knowledge, Ho decided to confide in Mr. Coates. Ho couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss at Crisis High. He hoped that Mr. Coates would take action against the drug's presence in the school.

Ho: (standing outside Mr. Coates' office, determined) It's time to put an end to this, once and for all.

Ho knocked on the office door, and Mr. Coates invited him in, his usual stern expression in place.

Mr. Coates: (curious) What brings you here, Ho?

Ho: (serious) Mr. Coates, there's something I need to tell you. It's about The Fang.

Mr. Coates: (raising an eyebrow) The Fang? What about it?

Ho: (steadfast) I've learned that it's being smuggled into the school through the canteen, right under our noses.

Mr. Coates: (guarded) Smuggled? That's a serious accusation, Ho. Do you have any proof?

Ho: (determined) I don't have concrete evidence yet, but I've overheard conversations, and there are rumors among the students. I think we need to investigate it together.

Mr. Coates: (hesitant) Investigate? Ho, this is a delicate matter. We must tread carefully.

Ho: (urgently) Mr. Coates, The Fang is hurting our fellow students. It's tearing our school apart. We can't turn a blind eye to it any longer.

Mr. Coates: (pausing, conflicted) Very well, Ho. I'll accompany you to the canteen after hours to investigate. But if we don't find anything, you must promise not to jump to conclusions.

Ho: (grateful) Thank you, Mr. Coates. I promise, we'll only act on concrete evidence.

The school was eerily quiet as they made their way to the canteen under the cover of darkness. Inside, Ho meticulously searched for any sign of the shipments, his senses heightened, his heart racing. But, to his growing frustration and confusion, there was no trace of The Fang or any illicit activity.

As doubt crept into Ho's mind, the sound of footsteps echoed through the empty canteen. Within moments, he found himself encircled by a large group of gang members, their menacing presence a stark contrast to the silent, deserted school.

Mr. Coates, standing beside Ho, suddenly spoke. His voice was different, colder, more commanding. "Your source didn't lie, Ho. But I was always one step ahead of you." With those chilling words, he reached up and removed his face – it was a mask. Beneath it was Lance, the school captain and gang leader.

The revelation hit Ho like a physical blow. The man he had believed to be an ally, the principal of Crisis High, was in fact the mastermind behind the very tyranny they were fighting against. The deception ran deeper than Ho could have imagined.

Surrounded by Lance and his gang members, Ho realized the extent of the trap he had walked into. Lance's eyes gleamed with triumph and malice. "You thought you could outsmart us, dismantle our operation? You're just a kid playing at being a hero," he taunted.

In that moment, Ho understood the true nature of the battle they were fighting. It wasn't just against bullies or a rogue gang; it was against a deeply entrenched system of corruption and power. Lance, as Mr. Coates, had manipulated the dynamics of the school to maintain control, using fear and deception as his tools.

But even in the face of this overwhelming betrayal and danger, Ho's resolve did not waver. He knew that The Barefoots, his friends and allies, were still out there. They were the embodiment of the hope and courage that Lance could never understand or extinguish.

As he stood surrounded, outnumbered, and outmaneuvered, Ho's thoughts went to his next move. It was clear that the fight for Crisis High was far from over, and he would need all his wits and courage to navigate the perilous path ahead. The revelation of Lance's true identity was a setback, but not the end. For Ho and The Barefoots, the struggle for justice and freedom was just entering its most critical phase.


The canteen was a battlefield, the clashing of fists and the shouts of combat echoing off the walls. The Barefoots, having been alerted to the situation, burst into the room with fierce determination, engaging the gang members in a desperate struggle. Their arrival was a glimmer of hope in the dire situation, evening the odds that were heavily stacked against Ho.

In the midst of the chaos, Ho and Lance faced off in a one-on-one combat. Lance, shedding his disguise as Mr. Coates, revealed himself to be not just a cunning strategist but also a skilled fighter. The duel was intense, each blow carrying the weight of their conflicting ideals. Lance, with his superior experience and ruthless tactics, gradually gained the upper hand, beating Ho down with a series of punishing strikes.

Lance mocks Ho about his unique barefoot fighting style.

Lance: You have an interesting way of doing things, Ho. Barefoot, huh?

Ho: [Confident] It's called the Barefoot Style. It's about feeling connected to the ground, being agile, and using the body's natural strength.

Lance: [Smirking] Natural strength, you say? You Barefoots have some strange beliefs.

Ho: [Defiant] It's not just about belief; it's about adaptability. I can fight in any environment, with or without shoes.

Lance: [Curious] Tell me, Ho, what made you choose this style?

Ho: [Reflective] I believe in connecting with the earth's natural energy. It's about being one with the surroundings and using them to your advantage.

Lance: [Pauses] What mystic nonsense! I have The Fang on my side, giving me unparalleled strength.

Ho: [Determined] We'll see about that, Lance. It's not just about the style; it's about the person using it. I fight for justice, and that's a power you can't match.

Ho, though battered and weakened, refused to yield. His resolve, fueled by the cause he fought for, kept him standing against Lance's relentless onslaught. However, it was clear that Ho was at a disadvantage, his strength waning with every passing moment.