Don't Touch Her

"Please! Stop! Please!" She begged, her eyes becoming glassy.

"I'm sorry... but I can't control myself anymore... Just a kiss, and I'll let you go." he said, and Carly gulped. How is she going to allow the guy she hates so much to kiss her? What's more? He's going to take her first kiss. They were both still staring at each other when a knock came from the door.

"Carly... Are you in there?" came Kylan's voice from outside. Reed shut his eyes and dropped Carly from the table, giving her one last look before turning to the door. He unlocked it and walked out, totally ignoring Kylan.

Kylan raised his eyebrows when he saw Carly walking out in slow motion, her face down. He rushed to her.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern. Carly only nodded, still not looking up... She was clearly preventing him from seeing the hickeys.

"You sure?" Kylan asked again as they both stepped out. Reed and his friends were already taking their shots, and surprisingly, he didn't look at her one bit. He was so focused.

"Are you okay, my dear?" Amanda asked when she noticed Carly's face.

"I'm... fine." Carly replied simply.

"Your face says otherwise..." Amanda turned to Kylan. "I think you should both head home, she needs some rest -"

"No ma'am! I'm really fine!" Carly tried to protest, but Amanda held her head.

"You have classes tomorrow, so you need time for yourself too, it's been a lot of help you being here... I really appreciate it, you should come to our house with Kylan whenever you're bored... You're always welcome!" Amanda smiled, and Carly blinked. If only her mom were half as nice to her.

"Thanks, ma'am!" She bowed politely. Amanda smiled and cupped her cheeks. They then left afterward.

"Aren't those enough?" Reed immediately groaned tiredly.

"Just a little more, Reed!" The photographer said, but Reed left his spot, ready to leave.

"Dude!" Alex went after him. Amanda blocked his way.

"He just said a little more, just endure and let him take it, huh!" She said, her voice pleading.

"I've got to be somewhere; you should rest too, aunt! We can always continue next Sunday... When I'm tired, the picture comes out ugly... Just let me go." He tapped her shoulder and smiled before walking out.

"That brat!" Amanda shook her head and smiled. Even though Reed and Kylan never get along, he's closer to Amanda more than Lauren.

"Reed, wait!" Alex went after him. Reed was already in his car when Alex got outside; he quickly got in before he would drive off.

"What did you do to her?" Alex asked, and Reed looked at him... "Huh?"

"The newbie girl, I clearly heard her voice when you're both in the dressing room!" Alex chuckled.

"Nothing." Reed rolled his eyes. "What do you mean nothing?"

"I tried to kiss her forcefully, but she didn't agree..." "Wait a minute... Did you just say kiss? Bro, are you serious? You finally feel like using those lips after years!" Alex burst into laughter.

"It's not funny... I'm really mad right now," Reed frowned.

"What the f_ck! Too funny! The Reed I knew for years will never kiss a girl... Why her?" Alex said, still laughing hard. Reed went mute. Honestly, he didn't know too... Why is he feeling these strange urges?

"Just get off my car! You're not helping my situation, punk!" Reed groaned.  "Where are you heading?"

"The clubhouse; maybe I'll feel less stressed after f_cking a h_le." Reed replied.

"Me too; I'll come back for my car... Who knows, I can get a staff here to sneak in when mom is not watching!" Alex smirked proudly.

"F_*ker!!!" Reed shook his head before driving off.


Kylan kept exchanging glances with Carly as he drove her back. She hadn't said a word since they left the company, and he couldn't help but wonder why.

"You sure you're okay?" He turned to her swiftly. Carly gave a nod, and he looked at her again, his eyes spotting the hickeys on her neck. The lipstick lasted for 24 hours, so it was still there.

"Reed did that, right?" He suddenly said.

Carly looked at him, pretending not to understand what he said. "He... he..." Carly stuttered.

"He clearly did it! What else did he do? Tell me..." Kylan said, his voice clearly showing anger and jealousy.

"He only tried to kiss me... but he didn't get to, I didn't allow him!" Carly quickly said.

"It's okay! Aren't you hungry?!" He said, changing the topic.

"I'll just eat when I get home..." Carly replied. "I insist; you should have something!" Kylan insisted.

"I'll really be okay -" Her stomach suddenly rumbled, and Kylan chuckled. Carly bit her lips in embarrassment.

"I don't think you can hold it before we get to a nearby restaurant... Let's just get snacks at a convenience store first!" He said, and she nodded, avoiding his face.

Soon, they got to a convenience store, and she insisted on coming with him. As soon as they got in, she excused herself, saying she needed to use the restroom, while he went for the snacks.

Carly left his side, her eyes searching the store for self-defense products. She finally spotted it after searching for a long time, walking towards it.

She located a pepper spray on the first rack and quickly grabbed it, she took more than five and secretly paid for it without Kylan knowing.

Carly got back and met Kylan already waiting for her. He handed her the shopping bag, and Carly checked it. It contained popsicles, chocolate chips, and some marshmallows.

"Thank you!" She smiled, and Kylan nodded, stroking her hair. They both entered the car and left the place.



Leah and Freddie were curled up on the couch, watching a romantic movie.

"Why is she suddenly became ugly when she's pregnant? Fuck!" Leah said, staring at the female lead in the movie.

"Seriously?" Freddie chuckled, and she turned to him.

"Of course! She was so pretty when they got married... How come she looks like an old granny now? If that's how I'm going to look when I get pregnant, then I would rather not get pregnant!" She said, pretending to have caught a goosebump on her hand.

"So, we won't have a child after getting married?"

"We can just adopt!" Leah shook her head.

"Geez! You're so funny!" Freddie chuckled and held her waist firmly, and Leah hugged her hands around his neck.

"I want to continue looking pretty for you," She pouted.

"You're always pretty in my eyes, no matter what..." Freddie kissed her shortly, and she blushed.

"Guess the flavor." Leah suddenly said. "What flavor?"

"The lip gloss flavor on my lips!" She touched her lips.

"I didn't get to taste it... Gimme a kiss first!" Freddie pulled her closer, and they kissed again, more passionately than the first.


"Green Apple!" He replied, still sucking the flavor on his own lips.

"You got that right!" Leah smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Should we play a game?" She added.

"Maybe later... I'm really hungry... Let's eat out!" He tried to stand up, but she didn't let him go. "Babe..."

"You can't stand with me in your arms... Are you saying I'm heavy?" She frowned.

Freddie stood, and she curled her legs around his waist; she's skinny anyway.

"Happy?" He said, and she nodded.

"I don't want to eat out... Let's make lunch together." She suggested.

"Fine!!!" He headed to the kitchen and dropped her on the table, he then turned on the cooker, and she watched.



Lavender walked into the house and looked around, making sure no one was in sight as she started descending the stairs.

"Lavender!" Came Mr. DiCaprio's husky voice, and Lavender froze at once. She turned to him.

"Where are you coming from? This late?" He asked with a blank look on his face. "I hung out with my friends." Lavender replied.

"This late... You've started being a nuisance like your mother... huh?" Mr. DiCaprio half-yelled.

"I'm not being a nuisance, Dad, and stop making my mom look bad in front of me anymore; we both know you're the one who cheated on her when she was still alive..." Lavender replied boldly.

"Shut the hell up! How dare you talk back to me?" He snapped angrily.

"You should worry more about your illegitimate daughter; I'm sure you'll become a grandpa soon... She took after you anyway." Lavender said and walked away.

"How dare you?! Lavender! Lavender!!" He shouted after her, but she didn't wait. Lavender quickly locked the door when she got to her room and leaned on it, taking a deep breath before crawling up to her bed. She lay down, staring at space. Her phone suddenly buzzed.

It's a text from Jasper. "I'M REALLY SORRY FOR STANDING YOU UP, LET'S JUST DO IT IN SCHOOL, HUH? HOW ABOUT TOMORROW?" She read and smiled lightly.

"SURE, I'LL INFORM YOU AFTER CLASS ENDED." She replied and placed the phone on her bedstand, then closed her eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.



Carly hurried down the hallways of her school, glancing around furtively. She was trying to avoid Reed, who she knew would be lurking somewhere nearby.

As she turned the corners, she realized how much she's already late for class. That's what she got for staying up late. The halls were empty, and she was the only one walking to class.

She quickened her pace, hoping to make it to class before it ended. But then she heard a voice behind her.

"Carly!!" Her heart skipped a beat, knowing fully who it is. She turned as he began to walk towards her.

Carly tried to scream, but her voice was caught in her throat. She felt his hand grip her arm, and he pulled her into an empty corner. Panic rose within her, and she struggled to break free.

Meanwhile, Michelle was passing by and saw Reed grabbing Carly. She folded her fist, walking slowly towards them.

"Let me go! I don't want trouble!" Carly muttered, slowly dipping her hands inside her bag.

"I only want to apologize for—" Reed was interrupted by a sudden spray of liquid in his eyes. The pepper spray stung, and he stumbled back, grasping at his face. Carly's eyes widened. She rushed to him.

"Hey, are you—"

"What is going on here?" Michelle's voice sounded from behind.

"I'm asking a question, bitch!!?" She shouted at Reed, her eyes blazing with fury. Carly moved back and quickly hid the spray behind her back, shrinking backward, but Michelle's eyes caught it.

"What did you do to him?" Michelle marched over to Carly and snatched the pepper spray out of her hand. Then, before Carly could say anything, Michelle slapped her hard across the face, and her lips burst as a result.

Carly gasped, her hand flying to her cheek. She could feel the sting of the slap. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she choked back a sob. Reed stood up immediately, his rage exploding.

He lunged at Michelle, grabbing her by the shoulders and pinning her to the wall.

The pepper spray didn't get into his eyes too much, but it stings so much, but that's nothing compared to the anger he's feeling towards Michelle right now.

"How dare you fucking lay your filthy hands on her?!!" He snarled, his eyes blazing with anger.

"But she... hurt... you..." Michelle stuttered, unable to believe her eyes. "And how does that become your fucking business? How dare you slap her?" He growled, hardening his hands on her.

"You're hurting me, Reed!" Michelle snapped, trying to break free.

"Do I look like I care? Don't you ever lay your hands on her!! Even a strand of her hair! I really hate it when she cries!" Reed snapped back.

"What?!" Michelle's eyes widened even more.