THE MODEL—Avianna Violet


"Let us all welcome, Avianna Violet!!"

Hearing those words from the emcee, I stared walking along the red carpet with some models behind me wearing a red fitted dress.

It's the time of the month again where I participated a lot of pageants and fashion show.

A bunch of paparazzi, fans, and camera landed in my face. The clicking and the flashing of the cameras, were music to my ears.

Wearing my maroon gloves, red fitted dress, and my dark boots, became the sign of the presence of Avianna Violet. Yes it's me.

I am the most popular model in the country and other countries. Having an expensive brand is my character this week. When you see Maroon designs, that's mine.

After taking a bunch of selfies and photos from the fans, I stopped in the middle of the floor carpet to pose. My long wavy hair is on the loose, my white long chubby legs are visible because of the slits, my silver accessories and a diamond pendant hanging on my neck also gave the vibe of my today's character.

Smiling at the crowd, waving at every people who greets me, is my job today. Fucking frustrating and tiring, but today's character is not on the computer.

Hearing the crowd chanting and shouting my name, made me feel like this is my dream.

After some interactions from the famous celebrities, I finally sat down to an elegant chair with my co-models circled on a one table.

"She is elegant, she is beautiful, she owns the MarronS clothing and accessory lines. Guess who is she? — Avianna Violet, winning the best Model of the year!"

The crowd started screaming again, and that's where I stood up and walked to the biggest stage to receive my trophy and rewards.

As I was walking to infront, a familiar face suddenly came across my sight. Liam. I stared at him before taking the microphone from the emcee.

"It is a privilege to attend the International Fashion Awarding today. It is an honor to represent my mother's clothing company that she turned over to me. Here, is the sign that I've done everything great this year—and this won't happen without showing your strong support for me. Thank you."

A frown suddenly plastered on my face after seeing someone after a fucking decade and two in my life!

It was Liam, yes it's him. Holding a wine and looking manly with his black tux. He even looked more hot while he fixed his black neck tie.

What is he doing here? After that 8 years when he never show off, he's here again? Not a model, not a designer, and he don't even belong in this industry. Why is his face fucking showing off again?

I sat back down on my table waiting for this whole shit to end. His presence is bothering me, a lot! Was I supposed to be happy because of what I had received recently? Oh no, nevermind!


"Thank you ladies and gentlemen for attending our awarding ceremony for this years International Fashion Awarding! You may now enjoy the party"

"Ugh, finally!" I muttered. Finally this whole shit ended!

I got up and got my bag from the table before taking a glass of wine from the waiter when suddenly a tall man in a black tux blocked the way!

I looked up, and yes it's Liam. Again.

I quickly gave him a fake smile before raising my wine for a toast. I just thought for a second that I might get away with this whole shit. He raised his glass and we both took a sip on our wine.

A flashback then came across my mind. We were collage students back then, enjoying our lives with our friends. Drinking alcoholic drinks with my fellow mates, dancing all over the floor, and eating everything on a restaurant.

"You look great." I came back to my senses hearing his words. Of course I look great!

"Thanks." I gave him a slight smile again before sipping some of my wine again. "Ano palang ginagawa mo dito? You're supposed to be on the hospital, healing someone."

"I was invited. By the way, congratulations."

"Yeah, I need to go. Have a great night!" I quickly left before he could say anything but he held my wrist tight, stopping me.

"No, let's talk." His deep voice tingled into my ears making me feel scared. I haven't seen this guy in years! I don't know if he's a bad guy or not!

"Let go of me!" Agad kong binawi ang kamay ko ngunit ayaw n'ya itong bitawan. I gave him an angry look, finally he sighed and he let go.

"I'm sorry for leaving you behind and not being in touch with you, Avi. But I am here now, admiring you from afar. I still love you." His face turned from light to dark, he's like begging me to be with him again.

"It's been years Liam. I'm living my own life now, please just . . . stop admiring me." A frowny face plastered in my whole intire character as I was pushing him away.

After all those years, he left me without a mark, he left me without even letting me know. He's a jerk and he will always be.

"But Avi I love you. You're the one who told me not to stop loving any—"

"I loved you. But that was before, and that before will never be today."

I stopped him. It's pointless. I need to go back home.

"Avi, please. I will never leave you again." His voice were full of pleading, his looks were just calm, but the eyes never lie.

"You left me already. I'm done, Liam. I'm sorry." Saying that, I left.

I loved him. But all he does was pushing me away. After all those years in our first year as highschool, we were together. But leaving me behind, was unforgivable. Now, he'll regret everything he has done.


After everything, that exhausting conversation of me and Liam, was finally fucking done. I hope he could see how disgusted I am to see him infront of me again.

I got inside the limousine and finally rested my head on the backrest pillow on the car.

You look great.

No, let's talk.

But Avi, I love you.

Words of Liam came cross to my mind again. Does he really feel the same way that he feel before? My mind suddenly flashed back the memory of Liam and I on his last day with me.


"Hey! You're such an ugly fellow!" I shouted while panting while running. We went to the creek to get some fresh air. We just got home from class and were sent home early.

"Speed up! You're so slow, Avi!" He shouted back while sitting on the edge of the creek and playing with the water.

I gasped and sat beside him, still panting. He threw a stone into the water, I didn't understand why he did that.

"What are you doing?" I asked while watching him close his eyes and look up at the sky.

"Shh." He continued while I lay down on the grass because of exhaustion.

"Did you know, when you throw a stone in the stream and then look up at the sky while thinking about your wish, it will come true!!" After a few seconds of closing his eyes, he suddenly spoke.

"Daddy said that's not true. Only crazy persons would believe that." That's what I learned from dad. He tells me that when you make a wish, it won't come true.

"Your daddy is terrible. But tomorrow I won't be able to go to school because I'm going to buy new notebooks. My things are already broken." He said while smiling, looking at me.

I just nodded while resting completely. He didn't come in after that, but I knew he would come back in the afternoon and show off his new beautiful notebooks.

That afternoon passed, he still wasn't there when I knocked on their house.

I waited for hours, but hours turned into days, and days turned into months, and months turned into 12 years.

I grew up expecting him to come back then. But he never did. He didn't even show up for a single day during those times.

Now he's begging me to come back on his arms to love him again. But I just can't.

I'm sorry, but the Avianna that you know, has turned into a monster you'll regret loving.

Back to the duty of SavxX again.