Three thugs

Kyle slowly walked into a dark alley with a steady stride, it didn't take him long to get to the direction of the cry for help.

And what he saw certainly didn't surprise him, as things like this happened often, in the area where he worked.

This time he saw three adults and a girl. The three men seemed to be trying to rape the young girl, 2 of them were holding her hands and one had already taken off his pants and left only his underwear.

"Hehehe, don't be afraid uncle will make you feel heaven on earth"

Hearing the man's words, the girl struggled to break free from the 2 men holding her.

"Uncle please let me go, I'll give you money"

"No, I don't need money, I need your body"

Hearing this the girl was a little desperate, when desperate she felt a hand squeezing her breasts, seeing a hand squeezing her private breasts, the girl immediately cried loudly and said:

"Huuuu, huuuu, I'm no longer pure, I won't be able to get married".

Hearing her words, the three men looked at each other and nodded, then immediately said excitedly.

"Treasure, this is a treasure, in this day and age finding a girl who is still pure is very difficult."

"Yes, even if I spend the rest of my life in prison it doesn't matter as long as I can enjoy a beautiful and pure girl." The second man continued, hearing his friend's words the third man expressed his agreement by nodding, the third man squeezed the girl's melon, increasing the strength of his grip. Because he was so excited.

Hearing the words of the three men the girl was desperate and continued to scream while crying, seeing the pathetic state of the girl the man who was only wearing panties at that time could not resist his lust and tried to grab the girl's legs, when he managed to grab one of the girl's legs suddenly a kick from behind appeared and hit him directly in the crotch.

Like being struck by lightning, the man immediately screamed and collapsed with his mouth foaming. Seeing his friend fall, the two men who were holding the girl, immediately looked at the culprit.

They saw that Kyle was standing casually, with his hands in his pockets and a cigarette in his mouth. Seeing Kyle's very relaxed appearance, one of the men immediately stood up and said:

"Who are you? How dare you disturb us, do you know what will happen if you disturb our business? Now I'm giving you a chance, you better leave or else- ahhh my eyes."

Before the thug could finish his sentence, Kyle lit his cigarette into the man's eyes.

"You know men threatening me never ends well," Kyle said with a cold face.

Seeing his two friends who fell easily, the third man let go of his hand that was holding the melon and stood up, after standing up he walked towards Kyle while rubbing his palms together.

With a sly smile he said "Sir, would you like to be the first to enjoy this girl's body?"

Hearing the man's words Kyle paused, and slowly raised one of his palms high.

"If you want to have the girl's body, you can take it, if you get tired of playing, you can give it to us-Plak (slapping sound)"

Before the man could finish what he wanted to say, a hard slap hit him in the face, and instantly knocked out almost all of his teeth.

Hit by the slap, the man's head hit the ground, of course after being hit hard the man was immediately unconscious with his mouth bleeding.

Seeing how his friend was beaten, the man who had a cigarette in his eye immediately wet his pants with a face full of fear.

Of course Kyle wouldn't let go, he walked casually towards the man, seeing Kyle walking towards him the man slapped himself hard a few times, then fainted.

Seeing the man fainted he immediately thought 'are you that scary?" throwing away thoughts he slowly headed towards the poor girl.

Her current condition was miserable with some dirt stuck to her clothes and her pretty doll-like face was full of dried tears, with a slight swelling in her eye bags. Currently the girl was looking at Kyle with alertness and fear visible in her eyes.

Seeing how the girl was looking at him, Kyle didn't care and slowly took off the bear fur coat he was wearing, and put it on to cover his body.

Seeing how Kyle was wearing the coat, the girl immediately hugged Kyle's body, and soon let go of the burden she felt and started crying loudly. While hugging Kyle like a koala.

Seeing this, Kyle did not try to separate her, because he thought that sometimes crying was a good thing mentally.

After crying in his arms the girl fell asleep, looking at the girl who fell asleep in his arms, he finally realized that the girl was very beautiful, like a fairy in a fairy tale, delicate eyes, silky black hair, cherry-colored lips, and a doll-like face. However, her body was short, about 155+ cm. Despite being short, her melons were more developed than a child her age.

Looking at her face more closely, he slowly sniffed her body odor, and he was immediately shocked! Because the smell is very fragrant, although a virgin has a good smell, but the fragrance cannot be compared to the girl in his arms.

If compared, it might be like clouds and mud. Although Kyle was surprised, his face remained calm. Suppressing his chaotic thoughts, he slowly walked out of the alley while carrying the girl like a princess.

Walking on the street some women were envious of the woman he was carrying, how could they not, at that time Kyle was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt, with prominent muscles, and most importantly Kyle's face, if young people are called handsome, then he is called masculine with mature charm and charisma, with a firm jaw, and hunting eyes.

Walking slowly with the girl in his arms. The girl in his arms is wrapped in the coat he wore earlier, right now the girl is smiling in her sleep, it seems she is having a beautiful dream. Kyle thought.

Sighing, he slowly walked to the street to wait for a taxi.