Strange conditions

Kayle was stunned when he saw several people appear in front of him. The children immediately surrounded Kayle, their leader was the skinny boy who cried earlier when he hit his desk. Even though he saw several children surround him, Kayle was not afraid, because he had an adult mentality, he felt that hitting them would be embarrassing for him.

Imagine an adult hitting a child, wouldn't he be considered a weak person, because he oppressed a child?

Kayle forgot that he had a child's body now, ignoring them he tried to pass them. When he tried to break through, suddenly a punch hit his face, it immediately made him wince in pain.

After the first punch, the other children joined in beating him. When the fight happened, someone pulled his clothes and someone pulled his hair.

Maybe because his body was still a child, so when several children beat him, it was difficult for him to fight back.

That's when Kayle realized that even though his mentality was adult, his body was still a child, because he realized it was difficult to fight them, he could only protect his head, and then look for a chance to fight back.

Seeing how these children beat him, Kayle sighed in his heart because after all, children were not great at fighting. Seeing a gap, Kayle immediately punched the child who had pulled his hair before.

When his fist hit the child's face, Kayle felt like something woke up in his body, after the punch hit his face he immediately backed away. Seeing him retreat, Kayle immediately punched the other children.

At first, Kayle didn't want to beat them badly, but somehow his body didn't want to stop even though his brain refused, his body still moved on its own.

Feeling that he couldn't control his body, he kept struggling hard to control his body. Until he didn't know how long time passed when he came to his senses.

Around him was covered in blood, the children who had beaten him before were now lying unconscious in blood.

He tried to find out where the blood came from until he found the source of the blood was their mouths, walking over to one of the children lying down and looking at him.

Seeing him, he was immediately horrified, how not, he saw his mouth seemed to have been torn roughly. Seeing this, he immediately vomited and fainted on the spot.

Time passed, Kayle who was lying in the hospital slowly opened his eyes. When his eyes opened, his mother who was waiting next to him immediately hugged him while crying sobbingly, seeing his mother crying he didn't know how to comfort her. So he could only be silent waiting for his mother to finish crying.

Stop crying, his mother immediately spoke "honey, do you want to eat something?" Maybe because he had been lying in the hospital for a long time, he was hungry, so when his mother asked if he wanted to eat, he immediately nodded.

His mother immediately went to get food, not long waiting his mother came back with a food, while eating he asked his mother what happened.

His mother patiently explained that the school suspected that there was a stranger who entered the school and beat the children. Hearing that, he immediately asked how the other children were.

Hearing his question, his mother put on a sad face and said that besides him, the rest suffered severe trauma and became mentally ill. Hearing that, Kayle didn't know whether to be sad or happy. As he was talking to his mother, suddenly someone knocked on the door. His mother immediately got up and opened it.

Seeing who came, Kayle's mother immediately put on a friendly face, because the person who came to visit him was a policeman.

The policeman said a few words to his mother and slowly came to him. "Son, how is your body condition?"

"I'm fine"

Hearing Kayle answer, some policemen looked at each other and nodded.

"Son, can you tell us what happened to you at school?"

Of course, Kayle would not tell the real incident, he slowly made up a story full of sadness

"At first we six were discussing what we wanted to play, suddenly an unknown person came in and immediately hit us."

Kayle told his story with full of sadness and even cried while snorting.

Seeing how Kayle cried, the police immediately believed, because they thought it was impossible for a child to lie.

The policeman whose hand was used to clean the snot immediately pulled his hand and said: "Okay, son, I hope you get well soon"

And immediately walked out quickly with several other policemen following him.

Seeing the police leave, his mother sat down next to him and started talking, even though his mother was talking he didn't listen to her.

He thought about what happened to him at that time, besides thinking about his strange condition, he also thought about the tragic condition of the child he had beaten, and felt that his strange condition seemed to increase his strength significantly.

Because it was impossible to exert such a large amount of power with his current body. And he also thought about how to control that power, so as not to hurt others unintentionally.

Time passed and he was able to leave the hospital, the reason why he was treated for a long time was because the bruises on his body were very many, even his one eye was swollen so it was difficult to see.

Leaving the hospital, the first thing he wanted to do was experiment. He felt his future was bright if he could control that power. With full of hope, Rey slowly walked out of the hospital with his mother.