
Reed sat on a bench outside the building, the music from the karaoke lounge drifting out to him. He lit a cigarette and took a long drag, staring out into the night.

The door to the lounge opened, and Michelle stepped out,she spotted Reed on the bench and walked over to him.

"Are you all right?" she asked.

Reed looked up at her, his expression unreadable. "I'm fine!" he said, his voice flat. "I just needed some fresh air."

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier," Michelle said,sitting next to him.

"What do you want?" Reed inquired,his voice cold this time.

"You!" Michelle replied and Reed scoffed.

"Too late"

"Don't you feel sick having been able to f*ck like you use to before cos of that girl?" Michelle suddenly said.

"What do you mean?"

As Michelle made to speak, she caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned to see Carly, standing by the door, clearly listening to their conversation.

"I'm talking about Carly! Since she appear,you stop f*cking.. Don't tell me you're in love with her?" Michelle said with th a mischievous smirk.

"In love? Do I even know what that means? You know better than anyone I don't know what that word means! I'm not even ready to devote my life to only one girl" Reed scowled, obviously drunk.

"Oh, and by the way, we have an eavesdropper" she added, gesturing to the doorway.

Carly's eyes widened and she flushed red. "I... I was just..." She saw Reed staring back and immediately rushed back in.


She suddenly bumped into Kylan.

"Take me out of here,please!" She said in tears and Kylan's eyes widened.

"Are you okay?" He asked but she didn't gave a response.

"Did something happen?" He asked again.


Carly shooked her head.

"But why are you---" He was cut short when she suddenly hugged him.

"Just take me home, please" She mumbled.


Mona was in the living room when Carly came in,she's watching her favorite TV show.

"Baby!" She smiled.

"Hi" Carl waved sullenly, and Mona stood.

"What's up? Are you ok? What's with the sad face?" She ask at once.

"I'm fine mummy" she replied slowly, and Mona walked to her.

She felt her temperature but it's normal.

"Is it because of the rain! You shouldn't have stay at the party late.. Now you're cold" Mona said worriedly.

"Mum, I'm fine... The rain has not even start when I left there.. I just needed a little rest" She replied and left for her room.

"Is she okay?" Mona questioned no one in particular,she sat back and resumed what she's doing.

Carly got to her room and immediately slumped on her bed,grabbing the pillow,she hugged it tight as if she was picturing it to be someone.

"Why was I even mad? He is a playboy so what did i expect..He can't be satisfied kissing only me" She bit her lips as she recalled the conversation he had with Michelle.

Her anger even grew more and more.

"That jerk,why is he making me feel this way? What's wrong with you Carly?"

Her phone suddenly buzzed. It's a text from Kylan.

She sat up and open the message box.

KYLAN: Are you feeling good now?

She must have worried him with the way she acted earlier,she sighed before texting a reply.

CARLY: I'm doing great,thank you!

Carly stared at her phone, waiting for a response from Kylan. She sighed when no reply came, and set the phone down on her bed stand.

She decided to take a shower, hoping it would help clear her head. She turned on the hot water, letting it steam up the bathroom, and stepped under the spray. The warm water soothed her tense muscles and she began to feel a bit better.

As she stepped out of the shower, she heard a rumbling in the distance.

"Guess the rain started already!" She muttered as she toweled off and slipped into her pajamas, her phone buzzed on the counter. She picked it up, seeing a text message from Reed.


"I'm not coming out there,You should leave!" Carly texted back.

A few minutes passed and her phone buzzed again. "I'm not leaving until we talk," the message read.

Carly bit her lip, weighing her options. She didn't want to go out in the rain, but she was starting to feel bad for leaving him out there.

She threw on a coat over her pajamas, and raced outside, phone in hand. The rain was coming down in sheets, but she barely noticed as she hurried to meet Reed.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw him standing in the middle of the lawn, soaking wet. He was drenched from head to toe.

He had a small smile on his face when he saw her, and she felt a twinge of guilt at leaving him out there. She hurried towards him, holding the umbrella over his head.

"Thank you," he said, looking up at her.

"I know I shouldn't have asked you to come out here, but it's important to me that we talk"

"You'll get cold, Let's get away from here" she said, tugging at his arm. But he remained rooted to the spot, determined to stay out in the rain.

"I won't take long, I promise," he said, his voice insistent. "Just hear me out, please."

Carly sighed, realizing he wasn't going to budge. "Fine, I'll listen. But at least stand under the umbrella with me."

He stepped closer to her, allowing the umbrella to cover both of them.

"What you heard earlier isn't true-"

"Why are you telling me this?" She asked with an eye roll.

"I never thought I would believe in love," he began.

"But ever since I met you, everything has changed. You're constantly on my mind, and I can't seem to shake the feeling that you're meant for me. Every time I look at you, my heart skips a beat. You're more beautiful than any sunset, and I'm so lucky to have met you. I know we haven't known each other for long, but I feel like I've known you my whole life. I want to spend every moment with you"

"I can't imagine a world without you in it," he continued.

"Every day I wake up, I'm grateful that I get to see your smile, hear your laugh, and feel your touch. When you're with me, I feel the time stopped. When you're not with me, I feel like a part of me is missing. I know this may seem sudden, but I can't keep it to myself any longer,I'm completely hooked on your love.. I love you Carly"